Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Melanie Lutz. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Melanie, looking forward to learning from your journey. You’ve got an amazing story and before we dive into that, let’s start with an important building block. Where do you get your work ethic from?
When I was 11 years old, I had a part time job delivering the Morning Call, our local newspaper, I got up at 4:45am, every day, 365 days a year, rain or shine, freezing temperatures, or muggy heat. It was my first understanding of a news distribution system, every morning the thud of the 100+ newspapers hit my driveway, needing to be opened, prepped and delivered to each of my customers in time for me to return home, shower, change into my school clothes and catch the bus. No excuses. Everyday. No matter how I felt, No matter what I was thinking. The newspapers had to be delivered. If folks didn’t get a paper, or the paper was damaged, or torn, they called to complain. From this experience, I learned the power of showing up for the necessary work, on time, pencils sharp, backpack on, hit the streets to deliver the goods. The pre-rooster crow, pitch, black, dark, mornings stretching into sunrise, not a soul in sight, carrying those newspapers over hills, across the creek, taught me to keep on going. It was the discipline of putting one foot in front of the other, moving through all the morning dew, the barking dogs, the creepy creaks, the surprise spider webs between trees, the scary sounds, the gentle glee of a duck family waddling, a badger on patrol, a chipmunk playing with a hard to get off the vine squash. The work ethic of consistency and commitment, of delivering so folks could receive the daily news instilled in me a quiet respect for showing up every day to do the work. Nothing to talk about, it was in the being with the task. Walking through the neighborhood to deliver the morning news, instilled in me a sense of community, of providing a necessary service, it reminded me of how beautiful the world is in all its possibilities born from quiet mornings, it brought me to a sense of loving each other through our collective connections, walking across the land and knowing the importance of serving the neighborhood.
Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
While my first two loves as a writer are the adaptive screenplay, that film or limited series, based on source material, and writing the book/lyrics for musicals, another, purer form of adapting the rythyms of what surrounds us, the music of the streets and the wonderful people who live in this world. Beyond that I write and create ever day, I love a blank page, a new beginning, a story well told, the power of our possibilities to heal, grow and connect through the stories we share. I love to get paid but beyond that, I love the satisfaction of a story, well told, a sentence that cracks with intended lightning and the laughs that come off the page, seemingly out of nowhere.
With that said, over the past 10 years I’ve written 10 books about love, a soon to be released docu-series called Mel’s Love Land: WHAT IF All Our Thoughts Were Loving? asking the question, and listening to the answer, all to share, mostly to demonstrate what living a daily practice, baring witness and sharing the power of love to shift our perceptions. It took me years to succeed in every arena of the entertainment business, to fully understand that the 21st century demands a new way, a world of connection, collaboration and love enough to shift perceptions and align in community, where there is bottom up governance, living and loving agreements to resolve conflict and to operate systems where our earth and it’s humanity thrive. It is a moment of great remembering and the stories we share, focused on expansive, intersectional, loving grace, built on our focus is to tell feminine centered stories of inner power and grace, through our production company, Always Alice and to continue the powerful steps to claim our birthright. Women are 50% of the population who have given birth to 100% of humanity. The day where our power is celebrated and not exploited, honored and not taken, where we are aligned at the center of our deepest truth, as one we organize for each other, every day.
The early 21st century is a regenerative time, a great turning of our planet, and a return to what is just, kind and loving. There is a call for deep respect, forgiveness, atonement for the repetitive and original traumas perpetrated by systems designed to harm. In listening and dancing with our heart we return to a core childhood principle of loving our neighbors, being of service. Artists are here to reflect the times we live in, to co-create, to offer perspectives, to mirror and to express in equal parts, within a cult of cultures, it is important to create clarity within your work, to cultivate the muses, to be with that energy of transformation, to bring forth the gifts we have been given and to share what is in our hearts to share. During these years of love, together, with our neighbors, we created a community choir within the neighborhood gardens, founded on Biophilia, the love of all living things, centered in the land surrounding the Hollywood sign in Los Angeles, called The Band of Singers. This group is led by neighbor and folk legend Maesa Pullman. We joined under her orchestral, folk, conductor, big hearted goddess roots to bring voices in harmony together to write and sing songs and share music of the earth in shows so deeply embedded in our oneness as to bubble up through our hearts, to build community, to co-create a future where 100 years from know the truest timeline of earth is revealed and all manor of life, co-exists, in lush, grace doing the collective work to beam, share and flourish, a. true evolution of love. It continues to this day, all are welcome. We grow, together, knowing there is no solutionism that will bring forward the loving timeline, it is each of us being ourselves, showing up to share our gifts, to work side by side in sustainable, eco-storytelling, full of heart and grace, raising our hearts to know the fullness of possibilities of true, full, knowing connection.
