Meet Shriya Rana

We were lucky to catch up with Shriya Rana recently and have shared our conversation below.

Shriya, thank you so much for making time for us. We’ve always  admired your ability to take risks and so maybe we can kick things off with  a discussion around how you developed your ability to take and bear risk?

Well, I’ve always had a bit of a daring side to me. Picture this: I come from a small town,  and after I got my MBA, I decided to switch careers. It’s not something you see every day  where I come from.

Shifting careers felt like a big challenge, but my family was always there for me. They  were my support system, my biggest fans, and the ones I could turn to when things got  tough. It’s amazing how having such a strong support system, without it feeling like a  special privilege, can make you feel really confident.

My parents, especially, are my heroes. I don’t know how they did it, but they always said,  “You can do it, aim high, and even if you stumble, we’re here to help!” It’s like having a  coach and your own personal cheering squad all in one.

When it comes to taking risks, I owe a lot to my family for boosting my confidence. It’s  like they passed on their superpower of self-belief to me, and now I’m not afraid to take  chances, learn from them, and keep moving forward in life. With a support system like  that, who wouldn’t be up for a few adventures, right?

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself  before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

Absolutely! I’m from Himachal Pradesh, born and raised there. My family is all about  academics – teachers, officers, and engineers. Interestingly, no one in my family is in  the film industry. I started as an engineer, got myself an MBA, and then, bam! I  followed my heart and left everything behind to chase my passion. In 2017, I took the  leap and moved to Los Angeles to pursue my dream.

Apart from my job as a Director/Producer, I’m just a huge movie buff. I’m crazy about  art, and I go nuts for dancing and music. Basically, I’m all about that art life! My journey  into the world of film started with my formal education in filmmaking at the New York  Film Academy, followed by directing and producing studies at UCLA.

I’ve had the privilege of working on some notable films, including “Moonage Daydream”  (2022), “Ayesha” (2021) and “Procrastination” (2018). “Ayesha” holds a special place in  my heart, securing six directing awards and even the prestigious “Audience Choice  Award” at UCLAxFF ‘2021. The film did great in film festivals and got me over 40  official selections.

I recently had the pleasure of directing two new films. One is titled “Creatures of the  Night (COTN),” is about women safety, the film explores the menacing side of the inner city through the POV of one drugged woman.The other is a tongue-in-cheek satire called  “The Serene Place Where the Stars Poop (TSPWTSP),” which is a subtle satire on the art  of breaking-in, and how us, film school kinfolk worship the land where the stars take a  dump in. Both projects are currently in the post-production phase, and I’m absolutely  thrilled about them. These films are like a piece of my heart on screen. The shooting  process was an absolute joyride.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and  qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly  competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had  to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or  qualities would you focus on?

Reflecting on my journey, if I had to pick the three most important things that helped  me, I’d say it’s all about being tough when things get hard, being able to change when  needed, and never stopping learning. Toughness helps you keep going when times are  rough. Changing and trying new things is important because the world is always  changing too. And learning new stuff all the time is like having a superpower – it makes  you better at everything you do.

To close, maybe we can chat about your parents and what they did that  was particularly impactful for you?

Absolutely! Talking about my parents and what they’ve done that means the world to  me is something I cherish deeply. The most amazing thing they did was to believe in my  dreams, no matter how big or small. They showed me how to never give up and to be  strong even when things got tough. Their trust in me gave me the bravery to chase my  dreams, take risks, and tackle any problems head-on. But it’s not just about that. They  also taught me about working hard, being honest, and treating others with kindness.  They’ve not only helped me overcome tough times but have also guided me in building  meaningful relationships. My parents are my rock, and I’m so grateful for their love and  guidance. They mean the world to me, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without  them.

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