Meet Kat Harrison

We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Kat Harrison. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Kat below.

Kat, we are so happy that our community is going to have a chance to learn more about you, your story and hopefully even take in some of the lessons you’ve learned along the way. Let’s start with self-care – what do you do for self-care and has it had any impact on your effectiveness?

I personally believe self-care is the most important part of being alive. Most of us (especially women) fall into the trap of believing everyone else comes before ourselves. I’m not sure where this belief came from or how it invaded our species so dominantly, but it is a plague that can wreck our lives if we let it. I have spent the better part of my life people-pleasing and putting on a happy face for the sake of making others feel wanted or comfortable. I would go out of my way to make sure everyone in my life was happy more times than I can count. This is how I fell into having Adrenal Fatigue, a sometimes life-threatening diagnosis. But with my determination and drive, I knew it wasn’t going to take hold of my life. I knew I needed to make changes, and I did.
I share this with you because the awareness of lack of self-care needs to be addressed first. We need to know and understand how much it can impact our lives. Sometimes even in the most subtle ways we don’t realize initially. Lack of self-care can cause Immune System disruptions, Nervous System imbalances, and a very long list of diseases that could very well take away our freedom in life. To be able to be efficient in our self-care, we must first recognize where we are letting ourselves down.
First and foremost for me is the environments I keep myself in and the people I surround myself with. Before my diagnosis, I was surrounding myself with toxic and abusive family and friends because I felt too guilty at the time to let them go. We also have a toxic belief that because people are our friends and family, we must endure their abuse, and this could be life-threatening in itself. We are constantly exchanging energy and information with each other, and the saying, “We are the company we keep” is much deeper than we realize. There are studies that have been done that show a low vibrational person or high vibrational person can change the energy in an entire room of people. You know what that’s like… We’ve all been in situations where we’ve been completely fine and someone enters the room yelling and throwing their fists around… What does this do to your body? It makes you lock up, become hyper-focused on your environment, and your way into safety and out of the threat. When we surround ourselves with people who gaslight us, make us feel shameful or guilty about ourselves, or simply don’t care about getting to know us, our body recognizes it as a threat. Our Nervous System goes on high alert, and cortisol starts to pump through our body. We stay in this state until the threat is gone. Imagine what decades with an abusive family member does to our system. Their company (or lack thereof) is not worth our life. This is my first recommendation for self-care. Eliminating the bad apples. Once I started weeding through my family and friends group and only allowed people into my life who loved and respected me, my entire life changed. My Nervous System was able to calm down, and I began to focus on the things that brought me joy instead of misery. I let go of the illusion that people would change, I accepted them for where they were, and I released them from my life. Not out of hate or revenge for them, but out of love for myself.
Another top act of self-care for me is alone time. This is SO important I feel. Being alone, away from all other energy around us gives us a chance to decompress and have time in silence and solitude. When I spend time alone, I always make sure I’m doing something that fuels my energy instead of depleting it (like mindless scrolling for hours). I take this time for quiet contemplation either in meditation, creating art, or writing. Watching a movie alone is great, and I’m in total support of that, but oftentimes we become so distracted by outside stimuli that we aren’t able to notice what’s happening inside of our bodies. Technology can be a huge blessing at times, but it can also be the biggest drain on our energy. Taking that time to be off of our devices gives our energetic field a chance to stabilize and clear itself, which is critical if we are to stay healthy.
I can’t talk about self-care without bringing up massages, pedicures, and all the other body services we receive for relaxation. Some women joke about needing a massage or pedicure, and most men will roll their eyes at the mention of them, but truthfully, these things are also essential for our health. Not just for women, but for men too. Lactic acid builds up in our body constantly from stress and unaligned body movements and posture, creating tight muscles that are crying out for release. Getting regular massages can loosen your muscles and allow proper energy flow throughout the body, lessening the chance of disease. For me, a monthly massage is a priority appointment that I never skip. While pedicures can give us fashion-forward pops of color, it can also release a massive amount of stagnant energy. Our feet hold an unbelievable amount of energy, and because we are walking around on rubber soles instead of bare feet, we are interfering with our connection to the Earth, oftentimes leaving us feeling very ungrounded and fatigued. Moving that energy out of your feet could change your entire perspective on life in one appointment. Seriously.
Taking care of our energy should be the most important priority item on everyone’s list of to-dos. If we do not take care of our energy, our physical and emotional bodies will become depleted, leading to illness and even death. The Eastern side of the world has known this for thousands of years, and we here on the Western side of the world have been hypnotized into thinking our physical reality comes first. This is the biggest lie we could tell ourselves. 99.999999% of an atom is pure energy. Only 0.000001% is physical matter. We have got to understand this on a deeper level if we are to live healthy lives. Change your energy and you will change your life.

