We recently connected with Loretta Wilkins and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Loretta, so excited to have you with us today and we are really interested in hearing your thoughts about how folks can develop their empathy? In our experience, most folks want to be empathetic towards others, but in a world where we are often only surrounded by people who are very similar to us, it can sometimes be a challenge to develop empathy for others who might not be as similar to us. Any thoughts or advice?
This is the story of how God saved me from myself. You see, I was my worst enemy. Not the people, not the drugs, not the devil. Me, Loretta E. Wilkins. I was a happy girl as a child, or so I thought. But, when I look back over my life, there was always something missing. My dad, My mom, My sisters and brothers. I always felt there was a part of my heart missing. As I grew up I defiled my parents and although my parents were good people and loved me dearly, it just wasn’t enough. You see, I’ve realized that my troubles were internal. My pain started long ago, my dad didn’t love me, and he lived three houses down from where I grew up. My mom left me with my cousins to raise. Why? I am the oldest. I should have been first with her. And so the madness begins at 12. You see it doesn’t start with the drugs, or the abusive relationships, it started within.
Fastforward, I was in a lot of crazy, destructive relationships. You’ve heard of “looking for love in all the wrong places”. Well, that was me. I was always looking for that one who could close that hole in my heart. And then I realize after so many failed relationships, including marriage that there is no one. That’s when drugs became my friend. Okay, I was smoking weed at a young age and cigarettes, wanting to be grown. But, when I speak of drugs, I am talking about cocaine, crack, that drug. My life became a whirlwind. Now, mind you I was a functioning addict. I thought I was better than the rest. I was a “rock star” not a “chicken head” or “crack head” which were terms used to describe people on crack. I worked , had a house, and a car and I was better than the girls on the street corners. But, I wasn’t. I was addicted to self-destruction, self loathing, and self hatred. That’s the only way to explain why I would destroy myself and my children with anything that would make me less than my best.
Well, God had a plan, little did I know He was always on my side. Even at my worst God always had a plan. He was waiting on me to come to Him. God will not force you to love Him. He will allow you to run your race, until you realize you can’t do this thing call life without Him. I was the lady who picked God up when it was on my terms. And He, being God, never turned away from me. Never. Life moves on and I am diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. And I was in and out of the drug scene. Then my oldest was killed, my youngest went to prison sentenced with life without parole. And you would think that would stop the madness, well any excuse will do. Right. Now, I am in a dark place and destroying myself and my family. I lost my house, my grandboys, and myself again. In 2011 I lost my ability to walk, placed into a nursing home for rehab. Wow, right. I am in the old folk’s home. Can’t walk, can’t care for myself and this is not good. Mind you I’ve always read the Bible, and my Daily Word booklet, but, I wasn’t living the Bible or listening, really hearing God’s Word. He will speak if you listen, really listen with your Heart. I was reading one day in the nursing home, asking the question “Why me”? He spoke to me and said, “Why not you”? I said, “You put me in a nursing home”, God said “No you put you in a nursing home”. I replied “Really”, He said “Yes Really” you see God has a sense of humor too. As time went by I understood why I was going through this process, because God had a plan for me to be my best self, and I had to be still, listen and give myself wholeheartedly to Him.
Moving forward, God and I became one and I let go and allowed God to save me from me. God will never force you to love or accept Him. But, through Jesus Christ, He is always waiting on us to be sick and tired of the madness we bring into our lives. So I am out of the nursing home, and I want to give back to the world. I started feeding the homeless from my house with whatever I had. But, it wasn’t enough one day when I tried to feed 300 people with 100 plates. This area was called Tent City before the boulders were placed on Pryor Street to remove the homeless. That broke my heart, and I talked to God about my feelings and how I wanted to do more. He said “Start your non-profit, you always talked about it, do it” . We went back and forth with this and God won! Our Loving Hearts Inc isn’t about me, it’s all God. He took a mess and made a Missionary. Everything I do, I do for the Lord, I am a servant in His Army. I want God to look down on me and say “Job well done, my good and faithful servant”. Matthew 25:21. That’s why I have empathy for others, because it could be me, it should have been me, But God had a plan. I am blessed by the Best.
Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?
Thinking back…Our Loving Hearts was an idea that had always been in my heart; and I knew that one day it would come into fruition. Yet, it wasn’t until December 2019 that this little dream of mine was finally born! I started Our Loving Hearts with the vision of feeding the homeless; supporting our seniors with their daily necessities; and just doing whatever I could to spread Love within my community. There is especially a need for (Spiritual) counseling within my community; as well as assisting those with mental health illnesses. I just have a Desire to plug whatever hole that God sees that needs plugging!
