Meet Marquita Waters

We recently connected with Marquita Waters and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Marquita, so excited to have you with us today and we are really interested in hearing your thoughts about how folks can develop their empathy? In our experience, most folks want to be empathic towards others, but in a world where we are often only surrounded by people who are very similar to us, it can sometimes be a challenge to develop empathy for others who might not be as similar to us. Any thoughts or advice?

In 1999 I was rushed to the hospital for a pit bull dog bit on my wrist. In the ER the doctors decided to admit me to clean the deep wounds. I woke up the next day and could hardly talk. The nurses and doctors said my voice would be fine in about a week. It wasn’t.

After a month I went to an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialist. He showed me the video he took of my vocal folds. The doctors had nicked my vocal folds and caused a growth over 40%of my air passage. If it was attached on both sides I would never sing again. If it was attached on one side then the specialist could remove it surgically and I would be fine.

I had gone through problems with my voice when I was younger and did voice therapy. I worked hard to change my speaking and singing to not strain. But now there was a possibility I would never sing again. This is what I’ve always done. I started doing shows when I was around 10 or 11 years old. What would I do? I could have lost my home if I had to make a living another way. It took a month of prayer, lots of prayers and finally a decision. I would do the surgery.

Yes, the growth was attached on one side and after a week of no talking I was supposed to be fine. I wasn’t fine though. I was scared. I was in my 50’s and my voice was small and weak. It took years to build back my confidence, but I was determined not to feel sorry for myself. I learned many things from this and other setbacks. At 77 years young my voice is strong. My love to sing and teach is constantly renewed each day.

When I coach other singers I can feel what they are going through. I understand their problems, I understand them and know how to help them overcome mental blocks as well as physical ones.

The traumas, hardships, abuses we go through teach us. They are to be used to help and guide someone through their painful times.

It is such an honor to be there for singers that come to me. I am truly blessed.

Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?

I was born into a show business family and began doing shows with my mom in my early teens. I’ve continued singing and started writing songs quite a while ago. I was signed to the William Morris Agency which is one of the biggest in the world . I did national TV shows like the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson and I was signed to several recording labels
My Album “Gotta Get It Right” is filled with swing originals and covers.
IIn 2020 I self published a book about my life and singing called “I Will Not Grow Weary.,” and I haven’t.
Now, I’m even more excited about singing and I practice just about every day. When you do what you love it’s something you never stop doing. Are you doing what you love?

I started teaching many years ago and love working with clients of all ages and styles. I help them bring out their talent and build solid muscles. Since I’ve been through broken blood vessels, nodes (benign tumors on the vocal folds, and doctors hurting my voice I know how to work with the speaking and singing voice to bring it back and keep it healthy. It’s so nice to see smiles on my clients faces as they soar when they sing.

Singing is for a lifetime and I started a membership for women who want to keep their voices in shape with a workout every week. It’s called “Singing for a Lifetime.” The exercises are changed each week and cover Chest Voice, Head Voice and the Mix. In other words everything from low to high, loud to soft. All the transitions in the singing voice. It is so much fun, please check it out.

Since some singers can’t afford private sessions I put together a course to be released in 2025. It’s called “Your Singing Journey” and it literally takes singers through a journey of understanding the many aspects of singing. I walk them through understanding their instrument and how it works How to perform on stage or in recording and how to express the song as their own. There are exercises to build their singing muscles and tons of ways to master the art of singing and performing. I’m going to be there in live sessions to answer questions and give lots of encouragement to keep going and fulfill their goals with singing. Yes, singing and life is a journey and I’m right there with you.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

Your voice is more than what you say, It’s you and you need a healthy body, mind and spirit both personally and professionally to have fulfilled success with your voice,
Consistency, Scheduling, and Believing are three ways you will build strength for your life, your voice.

I was a distant runner for decades. I’m in the gym lifting weights 3 days a week and I’ve been consistently doing this for decades. I vocalize just about every day and practice my originals. I had to learn this the hard way but I’m consistent and have been for a long time. You must keep working your body and your craft consistently to be relevant in your life and others

I listen to books, I’ve taken courses and continue to learn each day so my mind keeps getting fed and I can share what I learn with my clients and people I meet. When we stop learning we stop living.

I wake up every weekday at 4 a.m. take care of my animals and then do my morning ritual. I’m a Christian and I need to talk with my Big Daddy, (as I call Him) everyday. I do positive affirmations, I read uplifting scriptures, I breathe in power and strength, confidence and courage and breath out fear and worry. I put my concerns in a stream I visualize, and they are carried away.
Even if you aren’t a Christian, I encourage you to have a Higher Power, a spiritual guidance for a well rounded personal and professional life.

Then I do my 90 minute jam. My most important task. This is what helped me finish my first book. The consistency of writing each day added up to my book being published.

I started this practice several years ago and I finished my book “I Will Not Grow Weary in a year. You will achieve more than you believe you can with being consistent and doing what you say you want to do.

If you want to be consistent then you must schedule.
I get more done than I ever did because I schedule my days. I write my goals for the week and all that must be done to achieve those goals. Then they go into slots on my schedule. All the other odds and ends of life get their slot. If something can’t be done then it’s rescheduled. I also have breathing room for the unexpected.
This makes what you want in life happen and keeps you consistent.
I challenge you to try it. You won’t be sorry and your days will be productive.

The last most important thing for fulfillment in life and business is belief. If you don’t believe in yourself you will find a way to fail. That means you must make sure to heal the subconscious of negative beliefs that may be stored there and are holding you back.
This is tough work, I know, but if you really want fulfillment you will do the work. I continually check what I’m thinking. This is where my morning ritual, continual learning, and consistent work has paid off big time.
May you believe in you and your talent. You deserve this. You can do it!

What would you advise – going all in on your strengths or investing on areas where you aren’t as strong to be more well-rounded?

We have to realize our strengths. Everyone has a talent and realizing yours will bring you great joy. It comes natural to you and it’s what you really love.
Now comes the hard part. Keeping that talent. So much of the time when you have a natural talent it’s easy to take it for granted. This is what I did for a long time. I didn’t practice. I got by because of my natural abilities, but it catches up with you. Luckily I got smart and started practicing. I was and am consistent with practicing. You may love what you do but most of the time it is hard work and not fun to do the things that keep you going and being relevant with your talent.

We also have to look at our weaknesses and work on them as well. When 2020 changed our lives I had to learn new skills. I resisted and complained but finally as I struggled through I learned new skills like making videos, editing, posting on a regular basis. I post new videos about singing every week. I learned and continue to grow.

Always do and be your best. This life we have is a gift so work it to the fullest. You can do this.

P.S. Don’t forget to smile…Love Ya 🙂

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What were the conditions that allowed you to develop your empathy?

“Empathy is about finding echoes of another person in yourself.” – Mohsin Hamid We believe

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