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?

Asking me what I do is kind of a loaded question. I’ve always been an explorer of deeper knowledge and the creation of all things. I like to believe that we don’t have to be limited to one or two passions… That the world was meant for us to explore, and our brains were meant to be used! With that being said, I’ll expand on the things I do that are in the forefront of my journey right now.

I am the host of Vibing Consciously Podcast, where I teach people the benefits of meditation and mindfulness techniques, as well as sharing my knowledge of Metaphysics by sharing my own personal experiences and things I’ve learned throughout the years doing this work. Meditation and mindfulness have transformed my life. Not only has it created a deeper sense of peace within my body and mind, but I’ve also healed numerous physical diseases and challenges simply by changing my mindset and focusing on love, wholeness, and peace.

I am also an artist. I’ve already loved creating art, but due to the business of life, it was lost to me for many years. One of the blessings that came from COVID was unlocking my artistic potential again, but in an even bigger way than I imagined. I was comfortable at the time with pencil drawings, but I decided to leap beyond my comfort zone and enter into the world of paint. I’m so glad I did, because it has opened me to deeper healing than I ever could have imagined. Each time I pick up a brush, my world disappears and I’m teleported into a world of pure imagination. I owe art my life in many ways.

Lastly, my knowledge isn’t just based on experience (although I do believe this is our best teacher). I have an extensive amount of training in energy healing. I am a Master Reiki and Archangelic Light Practitioner, as well as a Shamanic and Metaphysical Practitioner. I have a degree in Metaphysical Science, and I have spent hours upon hours practicing Quantum Healing techniques by entering into the Quantum Field to explore simultaneous lives being lived (throughout reincarnations) and communicating with energy beyond our physical realm of understanding.

Many people consider this work to be “woo-woo,” and I think we’re doing an unbelieve disservice to ourselves by keeping our minds closed to the world beyond our senses. There is energy around us everywhere that we cannot see, a vast ocean of information existing around us at all times that we can tap into at any moment. We can use this infinite ocean of information for mental, physical, and emotional healing. Not only that, but we can also use it to manifest unbelieve things in our daily lives. Once we can open our minds and hearts to the possibilities that exist in this mystical world beyond our sight, we are unlocking our true potential and expanding our minds beyond the 10% we use based on modern-day science. It is possible to use a much higher percentage of our brains when we set the intention to do so.

If you would like to learn more about my work, you can find me on social media here:

Vibing Consciously Podcast Website:
Vibing Consciously Podcast Instagram: @vibingconsciouslypodcast
Vibing Consciously Podcast Facebook:
Vibing Consciously Podcast X:

Soulful Expressions by Kat (art) Website:
Soulful Expressions by Kat (art) Instagram: @soulfulexpressionsbykat

Upcoming in-person classes (sign up at

Embody The Goddess Intuitive Dance
Join our Intuitive Somatic Dancing class, a safe and judgment-free space for women to express their emotions through free movement in the dark. Experience the healing power of dance as you release tension and connect with your inner self in a supportive community.
Location: Breathing Space in Fuquay-Varina
Dates: 9.28.24 – 10.26.24

Unlock Your Inner Creator Intuitive Art
Create, Connect, and Inspire
An Artistic Journey To Your Creative Core
Guided Meditation Followed By Intuitive Art Making
OCTOBER THEME: Coven of Creativity
NOVEMBER THEME: Grateful Hearts
Location: Breathing Space in Fuquay-Varina
Dates: 9.8.24 – 10.6.24 – 11.3.24

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

I think we’ve all been made to believe we are separate from each other. That our identity is who we are. Learning that these ideas were not true is to me the number one most important part to understand in this journey to enlightenment. Science is now showing through Quantum Entanglement that we are indeed all connected through a type of energetic tapestry. Through this tapestry we call the Quantum Field, we can communicate to one another throughout space and time. Across galaxies… I think many people look at this as “woo-woo,” but if they would give their mind a chance to understand this concept, it would open them up to possibilities beyond their imagination. With that being said, I’ll come to the second area of knowledge I find to be very important.