In addition to the above-mentioned endeavors, we have also been Blessed with the opportunity to sponsor/and support other events within our community. Some of those are; (HERE IS WHERE YOU LIST THE EVENTS BELOW)
– Assisting with procuring housing for single mothers.
– Assisting with the Back 2 School giveaway w/ the Kroc Center (as well as hosting our own Back 2 School giveaway in 2020, in conjunction with Turner Monumental Church in 2023.)
– Christmas giveaway for families in need every year since December 2019.
– Mother’s Day celebration at City of Refuge (2x); as well as serving the Men at Gateway and Jefferson Place here in Atlanta, Ga.
– In addition, we also go out into the community and serve food twice a month, and once a month at the senior facilities.
– Serving the citizens of Friendly Heights (who are mostly disabled); yet this is the place where I was given refuge during my rehabilitation period in 2012.
My desire is to grow Our Loving Hearts into an entity that will remain a dependable, reliable fixture within my community, a beacon of Hope and Love for those who discover themselves alone. I envision us serving all in need, yet in order to maintain this vision, I understand that I must continue to reach out for financial and physical assistance.
Our Loving Hearts run on the fuel of Human Beings who give of their time and money unselfishly! This is my Purpose for reaching out to you all. I am requesting assistance from you all in procuring finances to fund food, as well as open doors for bigger dreams.
I also help my son’s organization: ImagineAPlace was founded with the sole Purpose of putting into action the highest ideals, of giving people the opportunity to show their true talents in writing their story. In addition, we also envision a community where kids will have the opportunity to flourish, mentally, emotionally, physically, and most importantly Spiritually by reading and learning.
You see…there’s a magic formula that I learned. Would you like to know the formula? Sure you would, and I would very much like to share it with you. That formula is: B+E+U=K…or spelled out it is, Believing+Experiencing+
Full disclosure: My son Omar Wilkins is in prison. Where he follows the Lord and finds his calling. Writing. Now he writes , draws, makes one of a kind greeting cards, jewelry and jewelry boxes. He and his fellow inmates contributed their work to Our Loving Hearts Inc as a way of giving back by helping me to help others.
“Never give up on yourself & your dreams. If you can dream it, and work hard for it. The universe will provide”.
On September 8-10 at Cobb Galleria Our Loving Hearts Inc will present ImagineAPlace products for sale during the Atlanta Home Show booth 133 from 10-6 I hope to see you there for support, donations or just drop in and let me know what you think of my article and our programs
There is also an opportunity to teach and build the community up by starting sustainable gardens for seniors and those who are interested in having vegetables at their fingertips.
Our Loving Hearts does not employ anyone at this time, but we do have volunteers who are willing to work with no compensation. I am requesting your sponsorship to fund food and other essentials for Our Loving Hearts, Inc. To begin new programs to sustain the community with self improvement for others. Any donations given will be used to help the community grow more.
Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
To be honest, I never thought about it as my journey. This is a journey with the Lord, my journey is led by him, my skill is talking and I talk with authority, some say I am a bit bossy. lol. But, the truth is I want to help others, and I want to be a servant of the Lord and my best skill to me is serving others as if I am serving God. I would say in all I like helping others, I enjoy seeing others successful and I love pleasing God.
If you have a passion for something then that’s your starting point, you have to want it. If you want to write, then take cl;asses, learn what you like and let that be your start, I believe that whatever you have in your heart the Lord will reveal it and bring out the best in you. The heart is the window to your soul. I wasn’t looking for this, but I was made for this.
God gives us our heart’s desires. And it may not come when we expect it or want it, but just keep praying and holding on to faith and your dreams will come true.
If you knew you only had a decade of life left, how would you spend that decade?
Yes, I am facing losing my home because the increase in rent in my community continues to rise. I love where I live, I am comfortable here and I know the neighbors and I have been here 10 years paying rent. But, the landlord started going up on the rent and has not done any upgrade on the house. Why? Because they can. The homes surrounding this one are being remodeled and so the property value goes up, which by default allows this property to go up. I have asked several times to buy the house, but I am sure they are waiting for a cash offer.
I truly love my home, my family lives in the community like across the street and 5 houses down is my Mother. If my mom or myself get sick we are near my sister who is a caregiver in her heart. So, the challenge that I am facing is keeping a roof over my head. I am 65 years old and I do not want to be homeless.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://ourlovingheartsinc.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070087054629