Meet Sarah Lambert

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Sarah Lambert a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Sarah, so good to have you with us today. We’ve always been impressed with folks who have a very clear sense of purpose and so maybe we can jump right in and talk about how you found your purpose?
I used to think your purpose was what you most loved, like travel or sports etc. But what I’ve come to find over the years, now that I feel like I am living my purpose, is that my purpose is to help people become their best selves. But in order to find my purpose, I had to take action, listen to my intuition and work on becoming MY best self.

Finding your purpose requires you to be connected to yourself, so that you can hear the intuitive nudges and take action on them. When you do that, the universe will lead you to right where you’re meant to be, doing exactly what you’re meant to be doing.

Aligned action is the key, and in order to take aligned action, you have to be intune with yourself (this is the underestimated part).

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
Growing up, I struggled in school and always felt like I had to work 10x harder than everyone else just to keep up. I had teachers tell me I wouldn’t go to university, that I needed tutors etc. And because of that I worked my butt off to get decent grades, graduate university and land my “dream job”.

Until I realized everything I had strived and worked for was always on someone else’s terms, someone else’s plan for me, so the idea of working for myself was super appealing. I was over having to hustle and grind every step of the way and after learning about passive income in 2015 was determined to create that in my own life.

My official business started in 2017, still working in corporate but doing family photography on the side. It was a great way to make extra money and I knew I would love to create a photography course one day.

I quickly saw an opportunity for a Beginner Photography for Moms course, so I created and launched that in 2019 while on maternity leave. Luckily I had been building a brand online since 2015, had been sharing about photography for yeas, so the course took off quickly and I had 200 people take it the first year.

I made 6-figures and I was able to quit corporate. After that many other entrepreneurs started reaching out for help on scaling their businesses, so I organically started doing mentorship and coaching, even offering done-with-you course creation services.

But the strategy is one piece of the puzzle, I know how important the mindset is and that based on my childhood no one would have expected this of me. I know that to reach the top levels of success, it’s you against you, and mastering your own mindset and power is the best thing you can do for your business (and life).

As a mom of 2, I also know how few hours there are in the day and continue to unsubscribe from hustle culture. This doesn’t mean I don’t love hard work, I just believe in learning how to slow down while also creating scalable online businesses. I help my clients do this by monetizing their own expertise and creating signature courses and programs to add 6-figures+ to their revenue each year.

I’m passionate about helping others find freedom to do what they love, make amazing money while working as little or as much as they desire. And in tapping into the magic that unfolds when you master you mindset and energy.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
The three qualities that have been most impactful to me on my journey have been: Belief, Commitment and Authenticity.

Belief in yourself and what you can accomplish is everything. Had I not believed, I would never be where I am today. I believed in my work ethic, because I’ve always done what I needed to do to create what I needed to create. Like I’ve shared, I’m not special or some kind of genius.

If you’re just starting out, do not underestimate the power of personal development. When you can understand what’s blocking you, you take your power back. Read books, take courses (I have a great one for this), and push yourself to expand your beliefs so that they align to your goals because if not, you’ll have a hard time.

Commitment – Believing isn’t enough if you aren’t committed to the process. I’ve been all in since I decided to launch my course and quit my corporate job in 2019. Partly because I have no other option, but also because I know in my heart the impact I desire and I’ve simply believed in my goals and worked hard to achieve them every step of the way.

For those starting out, jump in with both feet, if you don’t commit to you, why would anyone else? Decide today that you are not going to stop until you achieve what you want to achieve. There’s no failing when you truly do this.

Authenticity – Showing up authentically was never something I did as a strategy, but who I like to believe I am. I have loved sharing my heart and value on social media to connect with people even before I had anything to sell. Showing up vulnerably and authentically has allowed me to change directions without losing my people, and I am forever grateful for all of them.

Showing up authentically doesn’t mean sharing every details online, it means being honest about who you are as you share. And it is vulnerable for us to do this, so this also comes back to personal development, but I invite you to just start sharing, share behind the scenes, shares your face (!!), show up imperfectly.

Who is your ideal client or what sort of characteristics would make someone an ideal client for you?
My ideal clients are heart-centred entrepreneurs who are willing to take full personal responsibility in their lives. Heart-centred to me means they care, care about their impact and their clients.

Most of my clients are truly passionate about their work and not just about making a million dollars. And because of that, making a million dollars is so possible for them, especially if they’re willing to take full personal responsibility in their lives.

What this means is that they aren’t victims to life and their circumstances. That they know everything is happening for them and are willing to look inwards instead of placing blame when things get hard. It requires growth and evolution to be able to take radical responsibility, and the personal deeper work is required.

The people willing to look inwards and who truly care about their impact, are my people.

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Image Credits
Leah Smith Danielle Adrienne

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