Meet Roz LeCompte


Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Roz LeCompte. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Hi Roz, thanks for sharing your insights with our community today. Part of your success, no doubt, is due to your work ethic and so we’d love if you could open up about where you got your work ethic from?

I inherited it. I witnessed my father’s work ethic first hand. I remember seeing him studying for his GED when I was a teenager using the fattest book I had ever laid eyes on. He quit high school as a Sophomore and took a job photographing his former classmates. What a brave move. He flowed with life and was always willing to learn and do what was necessary at the moment. When I was born he was a full time musician, but slowly gave that up as more little sisters were born. By the time he had five girls, he owned a family boat business with his parents and siblings. When my grandfather, Malcolm, passed away, I found a black and white photo of him standing next to a folding table with a white cloth draped over it. The sign read OUTBOARDS. He was an entrepreneur. He was one of nine. His parents lied to the local recruiter when he was fourteen years old and signed him up for the armed forces because they couldn’t afford to feed everyone. He loved telling that story. What an adventure his life was. Adaptation is at the heart of all Cajun people, whether we like it or not. I find my ancestry fascinating, heart breaking, but mostly inspiring. I feel lucky to be a result of unimaginable hard work to survive forced expulsion and relocation experienced by the Acadians in the 18th century. I hope to add to their remarkable legacy in some way.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

I am a visual artist born and raised in Acadiana, South Louisiana. I paint as a daily self-care practice. It is how I process being human, and my experiences are abstractly mirrored in my creations. I worked in the Healing Arts world for two decades as well as the fashion industry for ten years, and love finding ways to combine all of these in visual expressions. As I have been pivoting from a life as a small business owner with a traditional family, to a single mother starting her art career over from scratch, I have wanted to give up and succumb to a 9-5 job. At the beginning of the year, I was introduced to an Oracle deck from the 18th century, just in time to decide on a resolution. The cards indicated that my subconscious was the key and I listened. This year, I have designed and launched my Cajun Belle version of the Game of Hope, made famous by the Parisian Cartomancer, Madame Lenormand. What I love most about Oracle decks is that no knowledge of Tarot is necessary.. anyone can use the cards for guidance. I designed an extensive online reference to accompany each of the thirty-six cards. This collection has proven to be the perfect healing, visual arts, and fashion elixir for me. Playing the game provides an emotional salve attractive to the eye, and I also offer matching wearable merch . I am currently developing a companion journal to keep daily pulls, dreams, and gratitudes in for 2025. You can find all things Rêverie exclusively on my website.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

A deep desire to keep going no matter what is essential. I was born with the blessing/curse of die hard tunnel vision due to my genetics along with my Taurean tendencies..
Being flexible is what balances all that out.. I am learning to embrace the unknown, instead of fearing it. It’s like surrendering to the free fall. My maternal elders had this unwavering quality and I strive to be more like them.
Lastly, the discernment of knowing when to walk away from something that no longer serves me is especially liberating.
Thriving is when you can find joy in all of these things, which is a tough magic trick, but one worth practicing.

If you knew you only had a decade of life left, how would you spend that decade?

Grieving the ending of a twenty year relationship and a business I created and loved running for over a decade has been almost surreal. Art making has been my literal savior. Rediscovering who I am now, as a single woman, a mother, and artist, has turned out to be a thrilling journey despite all the loss. Cracking the code of abundance as a visual artist with no advertising budget and no desire to pop up every weekend, is the biggest challenge. I am constantly working on my website, blogging, entering contests, and creating a wide price range of art and collectibles. How amazing it is to be able to access the world thanks to the inter webs, but sometimes social media feels like screaming into the void. We are so over stimulated that we hardly see anything. Attention spans and patience are mythological creatures. But, I have no choice. I’ll create and share until I die, whether or not anyone witnesses. It’s all part of the ride!

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Image Credits

Reagan Simon

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