Meet Mike Wilson


We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Mike Wilson. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Mike below.

Mike, we’re thrilled to have you on our platform and we think there is so much folks can learn from you and your story. Something that matters deeply to us is living a life and leading a career filled with purpose and so let’s start by chatting about how you found your purpose.

When I was just a little boy I can remember climbing up to the piano and plucking out chords. I knew then and there that music would be the center of my life. There was something so magical about how multiple notes played together would generate crazy emotions from my soul. I was hooked and I have been in love ever since!

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?

I am the front man for the rock band Runaway Fire. The most exciting thing in the world to me is when an audience is connected to the music we are playing. It is like something takes over and we are all on some invisible plane of existence partaking of the amazing sound waves that the universe has for us to play in. After my nerves, ego, selfish desires or any intrusive thoughts leave and it is just the music playing through me, that is what I’m talking about. It is almost like I become a tool for the universe or something. I will look over at my band mates and they are in the same place! There have been times when the show is over and I look out at the crowd and see huge smiles and I feel like the show was over in an instant. It is really an amazing feeling of connection when all of our minds and emotions are flowing together in a musical celebration. The most amazing thing about this band is that we have lots of shows coming up, so we have the opportunity to keep sharing our energy through original rock and roll music.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

Songwriting is a very important part. Allowing other members in the band to create and add their own part to the music has been very important. As a song writer when you create a song sometimes I would feel over protective and want things to be exactly how I heard them in my head. I have learned first and foremost that a band is a huge team effort. We all need each other, and to allow other people to add their personalities and skills through the music is a huge part of making a good song. Then after you finally think you have a good song, go play it 10 times live and then go back and re work it hahaha. So many times I thought I had a killer song and the crowd didn’t really get it so I would make some little tweaks here and there and the crowd would love it. I’m not saying to sell out or write music just for other people, but when the fans love a song it is way more enjoyable to perform. Usually we have realized that if we love to play the song as a band then the crowd usually loves it, almost like the fans are feeling what we are feeling through this invisible connection of emotion when you attach sound.

Another skill is to try and stay optimistic, there have been shows where there were 2 people in the crowd and we just stayed positive and gave them the best show we could. Always stay positive that your dream will grow.

The last skill is a weird one to mention but I feel that it is the most important skill to my personal journey. I have tried to be extremely grateful and appreciative. It takes families, venues, city/state employees, police, bars, food trucks, sound engineers, stage and lighting, and most importantly the fans and listeners to put on a good show. I think of some of the shows we have played and all the effort it took to put the event together and I am so extremely grateful for everyone involved. The more I appreciate everyone involved the more the universe gives back and keeps this thing going.

What was the most impactful thing your parents did for you?

My parents gave me the freedom to bang on drums and write music from the very beginning. I enrolled in early morning jazz band and my grandma would come pick me up every single morning and she had a piece of toast and hot chocolate in the van every single day at 6:45 AM. My other grandma gave me my first guitar and my dad showed me some chords and a few tricks. My dad would always show me some of the bands from his era that were amazing and got me listening to the right music from my early childhood.

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