We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Kate Thomas. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Kate below.
Hi Kate, we’re so appreciative of you taking the time to share your nuggets of wisdom with our community. One of the topics we think is most important for folks looking to level up their lives is building up their self-confidence and self-esteem. Can you share how you developed your confidence?
I’m a believer that confidence doesn’t always come from within. At least for myself, confidence has come to me from having moments where I stepped back and reflected on the evidence of making a decision and following through to the best of my abilities and listening to what my deepest self wants and needs. That doesn’t necessarily mean I’ve succeeded all the time at something I’ve pursued or worked toward; but it also doesn’t mean I’ve ever failed — failure is a bad attitude and an unwillingness to see the lessons and opportunity in being redirected. When I reflect on my flourishing business in the beautiful building I renovated, I feel just as confident in my abilities and what is possible in my life as when I reflect on my stint in grad school that didn’t work out the way I thought it would (I left after 1 year but I worked so hard at applying to programs and I moved myself to New Mexico without ever having been further west than Indiana; things to feel good about). I find confidence in just DOING and taking the risk — my confidence comes from the knowledge and evidence that I am the type of person to dream big and follow those dreams. Self-esteem is simply knowing that you’re worth having a life of chasing dreams, and that belief is really a significant internal jumping point required to live life with moxie.
Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
I’m a licensed massage therapist I own a Health & Wellness Collective with practitioners from multiple disciplines, including mental health counseling, massage therapy, private yoga, nutritional therapy, health coaching, and more. Professionally, I am driven by 3 things: 1) Contributing to expanding the culture of massage therapy in the Dayton area toward being a more rooted, effective, and consistent resource of care for our community, 2) Helping practitioners build resiliency and confidence in their businesses, and 3) Continually participating in the humbling and healing reciprocity of providing therapeutic massage.
The multi-practitioner business, called Collective Good Integrative Health, is currently in the exciting growth phase of building foundations. We are two months old! So I’m in a position with it where I’m very hands-on with fresh ideas, bringing different practitioners in, and getting the word out; and at the same time, I loosen the reigns at times because I’m curious what the business naturally wants to grow into. I don’t believe in forcing things, so there is a lovely element of “let’s see where this wants to go.” And that just opens the door to all sorts of possibilities and potential: for example, small workshops and classes are on the horizon (group therapy, sound healing, health coaching, evening restorative yoga), and skilled, unique practitioners are reaching out every week in an interest to join our space.
As far as my own massage practice, I am happily orienting towards work that ignites such passion and heart in what I do, and that is providing massage for hospice patients as well as providing grief and bereavement support through massage. I figured out that I really enjoy holding safe and loving space for these populations and being a source of support for them. I volunteer at a local hospice agency and I’m trained in grief massage as well as oncology massage. I’m fortunate to be expanding my work in these areas and providing supp0rt in this special way.
Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
An important quality to have is to hold a clear dream, vision, or goal while keeping an open mind – this offers yourself up to possibilities that you never could have anticipated; pathways that could support or alter your destination, perspective, or even your life. Remain steadfast on the path to your vision, but aware of your surroundings and what opportunities may be there as you travel that path.
Another essential asset is a sense of focused curiosity. Have a wide breadth of curiosity, but practice the art of diving deep – whether it’s expanding a skillset, learning more about someone in your life, immersing in nature, or following a passion. Focused curiosity enhances patience, the quality of time, and keeping us forever students of life.
Yet another quality to keep close is to understand that nothing is permanent – ever. Not in nature, not in our lives, not our dreams. Everything changes over time. This means a few things – one, that it’s okay (and necessary) to change course, pivot, or reevaluate at some point; two, that your life is malleable and can change for the better with the right effort, consistency, and moxie; and three, that we shouldn’t take things so seriously. As an example, I love my work and I’m so passionate about my business – for now, for today, and as far as I can tell, for tomorrow. It’s okay that I might not feel that way in ten or even five years. My current endeavors work for me and keep my spirit happy at this point in my life, so I should have fun and enjoy them fully.
What has been your biggest area of growth or improvement in the past 12 months?
My biggest area of growth over the past year has been leaning into trusting the unknown and loosening the reins in life! I’ve learned (still learning) to know when to let life take over, to know when to just be along for the ride. I put in a fair amount of true effort, hard work, and authentic heart in my work that I trust things will unfold in the way they are meant to unfold. I’m lucky in my massage and wellness collective work in that it can truly take on a life of its own due to being built on rich relational qualities; yes, I have business structure and I have my spreadsheets and bills to pay, but I have a healthy amount of trust in it growing into a beautiful thing of its own, something I can (and do) enjoy. In my personal life, I have pretty much quit caring what others think or if I should be someone else – after a lifetime of struggling with that, I sort of suddenly dropped those reins in the midst of renovating my building and seeing a therapist regularly. I think the whole process of opening my new business reinforced a lot of my core character traits and I feel very healthy and happy with who I am, my heartfulness, and my work ethic. To keep the analogy going: right now I’m on the ride of life, one hand gently guiding the reins. Like I mentioned in a previous question, that ride can take a crazy turn and I might need to jump back on those reins for awhile, but I know based on past experience that I am fully capable! So I am able to relax and soak up right here, right now.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.collectivegoodhealth.com
- Instagram: @collectivegoodhealth / @daytonlmt
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/kate-thomas-collectivegood
Image Credits
Megan Mahon & Jay Rosemary