Meet Kelly Ramdeen


We recently connected with Kelly Ramdeen and have shared our conversation below.

Kelly, so happy to have you with us today. You are such a creative person, but have you ever head any sort of creativity block along the way? If so, can you talk to us about how you overcame or beat it?

Sometimes you hit a wall. No creative humans are safe from it. Writer’s block, burnout, artist block. Staring at a page that reflects the empty space where your creative muse used to be.

When I had my first child, suddenly my art supplies looked foreign to me. I made a few small mixed media journal pages. Tried to dabble here and there. I imagined that bringing forth new life would restore and renew my artistic power. But it was as if i had used up every bit of myself and given it all up to becoming a parent, a spouse, a neighbor, a friend. So I gave it up for a while. But something inside me went missing.

It’s only now as my third child is finally out of the baby stage and the brain fog of sleep deprivation and post partum depression have started to lift that I’ve been able to get back to my artsy roots and create again.

If you want to end a creative block, the secret is to play. Look at your life through the lense of a child. Watch your children write their first story, read their first books, draw their best work and show it to you giddy and full of wide eyed Wonder.
Look for things that feel like colorful magazine cutouts against the black and white and gray of your every day. Look for that feeling of vibrancy and energy. And then sit down and just play. Don’t write to be read or paint to be seen. Avoid cornering yourself by imaginary rules and guidelines and getting stuck in the “I should be doing x”.

Your art needs to be about you and how you allow yourself to experience life. Switch mediums often. Surprise yourself. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Combine your interests. When you feel stuck, simply keep going. No matter the direction.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

I’ve recently started making art again after a long break. I love using color and texture and contrast in my paintings. I want to call forth a sense of vibrancy and life into the world. I love fantasy, magic, botanicals, the female form… Playing with layers and different media to give each piece a unique vibe.
I’m working toward larger pieces and continue to develop my skills in many different areas. One big goal I have is to try a mural some day!

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

I never went to art school. I don’t know color theory, I never studied anatomy, and I never wanted realism to be my goal. Three big lessons I’ve learned are:

1. Play.

When your goal is simply to feel and to connect your mind and body and spirit with a sense of creative power, nothing you make will feel wrong.

2. Don’t internalize.

Outside reactions to your work should not matter. Keep going. Keep trying. I’ve heard it all: ( “oh … that’s… Cool I guess” “what is that even supposed to look like” “did you mean to do that or is it a mistake” ). Don’t internalize unwanted feedback or comments. Create for yourself first and foremost!

3. Art matters even if you aren’t making money.

Keep going. If it feels good, helps your heart, heals your wounds or lifts your spirits, keep going! Money will come and go but you only have the here and now to do something for yourself.

To new and emerging artists in every field, I’d say surround yourself with people who inspire you and those who support your goals. Water each other. Create abundance together.

Okay, so before we go we always love to ask if you are looking for folks to partner or collaborate with?

I would love to learn and grow through partnership and collaboration with artists and clients from many different disciplines.
Muralists, fabric artists, collage and mixed media artists, illustrators, authors, poets…. The arts are for sharing and I can’t wait to grow and learn new skills!

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Can’t wait to hear from you!

Contact Info:

  • Facebook: Blazing Jade Art

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