Meet Rebelle

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Rebelle. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

REBELLE, appreciate you making time for us and sharing your wisdom with the community. So many of us go through similar pain points throughout our journeys and so hearing about how others overcame obstacles can be helpful. One of those struggles is keeping creativity alive despite all the stresses, challenges and problems we might be dealing with. How do you keep your creativity alive?

As a music artist, creativity is the heartbeat of my musicianship, my brand, and my inspiration. It’s an innate force that doesn’t simply fade away, though we all encounter creative blocks where ideas and words seem elusive. The key to overcoming these blocks is to embrace your emotions and draw from your own life experiences. Writing, composing melodies, and singing about what you genuinely feel bring authenticity to your work.

Most of the time, I feel naturally creative, but there are moments when I struggle to find inspiration. In those times, especially when it comes to content creation, stage design, or selecting performance outfits, I rely on spontaneity. If creativity isn’t flowing, I go with my first instinct—whether it’s posting the first take or choosing a vibrant color palette. Even when we, as artists, don’t feel particularly creative, we are still living examples of creativity. Just by being ourselves, creativity finds a way to pop out and be seen. Authenticity is crucial; I love bright colors, and I believe in showing my true self beyond the stage or studio. By staying true to who I am, I remain connected to my fans and carve out space to keep my creativity alive.

Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?

I’m Rebelle, a radio-playing disco/dance-pop artist, vocalist, songwriter, and session singer. My music is heavily influenced by pop icons like Britney Spears, Katy Perry, and Ava Max, blending bright colors, glitter, dance beats, and empowering lyrics into my unique sound. I’m originally from Croatia, where I pursued studies in Classical Singing & Music Theory, and now I’m based in Los Angeles, six months away from graduating with a degree in Vocal Performance from the Los Angeles College of Music.

My journey has been an exciting mix of performances and collaborations. In 2018, I had the incredible opportunity to star as the main villain in Croatia’s first-ever musical, “Music of My Heart.” I’ve also been a part of Croatia’s Got Talent, performing at the Super-finals at the age of 10, and performing at the Lisinski Hall. More recently, I’ve been involved in Grammy U’s Mentorship program twice, worked with mentors like Amira Gadd and Matthew Puckett, and won Music Forward’s Open Mic as a fan favorite. One of my most memorable experiences was singing background vocals for Dennis Quaid at the 31st Movieguide Awards.

As an artist, I’m focused on releasing music that resonates with people on a deep, emotional level, but also makes their hips move. For example, my latest single, Taboo, talks about coming to terms with that toxicity and finding the strength to break free, and my debut single Break Me encourages to never let other people break you down. I’m excited about the direction my music is taking, and I’m currently working on my debut EP. My goal is to connect with all the dancey-girlies all over the globe and anyone who finds solace in singing their lungs out when life gets tough because I truly believe that music and dance make life better.

This summer, I organized my first mini-tour, with shows in Vienna, Croatia, and Los Angeles. My debut show at The Mint in LA in May was a significant milestone for me, and I’m thrilled to be returning there on October 12th at 8 pm as they are one of my favorite venues! Also, if that date doesn’t work for you, see you on October 30th, as I will be playing Breaking Sound at Adults only at 7 pm! If you don’t know me but love to party/dance/sing, don’t be shy, see you there, and let’s grow together!

Beyond my solo work, I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with incredible artists such as LUPO, Dennis Quaid, Teresa James, Phil Lo Presti, Carmine Rojas, Eric Ekstrand, and more. I’ve also written songs for/with other artists, like LUPO’s FullMetal and TWNMAR. My brand is all about embracing bright colors, especially pink, and creating music that empowers and uplifts. I’m passionate about connecting with people who, like me, find joy and release in music and dance.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

When I reflect on my journey, three qualities really stand out: my willingness to take risks, my work ethic, and my understanding of the power of collaboration.

First, I’ve always been someone who takes risks. I approach everything with an all-or-nothing mindset. Whether it’s making bold creative choices, seizing new opportunities, or even making the big decision to move across the world to pursue my dreams, I’ve never hesitated to step into the unknown. This approach has led to some of my greatest successes. Even when things didn’t go as planned, I learned lessons that were crucial for my growth. My advice for anyone starting out is to embrace risk. Don’t let fear hold you back. Taking risks is essential for growth, and it ensures you never have to ask yourself, “What if?”

Another key factor has been my work ethic. I’m someone who never gives excuses, and I often overwork myself, but it’s deeply satisfying because I can always say I’ve tried everything. This relentless drive has made sure that I leave no stone unturned in my pursuit of success. Yes, it’s exhausting at times, but the sense of accomplishment and knowing I’ve given it my all is incredibly rewarding. For those just starting out, I’d say—be prepared to put in the hours, go the extra mile, and push through challenges. Hard work might not always guarantee success, but it guarantees that you’ve done everything in your power to achieve your goals.

Lastly, collaboration has been a cornerstone of my career. Working with others has not only expanded my creative horizons but also opened doors to opportunities I might not have found on my own. The synergy that comes from collaboration often leads to outcomes far greater than anything I could achieve on my own. For anyone early in their journey, I can’t stress enough how important it is to seek out collaboration. Find others who share your vision, be open to learning from them, and remember that collaboration is about creating something together that’s greater than the sum of its parts. It can propel your career in ways you never imagined.

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed? Any advice or strategies?

When I feel overwhelmed, it’s usually because a lot of things are happening simultaneously. For instance, this past summer, I released a new single while simultaneously managing two concerts for my tour. The entire organization—press, logistics, social media content, and promotion—fell on my shoulders. Despite thoroughly enjoying the process, I found myself occasionally lost, unsure of what to prioritize or how to tackle everything efficiently.

My best advice for handling such overwhelming moments is to ask for help and lean on your support network. I’m especially grateful to my family, and LUPO, for their incredible support throughout the entire tour. They were instrumental in helping me manage everything. Small artists often feel they have to do everything alone, but it’s crucial to remember that you don’t. If you don’t have family and friends to turn to, seek out collaborators who can share the load. Whether it’s brainstorming ideas, managing social media content, or handling logistics, working together can make the process smoother and more enjoyable. Growing together in this crazy world is one of the most exciting experiences you can have.

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Image Credits

Himerria Wortham, Marko Kiš, TZP Mura i gorice

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