As we evolve our 21st century hearts to tell magnificent stories we acknowledge the United States of America is founded on original sin, there is grace within our inception and there is trauma, we know the land we work on has stewards not of these past centuries under a declaration of independence and we strive every day to act with integrity, growing interdependence and being open to new systems of governance, where solutionism is put down, in favor of collective consciousness, where new ways flourish. We’ve reached a point where each of us, working together, reclaim, reconnect and rediscover what has always been. We love our land, the people in it and the magic and miracles available everyday. Our storytelling focus is to create connection, where audiences who are curious by nature, love to celebrate the best in people, support the arts, invest in talent, cultivate the conditions to nurture, develop and co-create media projects that uplift each other. Yes, I have years of experience developing and producing series, films, talent, comedy but at this moment more is called for, deeper unity for artists, systems that are intersectional, with mutual care and rest built into the fabric of our work ethos. Where it is a new day for media, for crafts, for artistry to thrive.
Love’s 21st century switch to stories of eco-community, health and wholeness, built on foundational wellness, not having to overcome evil because we are working together, connected in an optimal wellness immunity system with gravitas to hold all that needs healing. An all systems love movement. The world needs connection and love and sharing and healing. Love answers every question, every cry of, ‘Do you see me, do you care, do you love me,’ – unambiguous, constant loving.
Love reminds us to not believe everything we think as it lives within the master chakra, the heart, the turnaround of all our energies, the constant beating electricity and is always inviting our collective energies to connect, returning us to the sacredness of our being.
Love economies, or the economies of love, is our way through the dystopia and conversely utopia presented, as the extinction rebellion posse likes to say, we are here to find a ‘thrutopia’ a way of love, of what is essential, necessary and just.
A few things we keep in our heart as we grow this next phase of regenerative, eco-storytelling, the time is now for:
Love Media
Love technologies
Love alignments
Love events
Love activities
Love’s landscape
Love’s harmony and ecosystems
Possibilities for
all systems love
to grow
from the roots of
community story,
song, dance, art,
and conversation.
We are a sisterhood
And there is zero
We are
Going away
We stand
In love;
So. When people ask me to share a bit about myself the answer is, I am a lover, always. For a few hours each day, in front of that blank page, I am a story teller building out an inner power of love in action to change the entertainment business. I was recently called a memoirist and it got me thinking about all the things I am and how my commitment to showing up to what is present in my life, by being curious about the cause and effects of pure loving action. I am a lover of experiences, the way something blossoms from recognition. a community choir singer, a bon vivant of creative collaboration. People hire me when they want to bring an idea to life, when there is a lightning of possibility needed to coalesce a movement into being, to produce an experience that is at once beautiful and aligned with love, that satisfies the soulful expression wanting to be born. I love allowing a new form of story to express itself, I know how to support process by cultivating the conditions for what wants to be born to come through and the way that something flourishes in the light of a dark theater, glowing screen or connections of the heart.
As we use love in our present action, we allow the future to be something different, something loving. Writing is a deeply sacred experience, then putting it all together to put on a show is the nourishment. My unique ability to be present to what wants to be born and dogged ability to keep showing up to do the work, put the backpack, sharpen the pencils and open a new blank page, to get knocked down and get back into it, to fail and learn, to succeed and be humbled, to forgive while not forgetting, and to always know when I am aligned with what is my deepest truth, and take action from that place, the Stories resonate more with me, and the love flowing through my work is felt and understood. are how we connect and heal, how realities are formed and reformed, and bend toward that fullest expression of our soul’s purpose truly united in a beautiful collaboration, rooted in peace.
If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
Integrity, say what you mean. And take care to find intersectional loving actions. I do what is necessary and just, whether it costs me something, or makes my way longer. I stay the course, knowing that love may destroy what I believe with a flood of truth, and I let that loving, just-ness be my guide to act with integrity, to listen, to be a space where possibilities flourish.
Curiosity. Be curious love origin stories, Love knowing how things work, what it takes to witness the highest form of their expression. Love being a part of birthing new realities, new stories, new worlds, Love cultivating the conditions for things to blossom from the seeds of the soul to be something miraculous.
Experience. Until I experienced something, I don’t know. I’ve experimented in the fields, as they say, with all kinds of activities to understand if it was for me. Experiences allow us to test our inner power, to know what is for us, and what is not. In experience we come to know what is true at the deepest level, Experiences that are not of your daily world, that are outside of the sphere of influence, as to expand knowledge and wisdom to grow through that first breath of sunshine, and a touch of morning due after climbing long into the night and setting up camp. Let
Do you think it’s better to go all in on our strengths or to try to be more well-rounded by investing effort on improving areas you aren’t as strong in?
