We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Mark Cheung. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Mark below.
Hi Mark, we’re so appreciative of you taking the time to share your nuggets of wisdom with our community. One of the topics we think is most important for folks looking to level up their lives is building up their self-confidence and self-esteem. Can you share how you developed your confidence?
Growing up in an Asian household, where achievement was measured and compared relentlessly, the pressure to excel academically was all-consuming. Unlike my big brother, who effortlessly aced exams, I struggled to pass sixth-grade tests, leaving my confidence shattered.
Throughout my teenage years, this lack of confidence persisted until college, where I was lucky to find a supportive circle of friends and love ones. Exploring psychology and philosophy became my refuge, helping me dissect and understand myself better.
As I delved deeper, I uncovered my weaknesses and made a conscious effort to improve them. This journey led me to believe in the importance of nurturing my mind, body, and spirit. By following my passions and staying true to myself, I found a newfound sense of peace and confidence.
Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
I’m an illustrator and concept artist born in Hong Kong, who later pursued high school education in the United Kingdom before completing my Bachelor’s degree in the US. My work primarily revolves around imaginative concept art and illustrations, spanning across fantasy and sci-fi genres.
As an illustrator, I experiment with various mediums such as charcoal, graphite, digital drawing, oil digital painting, and 3D sculpting. My art delves into my personal interpretation and imagination of potential futures and alternate universes. I aim to utilize fundamental art skills to construct visually captivating and visually convincing worlds for viewers to immerse themselves in.
For me, drawing represents the epitome of freedom and creativity. I am particularly drawn to the concept of structure and purpose within my creations, even if it means bending the laws of our natural world. Once the drawing reaches completion, painting infuses it with mood, personality, and, most importantly, life.
Currently, I am focused in crafting a sci-fi fantasy world that reflects the consequences of human actions and sins on the future. Additionally, I explore the concept of the world’s innate ability to restore balance, often resulting in extreme outcomes.
There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
The first skill every illustrator or concept artist should cultivate is drawing. Considered the language of visual communication, drawing serves as the foundation upon which all other artistic endeavors rest. It’s the canvas upon which ideas are born, refined, and ultimately realized.
Originality stands as the second pillar of artistic development. Rather than attempting to mimic the styles of others, artists should put their energies into exploring what makes them unique. Whether it’s a deep-seated passion for a particular genre, an affinity for a specific subject matter, or an idiosyncratic approach to composition, embracing who you truly are is the key. As my mentor, James Martin, “there’s only one James Martin in this entire world and nobody else is going to be a better James Martin than himself.”. No one can embody your artistic essence better than you can.
Dedication is crucial for mastering art. While it’s normal to have other interests, reaching the top in the competitive art world requires total commitment. It’s not just about giving your all; it’s about going the extra mile, investing more than you thought possible—110%. Surrounding yourself with like-minded artists can offer valuable encouragement and motivation on the path to greatness.
Looking back over the past 12 months or so, what do you think has been your biggest area of improvement or growth?
In the past year, I’ve grown a lot, not just in my art but in my mindset too. It hasn’t been the best year, to be honest. There were tough times that made me rethink things I could’ve done better. I used to think life would go exactly as planned, but now I see it’s full of ups and downs. The downs can be tough and make you feel hopeless, but I’ve learned they’re also a chance to learn and grow. I’ve realized that as long as you keep going, things will get better eventually.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.artstation.com/markcheung7
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/markerpenc/?next=%2F
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-cheung-21542b194/