We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Kellie Hamilton a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Kellie, we are so happy that our community is going to have a chance to learn more about you, your story and hopefully even take in some of the lessons you’ve learned along the way. Let’s start with self-care – what do you do for self-care and has it had any impact on your effectiveness?
My forms of self care are specific to my needs. I encourage clients, friends and coworkers to find what forms work for them and do it daily to decrease chronic stress and inflammation.
I try to get daily movement in. It looks different day to day. Could be a walk, the gym, kayaking or playing pickle ball. I just do something to move every day.
I enjoy a warm cup of tea at night to decompress from the day. Something about a nighttime cue to my body that the day is done and it’s time to relax before sleep is key to my self care,
Music is a big part of my life. I love to sing and bop around so when I need a dose of dopamine or self care the tunes are always on.
Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
I am an evidence based nutrition coach and practicing surgical ICU nurse. I combine my western medicine knowledge and passion for holistic health and wellness to coach clients through changes they need help with.
I help with things like:
How to Transition to a Whole Food Plant-Based Lifestyle
Private access to HIPPA complement NutriAdmin Client Portal
Meal Preparation Assistance and Recipes
Foods to Fight Chronic Disease
Weight Loss Education
Staple Grocery List
Group Coaching
Food Guides
1:1 Coaching
I also help clients feel empowered to speak to their healthcare team if they feel they aren’t being heard and helped. Teaching people how to navigate the western medical system and be a confident powerful advocate for themselves is a service I’m proud to offer.
I pride myself on free consults and competitive pricing in my area of expertise. Everyone should have access to a holistic plan for their health.
I happily refer clients out of my scope to my network of qualified practitioners and colleagues in the medical/wellness space.
I do a lot of community educational workshops and events. I enjoy speaking with people and giving them tips they can start that day to improve their health. Seeing people walk away inspired and happy is why I continue to do what I do.
Join our movement at A Better Path to Wellness today for holistic health for all!
If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
My skill set is that: -I love to learn and continue to read the latest research and evidence based studies surrounding health and wellness
-My career as a nurse has given me a reputation of a trusting, kind and empathetic person to help people with sensitive issues surrounding their health.
-I lead by example. I practice what I preach. I show my clients how a lifestyle centered around food, activity, support, socialization and healthy habits can make you feel like you have unlocked a superpower!
My advice to young professionals in this field is to jump. Jump in and launch what you invision. There is space for your talent in holistic health.
You never know who will you help and how many others are looking for what you have to offer.
One of our goals is to help like-minded folks with similar goals connect and so before we go we want to ask if you are looking to partner or collab with others – and if so, what would make the ideal collaborator or partner?
Im looking to participate in speaking events related to health, wellness, and nutrition aspects of care. I have given talks at the YMCA, bookstores, mom support groups and more!
I would love to sit on a wellness panel or be asked to speak to educate people on the importance of whole food plant based nutrition or a few other topics like cancer support nutrition that I’m passionate about.
Find me at abetterpathtowellness.com and follow me on social for great free tips!💚
Thank you for reading
Contact Info:
- Website: Abetterpathtowellness.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a_better_path_to_wellness/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/A-Better-Path-to-Wellness-1569001673314700/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kellie-hamilton-bsn-rn-hn-69744189/
- Other: Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@abetterpathtowellness?_r=1&_d=e4m1mk7h572m3m&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAA58lclzQSkgJUVWqTwwqVbhSbEY0lVa0mKeDDFl0-tugM6EfxJHy_Nj18L_XvJ08e&share_author_id=7056507654370804783&sharer_language=en&source=h5_m&u_code=dmmmm4m1hj44j6&ug_btm=b8727,b0&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAA58lclzQSkgJUVWqTwwqVbhSbEY0lVa0mKeDDFl0-tugM6EfxJHy_Nj18L_XvJ08e&utm_source=copy&social_share_type=4&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&tt_from=copy&user_id=7056507654370804783&share_link_id=519308B1-2A54-4348-9ECC-1F09ADBEA667&share_app_id=1233