Meet Lorena Padilla

We were lucky to catch up with Lorena Padilla recently and have shared our conversation below.

Lorena , thanks so much for taking the time to share your insights and lessons with us today. We’re particularly interested in hearing about how you became such a resilient person. Where do you get your resilience from?
I learned to be resilient when I lost my dad in 2009. When you lose someone we keep living we gotta keep going. Life doesn’t stop because it has for our loved ones. Life goes on you learn to adapt. It’s painful but we heal. I have learned to apply that mentality in difficult situations whether it’s in work life, business, friendships, or love life. We just have to keep going we’re resilient beings you just need to figure out how to overcome.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
I am a spray tan artist and entrepreneur. I’ve been tanning for a few years now and I have built a nice clientele which has allowed me to meet so many people from different walks of life. Spray tanning in LA has opened so many doors and I’ve met so many popular influencers and celebrities. Some of the celebrities I’ve tanned are people who I still can’t believe I’ve worked with, but I’m so grateful for all the opportunities that I’ve had and looking forward to more. I actually ventured into entrepreneurship and started my own sunless brand with my friend who also spray tans. It’s something that I knew I wanted to launch for a very long time and finally last year we decided to go for it. The business name is GLONUDE LLC. and we sell sunless spray tan solution, self tanner, setting powder, and brushes. It has not been easy but we’re slowly starting to grow. Faced a few hardships but through it all we remain resilient. Throwing in the towel is not an option. There was so many times I wanted to give up in the beginning of my spray tan journey, but I kept going and now I’m here still got a long way to go I have a so many more goals to achieve, but I’m definitely in the right direction.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
When I reflect back to the beginning of my journey the three qualities that were essential for me to have as a newbie in the industry were integrity, resilience, and determination. You need to have integrity because it’s just going to make you a more trustworthy person. You want people to trust you especially when you’re providing a service in my case spray tans, you want your ideal client to feel like they can trust you then they will buy what you’re selling or book an appointment with you. You need to learn to be resilient because you will go through turbulence everything doesn’t go as we plan. Things happen in business, relationships, life. Learn how to overcome your struggle. Determination, you have to be determined. Running a business is not an easy task sometimes it’s easier to go back to the corporate 8-5 type of job because you have that reliability of a paycheck weekly or biweekly, but if you’re determined and you stick it through the broke times in your entrepreneurship journey you will succeed. Patience is key.

Before we go, maybe you can tell us a bit about your parents and what you feel was the most impactful thing they did for you?
The most impactful thing my parents did for me was teaching me their work ethic. My parents immigrated to the US from Central America and from the moment they arrived all they ever did was work. They worked hard to give me and my siblings the best childhood we could have possibly had. We didn’t grow up with a lot but we had everything we needed and most importantly they raised us with good morals.

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