When we realize we are connected to everyone and everything, and that we can communicate with any source of life across space and time, we start to see that everyone and everything is a messenger for our life. Once we tap into this infinite source of information held within the Quantum Field, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this life is much more grand and much more intentional than we previously believed. There is information about our life, and what we should do with it contained inside every conversation, every interaction, and every environment we put ourselves in. Each piece of information shows us EXACTLY where our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs are.

This takes me to the third piece of useful knowledge I’ve gained and brings everything I’ve said full circle. Our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs control our entire personal reality. Each person walking this planet is looking at their own personal reality through the eyes of God. You don’t have to call it God. It could be the Universe, Creator, whatever… Any name we try to attach to this Divine Source of information will never cover the vastness of what we’re truly connected with and a part of. But this Creator, God, etc wants to experience life in all ways. Good and bad. With NO judgment, only observation. This Grand Consciousness loves us endlessly and only wants to give us what we desire because again, it wants to experience life in every way. The only way we can signal to this Creator what we desire is through our vibrational frequency because everything in the Universe is pure energy. Our energy and vibrational frequency are controlled through our emotions and thoughts. In the beginning, there was pure thought, pure consciousness. All of life is made of pure energy and pure consciousness. But we are all at different levels of consciousness. The point of this life is to expand our consciousness and come to know this God as what it truly is. Which is a vast, loving energy contained within each of us, and connected deeply to our hearts. The more we focus on heart and brain coherence, and we start paying attention to our thoughts and aligning them with love, instead of fear, anger, or shame, we open up a brand new personal reality that consists of love between all living beings. People, animals, and plants are all equal because we all know in our hearts that we each play an integral part in this life. No one species is more important than the other because we are all an equal piece to this grand vision we see as our life. We can create heaven on Earth instead of damning ourselves to hell day after day because we cannot see this Truth.

Once we can accept that everything and everyone is connected, and we each help each other to navigate the life we live together, we can literally create a heaven on Earth. By disconnecting from the thought that we are separate, and we stop creating these separate identities (the color of our skin, the race we “belong” to, how we identify ourselves…) we open ourselves to the possibility of Oneness, ultimately our true nature as souls and as humans. But the people who control our society through media, fashion, food, and healthcare do a really good job of making us believe otherwise, and profit from our separation. We see how much they are winning from the separation COVID created in our lives. I say it’s time we take our power back and start believing in the real Truth. Not what we’re fed by outside sources. Start going within and finding your answers. Stop seeking answers from outside sources who are all living their own personal reality – A reality that is not like ours. It’s time to take control of our lives.

How can folks who want to work with you connect?

I love that you included this in the article. I’ll tie this into the last question where I spoke about Oneness and creating heaven on Earth. A lot of us think of heaven as a sparkly place up in the sky with the clouds and a bearded white guy stands at pearly white gates and tell us our entry has been denied or granted. We can all believe what we want, but what I believe is heaven can be created right here. Right Now. The way we create this heaven is by coming together as One. All working towards a common goal, and that common goal is wrapped around peace and purpose. We can all have our own personal goals under this blanket, but I’ve found that the more we work together toward peace and purpose, the more our personal goals are filled without us even needing to do anything.

For those who are taking ACTION (not just talking about it) toward creating heaven on Earth, I would like to connect with you. We ALL have something to offer, and I don’t believe for a second anyone is denied access to heaven. If you are here for love, peace, and connection, you are welcome in my Queendom of Heaven.

You can reach me through any social media platform or via email.

Contact Info:

Image Credits

Destiny Crip with Crisp Photography

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