Meet Tala Achi Mueller


We recently connected with Tala Achi Mueller and have shared our conversation below.

Tala, looking forward to learning from your journey. You’ve got an amazing story and before we dive into that, let’s start with an important building block. Where do you get your work ethic from?

My work ethic comes largely from a combination of my upbringing and my personal values. Growing up, I watched my parents work multiple concurrent jobs to provide for our family. Watching them balance so many responsibilities made me realize the importance of commitment and resilience. They balanced work while being present and engaged in our family life, showing me that it is possible to work hard and still enjoy life experiences. This balance is something I strive to maintain in my own life- working diligently but also making time for what matters most.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

As an attorney, the opportunity to represent and advocate for clients is incredibly rewarding. Untangling legal problems and finding solutions is gratifying, and each case brings new challenges and learning opportunities. Successfully negotiating favorable settlements also brings a unique sense of excitement.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

Communication, integrity, and adaptability come to mind first. Being able to convey information clearly to your client, opposing counsel, the judge, and colleagues is crucial. Integrity is critical as upholding ethical standards builds trust with clients and maintains your credibility with other members of the profession. Finally, adaptability is key in recovering from setbacks and handling changing circumstances. Active listening will assist with communication, familiarizing yourself with the ethical rules will help with maintaining integrity, and having a growth mindset, developing problem-solving skills, and reflection will help someone become more adaptable.

What is the number one obstacle or challenge you are currently facing and what are you doing to try to resolve or overcome this challenge?

A current challenge I am facing is feeling like I need to prove myself. It is not easy walking into a courtroom in your 20’s and standing at 5 feet tall. Being told you look young by opposing counsel, being asked how long you have been practicing when you enter a room, and receiving unsolicited comments from people who remind you they have been practicing longer than you have been alive can be unsettling. Imposter syndrome is real despite knowing I am qualified for the job. However, I have been advocating for myself, developing my skills, and reminding myself that I have worked hard to get here and am capable of succeeding.

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