Meet Taneka Johnson

We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Taneka Johnson. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Taneka below.

Hi Taneka, so happy to have you on the platform and I think our readers are in for a treat because you’ve got such an interesting story and so much insight and wisdom. So, let’s start with a topic that is relevant to everyone, regardless of industry etc. What do you do for self-care and how has it impacted you?
Self care has truly been on of the best parts of my business model. Without proper self care, there is no way that I could even think about possibly showing up for myself, my mom, or my business. I have made sure to implement it into my everyday practice so that I not only start my day right, but also have those breaks or moments in my day where I may need a boost from a little self care.

What I currently do for self care is start my day with my morning routine which can be a combination of going for my early morning walks when the world is still quiet, take at least 10-30 minutes to journal out my thoughts or write out my prayers, light a candle and do some yoga or meditation with a bit of aroma therapy.

In the middle of my days, I will take a break to go outside and get some sun which usually recharges me along with just enjoying a mid day drive and getting some fresh air. I will also take this time as well to read a book or take a quick nap if needed.

Those small actions in my day make me way more effective in my work time.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
Cultivate With Taneka Johnson is the name of my coaching and consulting practice.

Cultivate was founded by me, Taneka Johnson, a life-long hustler, tenacious entrepreneur, and organizational psychology expert.

I earned my degree in Industrial & Organizational (I/O) Psychology from Capella University in 2016 and have been a certified life coach since 2017.
I have been able to help hundreds of business owners gain clarity, build strong foundations for their businesses to help them thrive and grow properly, as well as help my clients successfully hit $35-$40k months through diversifying their business models to better support their growth.

My mission is to provide opportunities to help CEO’s create longevity in their life and business that focuses on 3 key areas of success: Mindset, Operations, and Business Diversity (multiple streams of income in one business). These are the three pillar areas that help entrepreneurs through their growth and scale phases of their business.

My specialty is in helping small, mid, and large businesses grow into their full potential through improving their organizational culture, leadership, and workplace.

We offer solutions for small business coaching, through our online community, The SOLOWerk Academy. collaborations with other organizations here in the city ,organizational improvement and growth, strategic planning, training and development assessment, and inclusive workplace culture solutions like DEI or skills based workshops and corporate wellness programs.

My goal is to inspire positive change in what the next generation of successful companies looks like, and we do that with healthy teams, company cultures, and environments. I want to equip small, mid, and large sized businesses with the things that they need to start healthy, remain healthy, and keep being healthy – to be that trailblazer, that disruptor in the industry to help bring everything together, full-circle.

Recently at Cultivate, we made a pivot in what we want to bring to the industry. Our backgrounds is in I/O Psychology and that is literally the hub of creating more inclusive workplaces, but what we determined our impact wants to be, is not your average contribution.

We introduced a corporate wellness component to help businesses and organizations create healthy thriving workplaces through holistic wellness and it has truly been a joy to be able to spread health to the employees and make it fun and engaging.

Where companies fall off is, they do not take the time to fully develop intentional workplace culture, create trustworthy relationships between executive leadership and employee, and completely remove the humanistic component of what it means to be valued as an employee or team member. Introducing a customized corporate wellness program to your organization can help create and manage all of those things to mitigate the risk of losing top talent, and retaining key players that help your business thrive.

This is a great way to create inclusive programming, build respective workplace culture, and introduce a non cookie cutter incentive to your employees that keep them wanting to perform and enjoy their time working for your organizations. When your employees are healthy, they are happier, and can perform better. And since they are spending over half of their lives at work, it only makes sense to take the initiative in caring about their well-being, intentionally!

We host trainings regularly and will be opening for our first group coaching cohort for our new program, “The $20k Expansive Growth Accelerator,” soon! So please connect with us on all our socials, check out our content, and be on the look out for open enrollment!

You can also book us to create customized corporate wellness programs or team retreats for your business or organization, as well as, organizational development consulting needs, or speaking engagements.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
I would say three skills or qualities that have really helped me on my journey are my life coaching skills and psychology background for one. This is a skillset that is transferable to any industry and has really helped me to understand how we as humans operate in general, but also in our workplace and even in our businesses. It has also been able to help me when it comes to customer service, consumer psychology, and human interaction.

Two, would be the quality of remaining a student. This keeps you engaged with new innovations in your industry, invested in your skillset, and well positioned as an industry expert. You learn how to truly perfect your craft by being a student of it and engulfing yourself in the knowledge it has to offer.

Three, would be the quality of resilience or perseverance. I think the biggest take away here is that everyone has a story, and we all have had our share of struggles, let downs, and road blocks. realistically it could really all be worst than what it is. You have to learn how to build those muscles and truly push through what it is. Resistance will always come, how you handle it and manage it is what truly matters.

What has been your biggest area of growth or improvement in the past 12 months?
My biggest area of growth in the last 12 months has been allowing myself to create bigger and scarier goals for myself personally as well as business wise.

If you had of asked me about 5 years ago would I be doing the things that I am doing now, I would not have believed they were a great fit for me.

Now I am in a space where if the goals truly do not scare me, I don’t want them to be my goals.

I have become way more intentional about how I spend my time, who I spend it with personally and professionally, and also how I commit to myself about using the time that I do have. I am way more structured now than I was back then. My mindset is also completely different and supports the possibilities of those larger and scarier goals.

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Image Credits
The Branding Babe-Amanda Ghobadi NaTRUal Xpressions-Myseisha Nichols

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