Meet Lydia Hadley

We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Lydia Hadley. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Lydia below.

Hi Lydia, thank you so much for making time for us today. Let’s jump right into a question so many in our community are looking for answers to – how to overcome creativity blocks, writer’s block, etc. We’d love to hear your thoughts or any advice you might have.

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron has helped me in so many ways especially the part about taking your inner artist on artist dates. Doing something creative that’s not associated with your art but inspires you and your inner artist. Another big thing that’s helped me the most is asking fellow artists if I can photograph them while they’re creating. I’m making art of them making art. It’s extremely refreshing and I learn from them and how they do what they do which, I think, might be the best thing to do for artist block. Doesn’t even have to be something that’s in your field, just something new. You’ll take it into your art.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

I am a photographer. I mainly shoot candids for company branding and product shots as well. My clients constantly inspire me with their visions and art. I focus on the small details and go into a shoot looking for moments that are oftentimes overlooked.

As to the exciting and new things happening, I’m helping a client transition into another art platform. It’s such an honor to be apart of this big change and their life and business.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

Know that you’re not going to know everything and that’s okay. It’s so important to keep an open mind to everything and do things that scare you. This is also something to keep in mind even as you keep getting more seasoned in your field. Reaching out to fellow photographers was a huge stepping stone for me. Asking them questions and shadowing them was how I learned to do what I do. Know that you’re going to mess up but be proud of those mess ups because they’ll take you further.

One of our goals is to help like-minded folks with similar goals connect and so before we go we want to ask if you are looking to partner or collab with others – and if so, what would make the ideal collaborator or partner?

I’d love to collaborate with more photographers and learn from them. I,
of course, love photographing people’s projects or products of any sort. Chefs, restaurants, artists, commercial products etc. Any vision you might have that you need to put into an image I’m here to help! Reach out to me through my website/instagram/email

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Image Credits

Lydia Hadley

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