We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Patti Negri a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Patti, thank you so much for joining us. You are such a positive person and it’s something we really admire and so we wanted to start by asking you where you think your optimism comes from?
My optimism comes from deep in my heart. Optimism is a choice! It’s all perspective. We can take any situation and look at the positive or negative side of it… Even what seems like the worst situation has something positive – even if it’s just a lesson to “never do that again!”. We know all the “glass half empty / glass half full” stories. Though I prefer the two wolves at your door story. The good wolf and the bad wolf… which wolf lives? The one you feed! I think the biggest issue is that people tend to give away their power. Whether to fear, other people or limiting belief systems – when you give away your power you become a victim. Not usually the most “optimistic” of places to be. When you take back your power, you can honestly start turning things around and directing your life to what you want it to be! The reason why some people resist that is that also means you also are taking responsibility for your life, which indeed can be a little scary! But the moment you start, a whole new “I created this” optimism takes over. Soon it becomes a habit. I have seen people in the most ideal situations pessimistic and miserable and people in hard and dark situations optimistic and hopeful. It’s all up to YOU! And I promise you, optimistic is WAY more fun!
Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?
I’m known as “The Good Witch of Hollywood”. I am really about empowering people… Well, actually showing or reminding them how powerful they already are! I do this in many ways. My books and articles, my speaking engagements,, my television work, my podcast, my online Spirituality and Mystery school University Magickus, my streaming network Paraflixx and my one-on-one sessions with private clients. I am on the road doing events, touring and filming almost half of my time these days. I love getting to meet people all over world. My upcoming events may be to many to list, but you can always find them on my website at PattiNegri.com or social media. I have a new episode of Ghost Adventures coming up soon and another wonderful project in the works (but I cant talk about that yet.). I also just launched “Patti’s Power Panties” (Change your underwear, change your life) and “Spellcaster” (Put a little magick in your wardrobe) clothing lines available on MysteryControl.com.
Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
I think self knowledge is one of the most important areas and so often overlooked. Once you know yourself you can more objectively look at everything else. Thats the main reason I started University Magickus, a place where contemporary and ancient wisdom come together in a safe and nurturing atmosphere. where students can study, learn, create their own path, spiritual evolution and purpose. It is a place where people with different beliefs and views can come, share, learn, and work together, united in the common desire to find truth in whatever path they choose. We are not affiliated with any religion or religious organization.
I think communication skills are also one of the most important attributes we can have as well. This can be learned in a formal academic setting, through art and expression or just embracing and living life. When we can communicate our thoughts, needs, wants and emotions, we bring better fuller lives for ourselves and those around us and even the world.
Common sense is the next most important skill or area to me. It often is something that needs to be developed though. Learning to think for yourself – or sometimes, just think! Learning to notice your intuition and gut instincts. Learning to dance between your left brain logic and right brain intuition. This skill can enhance every area of your life.
Any advice for folks feeling overwhelmed?
This is an excerpt from my book Old World Magick For the Modern World – and works every time!
Elemental Balancing Exercises. Or what I like to call… 30 seconds to fix anything!
I think the key to almost everything is balance. Every once in a while, well heck almost daily, we get or feel a little out of balance. Yes, we all know the benefits of meditation and “me time”! But, as often as not – we have mere minutes to “pull it together”! Here are some super easy elemental exercises to help get you back in balance within 30 seconds almost anywhere you are!
I am an “elemental” witch. I work with nature and her elements. Nature truly does balance us, but in our modern society, most of us don’t get enough time communing with our beautiful earth. But even so, her beautiful elements are still powerful and balancing.
Picture your entire life in the four basic elements. Earth. Air. Fire. Water. Your Earth is who you are, your home, your sense of being, the womb. Your Air is our thinking brain, our thoughts, our sense of reason, (and often that chatter that won’t shut up when we want it to). Your Fire is your passion, creativity, the blood in your veins, your spirituality. Your Water is your emotions… and remember water is about 60% of our body and 70% of our planet, so our emotions are a big part of who we are.
