Meet Kelly Younkins

We were lucky to catch up with Kelly Younkins recently and have shared our conversation below.

Kelly, thank you so much for joining us today and appreciate you talking about a sensitive topic. It’s unfortunately relevant to so many in the community as layoffs have been on the rise recently, and so we’d appreciate hearing your story and how you overcame being let go?
Almost a year ago, I was relieved of my duty at the organization in which I had been working for for 6 years (11 if you counted the previous 5 I had worked for them at a different point in my life) due to “organizational restructuring”. Despite a negative setback, I took this as the ultimate cue from the Universe that this was the time to finally shift into a deeper alignment into what I was meant to be doing with my time, talent and energy. This was an opportunity to use the frustration from obstacles to fuel my determination for success, and to take full control of the narrative for my life, rather than allow others the opportunity to try to control it, influence it or even paint it in a way that was not only inaccurate-but served them more than it served my purpose and passion.
The turn of events also allowed me to rally support from near and far, from people whom I knew had my back to many meaningful surprises of support. This touched my heart and further reinforced that I had been minimizing my potential and needed to step fully into this new era with faith, confidence, and excitement. And I did.
Within less than a month, I was fully operating a private practice (I had already had several key pieces in motion from years work prior) and seeing clients and moving on with my life without missing a beat. The peace and serenity that came from stepping away from a work environment that was no longer cultivating my potential was contagious, and I found myself with people frequently checking in who were inspired to do the same.
As I type this, I am 2 weeks out from my departure date from last year, and while somethings have changed, many of your greatest fears turn out to be just another thing you will overcome and master.
I have had more peace, more time with my family and children, more control of my time and energy and my LIFE, and able to pursue the passions in my heart that have fueled my career “on the side” but now are my full time inspirational outlets.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

Ever since I was in middle school, after one of our beloved English teachers had us do a project about our Future Selves, I have realized (and truly stepped into) that I love to teach and connect with people’s human experience.

I am an Independently Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Ohio with Supervisory Endorsement (LPCC-S). I provide therapy, supervision, consultation, personal development workshops, and professional development trainings across the region and state. In addition, I provide Wellness & Performance Coaching to athletes and business owners across the country. I operate a small private, solopreneur practice that serves clients in-person and virtually. I collaborate with my husband, who also is a small business owner, (Joel Younkins Training) and we live our lives serving others’ physical and mental wellbeing by facilitating and cultivating wellness through our services, support, and other creative events.

Recently, I have had the privilege of Instructing Master’s Level Clinical Mental Health students in the Counseling Department at one of my local Universities and that has been an absolute bucket list item for me. Teaching and sharing ideas, knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration is a total flow state for me. I am fueled by the possibility of cultivating growth not only within myself but for others, and I have discovered that this is my purpose. I am lit up by “creating for the job to be done”, and realize I am inspired by opportunities to make ideas and concepts come to life through storytelling, demonstration, visual aides, and connections that others may not make themselves. Through “noises and hand gestures” (a joke I often use), and some primitive drawings, I have facilitated some of the most enjoyable teachable moments with clients, students, and attendees.

In my career, I hope to help the Industry of Mental Health re-author its own narrative (a.k.a break away from the stigma language that is often permeated in its marketing) and offer a new way to view of and speak of Mental Health as being simply a part of all of our Health & Wellbeing. To me, its like supporting a trauma victim re-author their narrative and step into their full potential and growth despite all one has been through and has had to overcome. For Mental Health to be seen as an integral part of our human experience, not just an afterthought of physical health. Mental Health is Healthcare. And as a result of that perspective, I see one of my roles as being someone who can help connect people to the right help at the right time, and I do this through networking, spreading awareness, and sharing my own human experience and what its teaching me along the way. Cultivating Mental Wealth for generations to come.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
Quality- The quality that I think served me the most throughout my career thus far is my “why not” attitude and approach toward innovation, opportunities, and risk taking. This has served me in embracing new (although perhaps anxiety or fear provoking) experiences, trying ideas out, taking a risk- and this could look like simply speaking up, pitching new ideas, creating new programs or services, racing pit bikes or playing on a football team or entering a boxing tournament, acquiring my own assets, reaching out to meet new people or going all in on my own business. All of those examples are times in my life where I said (either out loud or within) why not? and gave it a go. I figured no matter what, I would learn something valuable for myself and for the next person.

Skills- I would say that my deepest skill is my ability to attune to another’s human experience and then craft into words what their life, experience or situation must be like. This has resulted in many deep connections with students, clients, friends, family, and others in a way where they give me a resounding “yes!” or “exactly!”… This facilitates an opportunity for people to really feel seen and heard, and this gives me the incredible experience of witnessing and acknowledging the human condition across so many incredible individuals. Because I believe that shame dies in safe spaces and through the power of validation, suffering is alleviated and people receive the opportunity to thrive beyond what they have been trying to survive.

Knowledge Areas-I am a forever student. Having a growth mindset leads you to so many fabulous places that will serve you in your life!

My advice- by a life long learner, stay curious, embrace your own unique life experience, and cultivate the art and skill of connecting with people. Have faith in yourself, your purpose here in life (you will discover it by simply noticing what lights you up and what drives you)- if you need help with that, call me;)

To close, maybe we can chat about your parents and what they did that was particularly impactful for you?
The most impactful thing my parents did for me was love me and allow me to be me and LIVE! They created a safe, loving, fully authentic space for us to learn and grow as kids. They took us places, taught us things, let us experiment (I used to wear some goofy things as a young girl growing up that still cracks me up when I look back upon) and figure out who we were. They encouraged us to explore, think for ourselves, make mistakes, have faith and confidence, and always instilled in us to keep going!

My parents never really tried to impose upon us who they thought we should be or what we should do with our lives. I suppose that for some people that could’ve felt scary and unguided, but to me it felt like freedom. Freedom to figure out and become exactly who I wanted and was meant to be. Ill forever be grateful for my parents in giving us the opportunity and space for that to unfold for me. They have loved me through all my ups and downs and offered their unwavering love and support and It’s made all the difference, Im convinced:)

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