Meet Paloma Rodriguez


Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Paloma Rodriguez. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Paloma, we are so appreciative of you taking the time to open up about the extremely important, albeit personal, topic of mental health. Can you talk to us about your journey and how you were able to overcome the challenges related to mental issues? For readers, please note this is not medical advice, we are not doctors, you should always consult professionals for advice and that this is merely one person sharing their story and experience.

I have been able to overcome so much when it comes to my mental health. I have suffered from generalized anxiety and severe depression for majority of my life. In my young adulthood I became heavily dependent on anxiety and depression medication. After college I had post grad depression that hit extremely hard, despite this I was able to find a job I liked and excelled in and found help through therapy. Sadly, life happened again and I relied on antipsychotics when I started having auditory hallucinations due to abusing my meds while under the influence. I genuinely thought I had lost my mind, I feared I’d never be normal again. The mind is such a powerful thing that we often underestimate. I continued therapy and made it a goal to not need medication at all some day and with the help of my psychiatrist and therapist I was able to reach that goal. Today, I no longer experience hallucinations, I no longer self medicate, I am sober, I don’t rely on anti depressants or anxiety meds and I manage my anxiety and depression gracefully. I’m a huge mental health advocate with my friends, family and clients and strongly encourage everyone to not bottle everything in and not self medicate. I provide a safe space for women to share their thoughts and worries. I love being a healthy outlet for them. Finding what I am passionate about has helped me continue to manage and prioritize my mental health and has given me a voice. I am so fortunate to be at the light at the end of the tunnel, which once seemed impossible to reach. Overcoming such a scary time has made me fearless and resilient in my entrepreneurship and I know I can overcome any obstacles that may come.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

I am a self taught lash artist from south LA. I discovered my love for lash artistry and entrepreneurship because of the amazing connections I have been able to make. I not only help women feel beautiful but I also provide a comforting safe space for them to grow, vent, and thrive in their feminine power. I absolutely love the confidence I am able to provide to women, the level of comfort and the valuable conversations that we get to share.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

The most valuable qualities and skills I believe helped me get to where I am today are faith, discipline, time and money management, respect and self love. I could not narrow it down to 3 these are all too important. Let me further explain. You must keep such strong faith that your business will thrive, even when things get tough you must keep faith that every thing will work out the way it should. Staying disciplined is top priority as well because in order to perfect a skill you must stay disciplined and keep working towards your success. Time and money management is important to keep a great structure and handle your business strategically. Respect is also highly important because you must respect others, yourself, your boundaries, your time, your space, it just helps keep everything copacetic and peaceful. And lastly, possibly the most important is self love because you must love yourself enough to be doing the work of 100 people for you. You wear many hats as an entrepreneur and remembering to put yourself first, prioritize self care, working on yourself and your mental health and physical health, setting boundaries and enforcing them will go a long way.

How would you describe your ideal client?

My ideal client is a high value woman who loves to prioritize self care. A client who loves to love on herself and is consistent with her self care routine. She is also open minded and willing to have deep conversations that go beyond surface level. My ideal client is respectful of my time and space, she appreciates the care I put into my service and expects nothing less than a luxury experience. My ideal client is open to my professional opinion and is kind, genuine and loves the finer things in life! She is bold and calls attention and shines the brightest in the room because of how she carries herself inside and out. If this is you, come see me soon I think you will love it here at All Eyes On Me!

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