Life provides you with many opportunities to leap, leaning into your strength. One way isn’t always the only way. My brother had one tool in his problem solving repertoire, he liked to hammer until he broke down a wall. Overuse of one tool could also be destructive. What would happen if you felt safe in a world to build into our strengths, maybe to allow what we consider weaknesses to carry us through, and collectively share them in ways that create connection and wellness? When needed the hammer is a wonderful tool. A strength to celebrate, overuse is not the way. A teacher taught me that the ‘We is in wellness and the I is in illness.’ What world do you want to see more of? My conditioning over time has undergone a decolonizing of the body. What was ‘beat’ into me needs to be healed and transmuted. When I think about answers to questions, sometimes the first thing that comes to ‘mind’ is not the best answer, through a practice of being present, what is necessary, what is kind, what is called for in each moment leads to more love.
There is a collective earth centered conversation revolving around permaculture and cultivating the conditions for foundational health and wellness across all our ecosystems. As my own awakening, was bubbling through, breaking the surface, at the time I was interested in the experimentation with what was beyond the limitations of speech, words were becoming the most deadly, separating us. offending. I was deeply into the energetic arts, how media could be a healing broadcast, and what techniques, shifts would need to flow for that container of possibility to manifest into shows, stories, movies, etc. Being someone who loves to dance, and the beautiful expressions of the body, what is possible to convey, to birth, to form in movement has been a guiding light through my practices of putting on shows. I discovered a beautiful group of like hearted souls, using a movement practice created under an activist led dance company. Critical Mass Dance Company, a practice as old as time reformed into a soul led discipline called, Dance from the Heart. We, as a community, looked at where we could use are art, share our gifts, care and support each other, building somatic healing, talk about envisioning a world of love, Home base for practice was a church in Koreatown that had a dance rehearsal room with the classic would floor, bar, and floor to ceiling mirrors, right out of Flashdance. We danced. We embodied a new way and grew our community, taught, loved. And, danced some more.
A new system built on love, built on the rock of the universal energies is regenerating evolution as we speak.Is it our love that leads us or is it the networks that guide us the connection within the right path. strengthen and deepen democratic systems to act at the level of feeling, because I believe this is the best way to enable needed solutions to our collective challenges to emerge. The transparency of what is essential free.
There’s an old story of a lost soul who wanted to find her tribe, she looked outside and met many who were not her tribe, who caused her trauma and stress, some confused her, by saying, “Yes. We are your tribe.” Some said they loved her, but their actions told another more painful story. No matter what, the lost soul kept on, through the false starts and stops, the mistakes, the stories she thought were hers, stolen from her, the heart breaks as reality settled through the fantasies, and more confusion. On she went, until one day she was at the darkest forests, edge, and while afraid, it didn’t matter. With what she thought were the facts of her being, what others had told her, she crossed through the forests edge and went into the deep unknown to find out what was beyond the beyond of her thinking, what she was looking for. On her way through the dark forest she faced many terrors, her past, and present, nightmares of a future as yet unwritten. Within this way, she put one foot in front of the other, and on and on she went, finding sunshine and warmth, breaking through each day, she allowed her feet to carry her onward. Though she knew nothing of what lay ahead, she allowed the soft underbelly of her being to be known, to lead, to grow in power and musculature. She knew what lay ahead may kill her, but onward she went, until at last she met a great oak tree, inviting, glowing, nesting, and in an instant she bowed, shedding all she had known, resting into its wisdom, its divine presence and all it had born witness to in rituals, and what radiated outward from source. She recognized its power of regeneration, it’s symbol of eternal spring and the may pole of the cosmos. In this deep space of respect, she opened the vortex of radicle possibilities within herself, and in the great turning she remembered it all, When she awoke, the world greeted her, and she danced and connected and healed and grew, in the spiral of biophilia, the love of all living things, her journey had led her to the center of all things, to the beginning and the ending, the infinity loop that transforms the timelines, where all was one, and her individual and collective expression integrated across all the land, the dark forests integrating as one.
There are times when we need to go it along, as our connection to all that is, guides us on our way, to be with those we are here to connect to, and there are times when our deepest grace is forged through the ever present network of collaboration and comfort, through the care of our neighborhood, because of the unspoken, chords of connection that allow our presence within the whole to be known, whether our steps are our own, or in a collective group. The greatest blessing one will find is in knowing why we are here and in allowing that deepest truth to be known and to do the necessary work to find our way through and be in connection with all that is.
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