Meet Nino Fincher


We were lucky to catch up with Nino Fincher recently and have shared our conversation below.

Nino, looking forward to learning from your journey. You’ve got an amazing story and before we dive into that, let’s start with an important building block. Where do you get your work ethic from?

Christ determines my ethical approach to work, life and all decision-making.
He is the reason, and the example of service as the essence of leadership,
and of letting your word speak for itself.

Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?

Seeing people get clear on their purpose and removing mental and emotional hindrances that block their success in under 3 session, is a thrill!

I love getting to the root of what prevents my clients from succeeding and transforming that through Rapid Therapy, my coaching program or speaking and restorative retreats.

My children’s book: “Kooba Says Hi”, shows kids (3-9), how to achieve wellness through daily decisions.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

Selecting the top 5 people who had the knowledge and skills I wanted to learn from, at any stage in life, in any area of expertise, was an invaluable way to grow.
I say: never trust a coach who has no coach;)
Building g business that is grounded on your values is essential.
Books and more books; a great book may be more valuable that a college degree.
And service! Your gifting, skills and knowledge are only good if they help someone. Every great leader is a servant first.

Awesome, really appreciate you opening up with us today and before we close maybe you can share a book recommendation with us. Has there been a book that’s been impactful in your growth and development?

I think when people think of the Bible as just some religious book, they make a massive mistake and forgo a tremendous amount of valuable, practical information regarding relationships, business principles, conflict resolution, parenting, stress or anger management, personal development and so much more!

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Image Credits

Debra Klawetter

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