Meet Kat Leroy


We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Kat Leroy. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Kat below.

Kat, so happy to have you with us today. You are such a creative person, but have you ever head any sort of creativity block along the way? If so, can you talk to us about how you overcame or beat it?

I like to work on multiple projects at once. Whenever I hit a creative snag, I move to a different project, be it a story, a screenplay, or a voice role I’m about to record. I stop thinking about the paused project and focus on something else. But my brain never stops working the problem and I usually come up with a solution pretty fast. I just have to stop trying to find it so hard.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

I like to joke and say I’m the most prolific Czech actress that nobody in Czechia has heard of! 🙂

I kickstarted my acting career in 2017 and haven’t stopped since. At the same time, I write stories and screenplays and edit scripts written by others. Even when the phone doesn’t ring, I’m not hypnotizing it. As an artist, I believe it important to keep busy because the moment a person starts stressing about their next project or whether there’ll be one, their creative juices dry up.

These days, I spend my days recording voice roles, acting, and writing all sorts of things. Whenever I work, I become so immersed in the art that I lose track of time. The flow helps me clear my head from everyday worries and makes my life all the happier and more colorful for it.

What I like about acting and writing is that it gives me a chance to live a thousand lives during a single one. Each character I portray or write is different from me, and has different life experiences, goals, memories, desires, and thoughts, and figuring out what makes them tick is a part of the fun and the main reason why I’m doing this. 🙂

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

Don’t compare yourself to others. Seriously, don’t. It might sound like a cliché but everyone’s path is different and unique, and comparing your successes (or lack thereof) to other people’s careers will only make you feel despondent and unhappy.

Also, celebrate your successes, however minor it might seem to the outside world. The truth of the artistic business is that nobody will clap you on the back. The first person who has to believe in you is yourself.

Okay, so before we go we always love to ask if you are looking for folks to partner or collaborate with?

As a geeky artist, I love working with people who enjoy the same fandoms I do. My fan taste is quite varied, ranging from sci-fi (Doctor Who, Star Trek) to fantasy (Harry Potter, The Sandman), superheroes (Marvel, DC), and mythology. So, while I find something intriguing about every role I play, working on those projects with people passionate about the characters and the fictional world makes acting twice as fun.

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