We were lucky to catch up with Octavian Mazyck recently and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Octavian, really happy you were able to join us today and we’re looking forward to sharing your story and insights with our readers. Let’s start with the heart of it all – purpose. How did you find your purpose?
Meditation , inner work, and paying attention to how my body responded to certain things. I recall back in late 2018, 2019 I started becoming infatuated with meditation and learning about chakras and their specific functions within the body.
During my research, I learned about the sacral or 2nd chakra. This particular chakra struck a chord with me due to its specific traits that pertain to creativity , sexuality, and pleasure. At that time I felt I was stagnant in these areas and seeking instant pleasures to mend my inner wounds. Having said that, I began mediating and would hear a voice saying start a brand entitled 2NDCHAKRA. Since then, I’ve been in development where I plan to release a collection mid-late September. That said, my design canon is to: spread messages incorporating eastern philosophy practices and symbolism, reiterating the idea that we are divine creatures and we maintain or embody an essence of the most high when we look inside ourselves, and lastly, remaining connected to the 2nd (sacral chakra) by incorporating pieces that have a specific tone of orange.
Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?
My name is Octavian Mazyck, and I’m originally from Portsmouth, Virginia. Im a creative, where my disciplines include graphic design, interior design, modeling, photography, and sketching to be specific. That being said, I felt VA didn’t have the environment to foster my skills . Therefore, I began looking abroad to find a place that would allow me to hone in on my talents and excel.
Since 2020 I’d contemplated moving to NJ , though due to covid that got postponed. Fast forward to 2021, restrictions were being lifted, and I’m strongly considering the move. The straw that broke the camel’s back for me was when i saw an instagram post on a friend’s page that read “why you should move to a new city while in your 20’s.” I said BOOM that’s my sign, so in aug 2021 I made the move.
The motivation to move here was fueled by the notion to pursue career opportunities in the graphic design and modeling industries. Upon relocating to NJ, my first 6-7 months were STRESSFUL, I felt as though I wasn’t making any progress and even thought about moving back to VA. However, one day in August of 2022 I was approached to walk in a show for New York fashion week (kind of a big deal). Since then I’ve walked in several fashion shows, and modeled for designers’ upcoming collections.
In regards to my profession, I occupy the space of creative director for my design agency called 2ndchakradesigns in which we specialize in brand identity, apparel , and logo design. On a related topic, when clientele work is slow, i’m developing pieces for 2ndchakra , my brainchild. In reference to that, people can expect pieces to release mid to late September along with a presentation to follow.
In sum, I’d like to reiterate the fact that my journey has been no walk in the park. These industries are harsh. It takes resilience, mental fortitude , strong work ethic, and most importanlty who you know. I’m still not where I’d like to be, but I’ve definitely made significant strides since moving here.
There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
Being open – minded :
Things may not transpire in the way YOU’D like, but you must be open to other possibilities that arise as they may be surface area for you to gain experience and grow in your specific field. Ultimately allowing you to be better equipped when an opportunity arises that’s in perfect alignment with your initial goal or aspirations.
Being extroverted when needed:
I struggled with this for a long time. I’d go to networking events and stand in the corner just to say I attended . After a while, I sat with myself and had to make a decision that if this is what I wanted to do, I have to converse with people and evoke this outgoing persona if I want to see any changes in my life. You never know who you’re going to meet by just starting a conversation. On the other hand, if you remain shy and to yourself the likelihood of you progressing in life is slim to none, based on your profession or area of discipline. In essence, it just comes down to being real with yourself and understanding what you need to do in order to achieve your goals.
Self confidence:
This trait is absolutely imperative! But I understand that it’s also the most difficult to develop for some. Specifically for me, I always had self doubt about my ideas and how I was perceived by the world. As I stated earlier, self confidence is something you need in this world. Especially in the fields of art, design, and modeling. Yes you may face numerous rejections, but you must maintain that sense of knowing that you are great, it just takes the right person to recognize that. It’s only a matter of time.
These qualities develop overtime, and I was able to cultivate them by practicing my affirmations and meditation. That said, you must be patient with yourself and show gratitude, mercy, and compassion if you want to see any growth within yourself.
Before we go, maybe you can tell us a bit about your parents and what you feel was the most impactful thing they did for you?
Teaching me the importance of preparation, presentation, and punctuality. It makes all the difference in how a person perceives you.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://2ndchakradesigns.weebly.com
- Instagram: Design page – @2ndchakradesigns
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/octavian-mazyck-085198193
- SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/ceasar-octavian
- Other: Personal IG – @_2ndchakra
Image Credits
New Eden