We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Shun Johnson a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Shun , so good to have you with us today. We’ve always been impressed with folks who have a very clear sense of purpose and so maybe we can jump right in and talk about how you found your purpose?
I found my purpose as I was going through a difficult time in my life, I have been diagnosed with Cancer previously but this time it was something different. I found myself in a closer relationship with God and on this journey, I would like to believe my life purpose here is to show love and light to others, and also to receive it, while leaving a legacy behind me. I also hope that part of my purpose it to bring a change, or break a pattern, and I’m determined to help make a change or at least leave a mark, so nobody else goes through it alone and without support. I found my Purpose through my Pain……
Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
Hey y’all I’m Shun Johnson. I am a mother, a daughter, a sister and a friend. But most importantly, I am a SURVIVOR. I’m currently undergo chemo treatments. One thing I hope you learn from my story is: Listen to your instincts and don’t let your concerns be dismissed. You know your body better than anyone so keep pushing and asking questions until you get answers.
I can remember one sleepless night as I was pondering my life, the plans I had for my future and the detour I had encountered, it came to me: Maybe I am suppose to create something that (maybe, just maybe) might bring healing, that will allow others to relate in a way that they, too, need healing. By the next morning, Diva with a Diagnosis was in motion. Initially, Diva with a Diagnosis was going to be a blog about my walk on this journey. But as I grew on my journey and have spoken to others that have been diagnosed with all kinds of illnesses, I saw a greater need. As survivors we understand the need to celebrate every day. We understand one another in a way no one else can.
October 2023, cancer showed up again and over 70% of my body. I prayed non-stop for God to order my steps on the long road ahead. I am currently undergoing chemotherapy, and have good days and bad. Cancer is a chronic illness and I plan on living for many, many more years. Thanks to my village, I am doing well. I am a firm believer in “everything happens for a reason.” God blessed me with children at a very young age because he knew I would not be able to have them at 26. He also blessed me with challenges and victories so that I can share my testimony with others. This is when my faith kicked into full gear…. God is working to remove it all and for that I’m blessed…. I needed this journey at this appointed moment….. the mental journey and the walk with God has really helped me like no other fight I’ve ever been in…. If you want to change it starts within, I’m here to show you living proof of how great he is…..
There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
Looking back, I believe that three of the most impactful qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge in my journey is time Determination, Preservance, and Faith. For those just starting on your journey one thing I will say is never quit or give up. Any diagnosis does not mean your life is automatically over. It means you’re in for a new and different type of fight that requires you to be focused and mentally strong. Mental toughness comes with a strong reason to fight and survive. Many treatment regimens can be a battle in and of themselves. As you go through them, you may wonder if you have the strength for it all. You’ll persevere through each treatment when you have a strong enough reason to fight and survive. The foundation for staying positive and remaining hopeful is faith: an abiding faith in God and faith in your care providers.
When I was diagnosed, my family and I relied on our faith in God and put our trust in His word. Romans 8:28 says, “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.” We did not know the ultimate outcome but we had a deep inner peace that all would be well. Throughout this journey, faith in God continues to comfort us and sustain us. We have learned how to tap into the strength God provides so we are able to endure every struggle. Psalm 23 tells us that when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we don’t have to be afraid; God is with us and He is our comfort. Faith in God brought us through that valley and we were
strengthened and comforted along the way!
Any advice for folks feeling overwhelmed?
Right from the start, much of what you hear about any diagnosis will be strange to you. You’ll be inundated with information about your disease and treatment options; more than likely you’ll feel more than a bit overwhelmed. As you absorb and process all that information, there is a natural tendency to think there is no hope – don’t let that happen! The Bible tells us that with God, nothing is impossible.
In my own situation there was little hope for my type of diagnosis but that did not deter me from hoping that somehow, someday, something would change. A diagnosis does not mean your life is
automatically over. It means you’re in for a new and different type of fight that requires you to be focused and mentally strong. Mental toughness comes with a strong reason to fight and survive.
You can count on days when you will want to throw up your hands and quit. Those are the days
when your reason to fight is essential! When you are at your lowest, keep your reason to fight in sight,
stay positive, remain hopeful, draw inner strength from God, and push through. Your goal is to survive
so draw on your mental toughness and fight on. Fighting cancer and dealing with the daily burdens of life will be overwhelming if you are not careful to manage your emotions. Find those activities that replenish you, engage in them daily and spend time in reflection and you’ll find your emotional batteries staying strong.
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