Meet Katie Hart

We were lucky to catch up with Katie Hart recently and have shared our conversation below.

Katie, thank you so much for taking the time to share your lessons learned with us and we’re sure your wisdom will help many. So, one question that comes up often and that we’re hoping you can shed some light on is keeping creativity alive over long stretches – how do you keep your creativity alive?
I’ve made my craft about something bigger than me. Helping others is what I live for, and I stay driven by using my photography & videography to help support the local arts community.

I love concert photography because it constantly keeps me on my toes! I have to be ready to capture the big moments and unplanned surprises all while managing fast movement, crazy lighting, and changing camera settings. I’m always excited about the unique shots I get at an event, and I’m energized when I see the artists’ reactions to the images. It feels great to help them further their career while keeping my creativity sharp.

My imagination is also challenged when I shoot portraits. Each person has a goal in mind when they ask me to do a photoshoot with them – whether they know it or not. I like to talk to them about their needs and inspiration, and then I help them build out an inspiration board and find the right locations for their shoot. This prep is so exciting because it always allows me to push my creativity to new levels, and everyone loves the result!

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?
I really love to help others. It makes me so happy to see the impact I can have on someone else in my community, and though I am always working toward multiple goals and projects, they all contribute to this larger mission.

In the corporate world, I started my career as a boots-on-the-ground consultant. I got to help one client at a time better their organization, but as I moved up the “corporate ladder,” I realized I wouldn’t always get this 1:1 time with each company. How could I still feel like I was helping people as I moved into management roles? That’s when I realized that I would want to work with business leaders globally – being able to make big changes within a company that would cascade into a better experience for all clients involved. My mission now is to keep helping my company reach its goals, providing the best possible experience to every client & individual.

In the creative world, I’m focused on working with as many people in my community as possible. I am passionate about working with small artists as they grow their craft. Decades ago, management companies and record labels were more open to supporting small talent and providing them services to help them grow. Today, much more responsibility falls on the artist – creating a brand, marketing themselves and their events, promoting their work, and finding followers… the list goes on. I offer my photography services to local artists for low or no cost because I know how hard they’re working to launch their careers, and it provides me with a fun, creative way to help them reach that next step!

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
Find your values – the things that are core to who you are. Regardless of the world around you, if you’re meeting your core values, you’ll feel more fulfilled. When I started college, I was sure I wanted to be a doctor… until I realized that I didn’t want to go to med school. I thought to myself, “Now what? I’m at a big university and I’m supposed to know what I want to do with my life. I don’t want to drop out.” So, I took the time to think about what drove me, regardless of my career goals or next steps, and made my way into a career that I care about and also aligns with my values.

My values include:
-Life-long learning, growth, and change (not being stuck in a rut)
-Helping others
-Me-time (to spend how I want, like with loved ones or on my health)

No matter what big life decisions are thrown my way, I think back to these values and see how each decision will help me to embody them every day. I’ve grown, changed career paths, and found different communities to support, and through it all, I’ve always found happiness.

If you’re feeling lost and want to go through this exercise, I suggest thinking about your values without a goal in mind. Focus more on how you feel. Here are some questions to guide you:
-What brings you joy?: When you were last at your happiest, what made you feel that way?
-What’s something you can’t live without?: When you started feeling lost, what did you feel was missing?

What was the most impactful thing your parents did for you?

My mom and dad have taught me SO many great lessons, and the first one that comes to mind is, “Go for it.”

My parents never focused on the obstacles. Instead, they taught me and my siblings to focus on the solutions. This has led me to be brave and take the leap even when it’s impossible to have all of the information.

Sometimes opportunities appear, but many times, the “go for it” mindset comes with asking for it. The simple ask, “Do you need any help? I’d love to learn that skill to grow my career.” This has led me into so many cool rooms with amazing mentors and friends.

When I find myself stuck in my comfort zone and a new opportunity approaches – a new job, a bigger gig, or whatever it may be, carefully weigh my options, but I also remember to trust my gut and take the chance before it slips away.

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Image Credits
Katie Hart’s photo was taken by Chris Hart. All other images were taken by Katie Hart. Artists include Carlos Barboza, Jordan., The Shagadelics, Naoma, Idris French, and NJ.

Suggest a Story: BoldJourney is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.
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