So, the next time you are not as happy as you can be, or productive as you can be, or even as awake and conscious as you would like to be… (we really don’t want to go through life “asleep at the wheel”, “phoned in” or on “automatic pilot”!) Instead of just staying in that state decide which of those four elements is the most out of balance. I promise, one of them will be!
Water/Emotions… Is it your emotions that are out of balance? Are you angry or sad or worried about something? Whether held inside or screamed out the window… whether justified or not, if it is your emotions keeping you from your full experience of life in this moment… you need the water element. An attribute of water is emotion. Think of it like an aspirin for a headache. Just think how good you always feel after a shower. It’s the water! You can’t jump in a shower every time you’re sad or angry or worried, but you can almost always find running water. A sink, a kitchen, a bathroom, a drinking fountain or hose. So, going back to the mind body and spirit equal “home run” formula… walk up to that sink turn on the water, first set your intent (mind) perhaps ask your higher self, God your Spirit guides or whatever words you use that with this water you are releasing this extra emotion. Then run your hands under the sink for 30 seconds (body or action). If you want, you can visualize that anger or sadness running down the drain. The water itself is the “spirit” or battery power! You now have all three elements, so within 30 seconds you will have healthfully released that excess emotion. Gone. Not stuffed down, or ignored or discounted…. just gone. So now, if you need to deal with what caused the emotion, you can now do it without the overwhelm of it. Give it a try… I think you will be pleasantly amazed!
Air/Thoughts… Do your thoughts get the best of you sometimes? Do you overthink? Get foggy? Sometimes can you just not get your thoughts to SHUT UP! If so, you need the air element. An attribute of air is thought. In these rushed modern times, very few of us breathe deeply. Unfortunately, the effect of shallow quick breathing goes directly to your head! So just being aware of your breathing can be a huge help in itself… but my “magic fix” for foggy brain is adding some sound to your breath… Vowels sounds to be exact. Any vowel, any order. Vowels literally clear the head. Think about how almost every sacred word or chant is a vowel… “Amen”, “Om”, etc. So… next time you get chatty or foggy brain – do my one, two, three (Mind, body, spirit) quick fix. First set your intention that with your deep slow breathing and vowel sounds you will clear and quiet your mind… then just DO IT! Within 30 seconds you will actually notice the chatter in your head begin to stop – and the fog clear up. Great to do before a presentation or important conversation – or anytime you need clear thinking!
Earth/Grounding… If you are not feeling “grounded” or “in your body” – you need to tap into the earth element. Its great to get outside in nature. Get barefoot in the dirt or grass. Hug a tree – literally! But, if you are on the 35th floor of an office building going in to a very important meeting and feeling a little “queasy” – grab ANYTHING that is wood or stone. A pencil, a wooden chair or desk. The granite countertop, a crystal, even the diamond, opal or any stone in your ring. Grab onto it. Decide in your head that this item will ground and center you. Hold on to the object. Deep breath for 30 seconds. Everyone feels this one a little different. I feel like a warm earthen blanket surrounds me. Some people feel like “roots’ are coming out of the soles of their feet into the ground. However it feels to you – you WILL feel immediately grounded and centered.
Fire/Passion… If you are feeling tired, passionless – you need to call in the fire element. Maybe you have a hot date with your honey and just not “feeling it”. Or working on a creative or art project and need inspiration – or maybe you are just exhausted, in bed and have to get up! You have all the “earth” you need – but you need the “fire” power to rise and shine. This, like air is breathing and sound magic…Set your head what you want as in the others… than do 30 seconds of deep breathing while going zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. (Ask any eight-year-old what sound a bee makes… you’ve got it!) Within 30 seconds you will start to feel a tingling in the base of your spine. It will rise up and in no time at all you will have all the energy, passion and creativity you need to move forward.
These four techniques really can be like your hidden super hero powers! You can do them anywhere. They cost nothing and take only 30 seconds! Keep them in your invisible back pocket – and pull them out whenever needed for immediate balance and relief!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.pattinegri.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patti.negri/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PattiNegriPsychicMedium/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pattinegri/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/PattiNegri
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@PattiNegriGoodWitch
- Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/patti-negri-los-angeles
- Other: Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-witching-hour-with-patti-negri/id1510679547
Image Credits
Marta Traskevych