Meet Laura Boatman

We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Laura Boatman. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Laura below.

Hi Laura, really happy you were able to join us today and we’re looking forward to sharing your story and insights with our readers. Let’s start with the heart of it all – purpose. How did you find your purpose?
My purpose came to me during lockdown. One of the blessings of suddenly having SO much time on my hands was really being able to slow down, check in with myself and spend ample time doing the things that I love. I realised that whilst living in the crazy whirlwind of modern society, I had pushed my passions down for years, thinking of them as silly hobbies, or things that didn’t really matter, or weren’t of any importance. How wrong was I?! I quickly learned that the things you’re passionate about are there for a very important reason – your passions guide you in the direction of your purpose. So during lockdown, I immersed myself in spirituality again, I began to learn about new concepts and spent time listening to podcasts, reading books, meditating and doing some deep self work. I did a ton of shadow work and actively spent time rewiring my belief system. I also started to paint again which is something I constantly did as a child and as a teenager, but had forgotten about until now. In 2016, I came across a modality called Human Design and it had always really resonated with me, so during lockdown I decided to follow my excitement for this system and train to become a certified Human Design coach. Interestingly, Human Design is a wonderful tool for helping you to discover your purpose in life – it helps you to identify your innate gifts, uncover your true authentic self and realise the energy that you’re meant to embody when you’re living your full potential. I realised that one of my key purposes for being on this planet right now is to teach spiritual concepts and to help raise consciousness. From there, I decided to make my passions an important part of my life. I went on to become a Human Design coach, I started spending my weekends painting high vibe artworks and channelled paintings, and I am currently in the process of launching a podcast, with the aim of bringing new perspectives on reality to the listeners. I really do believe that finding your purpose in life is the key to your fulfilment. It is fulfilling to know that you have utilised the gifts that have been given to you and that you have contributed to the world in the best way you know how. I am just starting out on my journey with my new found purpose, but I am very excited to see where the journey leads.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you? 

I currently live in Sydney with my partner and my three fur babies, but originally I’m from the UK. I made the move to Australia about 8 years’ ago when I was on the hunt for a new adventure and ended up staying in this beautiful country!

I have built a career in the media world over the past 13 years and I am currently Head of Digital for a media agency, which I love. Then in my spare time, I am a Human Design coach, where I help people to decode their Human Design chart and empower them to become the most authentic version of themselves. The more people that are living authentically and on purpose, the more the collective benefits. If you’re not aware, Human Design is a part science, part spiritual system which brings together a combination of modalities including astrology, Kabbalah, the I-Ching, the chakra system and quantum physics. Human Design can be a rather complex system and so my goal is to modernise it and make it as simple and as actionable as possible! The Human Design chart is generated from your birth date, time and place, so it can be likened to reading an astrology chart in that way. I offer online sessions, as well as written reports.

I am also an acrylic artist and tend to find myself focussing on colourful, high vibe artworks, as well as bespoke channelled pieces. As part of my process, I meditate on the person who has commissioned the artwork, and receive messages around what to include in the painting for example, spirit animals, symbolism and ancient wisdom tends to come through.

Finally, my most recent project, which I am very excited about, is a podcast that I am about to launch called ‘Reality Reconsidered’, which I am co-hosting with a friend. The episodes are focussed around challenging social norms and the status quo and discussing new perspectives and modalities.

What’s the one most important quality to develop, which three would you say matter most? 

I think the most important thing, above anything else, is to ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’. The hardest part of my journey by far building a business was to overcome my fears, which I found way harder than any of the logistics or hard work that goes into setting it up. At the beginning, I started out with the most overwhelming fears around being seen, being judged, failing, to the point where it literally took me one whole year to start an Instagram page and even then I struggled to put my face on it. The anxiety was crippling and imposter syndrome took over big time, but I chose to feel the fear do it anyway. Every month it gets easier, and it’s definitely a journey, as I still feel these fears to some degree, but the best thing you can do is to just start. My favourite quote since I have been a child is ‘everything you want is on the other side of fear’ and I just know deep down that this is so true. I was determined not to let limiting beliefs and self-esteem issues get in my way and I had a vision of what it would look like on the other side.

Thanks so much for sharing all these insights with us today. Before we go, is there a book that’s played in important role in your development?
I LOVE reading and have read SO many books during this process, but I think a couple stand out for me. The first is the Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown. I loved this book so much as it made me realise how much of a super power and how courageous it is to be vulnerable. Brene Brown made me think about vulnerability in a totally different way. I realised that it’s so hard for people to relate to you when you’re not vulnerable, as you’re holding up a wall and not being your true authentic self. Authenticity is how people connect. The second book is called The Courage to be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga. This book helped me to overcome my fear of being judged and make peace with the fact that some people will not like my artwork, some people will judge what I am doing with Human Design and my spiritual podcast and think it’s too “woo woo”, some people will generally think negatively about me, and that’s ok. Everyone’s judgements are essentially a reflection of themselves. You can’t control how others perceive you, and trying to will drive you insane. There’s a freedom that comes with being willing to be disliked and this is something I am working on leaning more into at the moment.

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