Meet Lizbeth Sinaí Rodríguez Rodríguez

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Lizbeth Sinaí Rodríguez Rodríguez a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Lizbeth Sinaí , thank you so much for joining us today. Let’s jump right into something we’re really interested in hearing about from you – being the only one in the room. So many of us find ourselves as the only woman in the room, the only immigrant or the only artist in the room, etc. Can you talk to us about how you have learned to be effective and successful in situations where you are the only one in the room like you?

I think the answer is in the question: when you are the only one in the room that looks like you. That’s it.

From my experience, when I compare myself to others—or even worse, to my own expectations and values—that’s when things start to fall apart. We all know the saying, “It’s a waste of time to compare ourselves to others because everyone has their own story and path,” but in practice, it’s much more difficult to follow.

I’ve noticed that I am most effective and get better results when I simply focus on myself and continue learning new things. That’s the key to avoiding comparison with others: focus on learning more about the topics you truly love, and you’ll become unstoppable and magnetic. Think about it—we are drawn to people who are confident, curious, good listeners, and who value quality over quantity and respect their own time.

Discipline is not the only key to success. Rigor is also required. They may seem the same, but they are not. While discipline is about consistency and self-control, rigor refers to the demand and precision in the execution of a task or in complying with standards. It implies doing things with a high level of detail, leaving no room for errors or deviations. We know that perfection doesn’t exist, but the less room we leave for error, the greater the chances of success. Consistency is NOT enough if the results are mediocre. Consistency, self-control, precision, and quality can take you very far.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

How many times a day do you think about money?

I can almost guarantee more than once.

When you think about it, how do you feel? Does it stress you out? Are you satisfied with what you’ve achieved?

My interest in focusing on financial advising stemmed precisely from these questions that I asked myself. We think about money all the time, and we will continue to do so. It is needed for everything. Money is an amoral, apolitical, and gender-neutral tool. It gives (or takes away) access to resources and, therefore, the possibilities to build the life we desire.

In a world where time is invaluable and creativity is the most valuable currency, innovation becomes the engine for infinite possibilities.

What if you could take complete control of your life, starting with your money?

I am here to help you start building the financial freedom you want. It won’t be easy or quick, but nothing truly worthwhile ever is.

The best? It depends on you.
The worst? It depends on you.

Are you ready to take the first step?

You can schedule a personalized session with me here:

Why choose a personalized session with me?

With my experience in personal finance and my work with diverse communities, including Latinas abroad and in their home countries, I will provide you with proven strategies that have helped many achieve their financial goals.

Effective Methodology: I use a practical, results-based approach to ensure that each session is productive and brings you closer to your financial objectives.

Ongoing Support: You will not only receive advice during our session but also resources and continuous follow-up to ensure you stay on track towards your financial freedom.

To learn more about managing your daily finances, follow my Instagram accounts: @crefemme and my personal account @lizrgzs.

On both, I share content about finance and art—my two great passions.

In October 2024, I will launch “Female Financial Autonomy,” a project developed in the United States that I will implement in rural communities in Mexico. It is aimed at entrepreneurial women.

If you would like me to bring something like this to your city or country, send me a direct message or email at:

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?


Why rigor?
With just discipline, you won’t get very far. If you want to achieve extraordinary things, you must be willing to do extraordinary things. Rigor takes you to a level of detail and precision that surpasses the ordinary.

What extraordinary things should I do?
Adapt quickly to change. It is the only constant in life. The sooner you accept and master change, the more unstoppable you will be in any project.

How to achieve quick adaptation to change?
Don’t wait for life to put you in difficult situations; seek them out yourself. Highly effective people anticipate challenges. The strategy is to expose yourself to uncomfortable situations in a controlled manner to better prepare for the difficult moments that will inevitably come. Remember, the comfort zone is comfortable but dangerous. Which side do you want to be on?

How have I applied this?
Since I was a child, my mother used to say, “Do things well or don’t do them at all.” This taught me to give my best in everything I do because EVERYTHING reflects who we are. How you communicate with others, the projects you deliver, how prepared you are before giving a presentation or mentoring, writing a research article, even how you greet (or don’t greet) someone. Your reputation is your most valuable asset, and once it is damaged, it’s almost impossible to recover. Protect it.

To deliver quality and excellence, rigor is necessary, as well as putting yourself in uncomfortable situations on purpose. Remember, what is difficult to do today will give you an easier life in the long run.

NO, it’s not easy to say, “I can’t go out this weekend, I need to read for the research project I’m working on.”
NO, it’s not easy to say, “Friend, I have to hang up; I was reading a book; we’ll talk later.”
NO, it’s not easy to say, “I’m going to bed early because my training schedule is at X hour in the morning.”

But ahhhh, how comforting it is!

People who stand out DO NOT WASTE TIME.

Alright so to wrap up, who deserves credit for helping you overcome challenges or build some of the essential skills you’ve needed?

My mom and dad.

I believe our parents are the most impactful people in our lives, both for better and for worse. Through their example, they teach us how to navigate life; they are the foundation for everything that comes next, whether we admit it or not. We come from them, sharing habits, beliefs, fears, desires, character, and temperament.

Both my mom and dad taught me discipline through their example.

My father is the oldest of 11 siblings. He worked from the age of 6, selling bread in the afternoons after school, and later worked as a construction helper until he finished high school. Due to financial reasons, he couldn’t pursue higher education, even though he wanted to be an agricultural engineer or an architect. Despite not being able to continue his studies, he had the rigor and discipline to create his own business and now has a solid company in agriculture, livestock, and property rental. It has been years of hard work, but as they say, “What is truly valuable is not built overnight.”

He also always emphasized the importance of gratitude and not taking things for granted. If my grades slipped at school, he would calmly explain that he worked and studied constantly, achieving good grades, and now, thanks to his hard work, I only needed to study because we no longer had the “need to work,” so the least he expected from me was to get excellent grades since “I had nothing else to do but study.” This was true and made me grateful and motivated me to give my best in everything I did.

On the other hand, my mom is a doctor and a book lover. She always had a different book in her bag for “idle moments” and a stack of books by the corner of her bed to read before sleeping and upon waking. Now I am like her and read approximately 44 books a year.

Moreover, my mom taught me the importance of empathy and integrity. Her best qualities are her listening skills and kindness. Her patients appreciate her greatly, and there is always someone willing to help her because my mom is someone who always gives without expecting anything in return. “It’s the best key you can have, daughter. It’s the only one that gives you access to everything without compromising your values and principles.”

I love and admire both of them. Although no human being is perfect, it is worth recognizing and embracing the qualities of our parents, as they reside within us and serve as our compass in times of uncertainty and crisis.

Contact Info:

Image Credits

I have the rights of all photos.

Lizbeth Rodríguez – (owner)

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