We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Rylee Hampton. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Rylee below.
Hi Rylee, thanks for sharing your insights with our community today. Part of your success, no doubt, is due to your work ethic and so we’d love if you could open up about where you got your work ethic from?
Growing up, my parents raised me to earn the things I have. Before I was able to go shopping, hang with friends or even watch TV, my chores had to be done. I have had a job since I was 15, because when it came time for me to have my license I had to have the money to put gas in my car. Both of my parents are incredibly hard working individuals. My dad has worked his entire life, he has owned his own business, and succeeded in everything he has done from his full time job to his racing career. My mom raised two kids, went back to college in her 30s and got her degree as a Respiratory Therapist, and now she manages her department at the hospital. My parents are my role models, and my best friends. I am grateful every day for how they raised me and for how I grew up because they taught me the value of hard work, and how much sweeter it is when the things you have are the things you earned.
Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
In 2021 I opened my small business, Custom wRYting. Since then, the growth I have experienced is unlike anything I could’ve ever dreamed when I was just starting out. In the beginning, I was just someone who offered calligraphy services for home decor, event decorations or menu boards, all free-hand and custom to order. Now, along with my calligraphy services, I commission artwork, paint murals, press flowers, set as a market vendor, the list goes on. As a little girl, writing and painting were a huge part of my life, and I always knew I wanted that to be a part of my career path as I got older. I always dreamed of owning my own business or being known for my artwork, so I am very fortunate for all that Custom wRYting has given me in only 3 years. With the anniversary of my opening date coming up, I have been working on a small rebrand, going back and forth on what I can do differently this year or if there are any new services I want to add, etc. That said, I have plans this year for a new merchandise drop that will come from thrifted or second hand clothing pieces. In the small business industry, antique or vintage items are always a hit. With Custom wRYting, there aren’t many ways I can incorporate that into what I do, but I knew in some way I wanted to add it in. I grew up thrifting and shopping second hand, I still do today, so I think this is a great way to tie in that vintage feel to my small business. Aside from that, I have been working with other amazing creatives and organizations local to me: family owned or women owned businesses: that have already led to some fun collaborations, but I have a feeling that this year there are big things in store, as we can give each other many different opportunities that will allow us to grow.
There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
Instead of picking only three qualities, skill or areas of knowledge, I want to provide one of each that have been most impactful as a small business owner.
Since I started my small business I have learned so much as a creative, business owner and person overall. One major quality would be gaining more confidence in myself. I have always been labeled as friendly, outspoken, or outgoing, but I have always struggled with insecurities, as we all do. However, putting myself out there and sharing my artwork, setting as a vendor by myself and meeting new people, I have so much more confidence in what I do and who I am. A skill that plays a huge part in Custom wRYting is time management. I am human, I procrastinate and make mistakes, and working a full time job while running a full time business from home has taught me many hard, but helpful, lessons in time management. That said, if I could give any advice to someone who is just starting out, it is OK to say no if you don’t have the time. At first everything is all new and exciting and you are eager, not wanting to let anybody down, but people are much more understanding than you might think. As long as you communicate, stay kind, and explain your availability, everything will work out in the long run. Now as far as area of knowledge goes, I have learned so much about social media. I had no idea in the beginning how much social media would take place in what I do, but when people search for you on Instagram you want them to see a page that truly represents who you are as a person and what your business is all about. Editing photos, posting at the right time, gaining a following and interacting with them, it all plays a part and it has been so fun figuring it all out. Overall, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there or ask questions about the things you are still learning. Take chances, but it is OK to say no if that is what is best for you at the time. Be kind to yourself and others, be understanding and be willing to learn.
Alright so to wrap up, who deserves credit for helping you overcome challenges or build some of the essential skills you’ve needed?
I have been very fortunate to be surrounded with an incredible support system on this journey. My friends and family have been rooting for me since the beginning, they are always the first to shout me out or share my post, compliment the work I have done and so on. However, my go-to person is my cousin Jess Greene. Her and her husband are the owners of Small Town Junk, and her family has been in the small business industry for years, so whenever I am faced with a challenge, Jessi is the first person I call. Although I have learned a lot in 3 years, there are still things I am figuring out or I am not 100% sure about, so I always turn to her when I need guidance or advice. She is so well rounded as a person and in this industry, she is so easy to talk to, I never walk away after a conversation with her second guessing myself. She has a way in instilling confidence in people that they may not have even realized they needed. I can’t thank her enough for all she has done for me over the years, she has been such a great model to me over the years and I can only hope to be half as inspiring as she is some day.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: @custom_wryting
- Facebook: Custom Wryting
Image Credits
Johna Kaye Photography | Instagram @johnakayephotography