Meet Teresa Brown


Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Teresa Brown. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

TERESA, so great to have you with us and we want to jump right into a really important question. In recent years, it’s become so clear that we’re living through a time where so many folks are lacking self-confidence and self-esteem. So, we’d love to hear about your journey and how you developed your self-confidence and self-esteem.

I am fortunate that developing confidence and self-esteem was something that came pretty easily for me. It was possible only because I have always had the support of my family.

Growing up I was told I could “do anything”. They had high expectations of me and believed in my ability to achieve anything I tried to do – so naturally, I believed them. I mean, why would my family lie to me right? As I didn’t have any other points of reference affecting me then – I just always thought… “I can do it”.

Their belief in me and me “blindly” believing it, actually really helped me. The older I got, I noticed when I did have a hard time with something instead of wanting to give up or say “I can’t”… I got curious and always tried to learn more and figure things out because… “I can do it”.

The quiet confidence their belief in me instilled was essential and as a result, my self-esteem developed nicely right alongside. I am grateful these were two things I didn’t really have to “learn”… I just believed. Because of that (and them), I am able to appreciate my ability to not give up when things get difficult and instead focus and reset as many times as required… and keep going.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

These days I am focused on growing my small business, my online shop, LEISURE & JOIE.

The most special part of it all is seeing an idea that was once just in my mind –shared with the world.

The fun and really exciting part is always when an order comes in! The sound of the notification has become a Pavolian response of sorts! As soon as I hear it, I immediately and solemnly say, “THANK YOU”, out loud.

I get so happy because I know someone is supporting my small business and whether they know it or not – their order makes a big difference! As a self-funded small business, every single order that comes in really helps keep us IN business! Additionally, LEISURE & JOIE donates 3% of our total annual sales to the ACLU Foundation 501(c)(3), 1% of our sales help fund The Stripe Climate Initiative which funds projects focused on carbon removal, and with the help of Eden Reforestation Projects, two trees are planted for every order placed on our site.

I’d like people to know that LEISURE & JOIE, in its corner of the internet, offers a bit of respite from the “rat-race”. The name, in itself, explains our philosophy and ethos. We offer a curated selection of high-quality, self-care centric, design-inspired, practical products that are perfect for gifting or for you to enjoy.

A bit of exciting news is that we’ll be adding some more new products in the next few weeks so stay tuned!

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

Looking back, three qualities that have been most impactful in my journey are having a curious nature, a creative, solution-driven mindset, and definitely, courage.

The advice I’d give to anyone early on in their journey in terms of how to best develop or improve upon these qualities is simply to do the best you can to be flexible within your goals.

Stay open to ideas, learn, unlearn, pivot when needed, and do what you can to pick yourself up and keep going whenever you get discouraged or lack motivation.

Courage is probably the most important of these qualities. You have to believe in yourself and what you’re doing – even the times when you feel like nothing is happening and you’re spinning your wheels. Stay strong!

It may seem silly but… no one who has ever done anything knew exactly what the outcome of their work would be, they just trusted their inner vision and maneuvered until they arrived at their desired destination.

Keep in mind, the end result will likely look different than what was first intended, but the journey made it what it was supposed to be.

Any advice for folks feeling overwhelmed?

It’s interesting, the things I do when I am overwhelmed, are the same things I do when I’m not.

I go running, read, I listen to music, or cycle on my peloton. (I’m going to try Rumble Boxing soon so that will probably make the rotation!)

I find doing things I love, that bring me joy when I am feeling like things are just “too much”, actually help me feel better.

My favorite activities help me reset and also remind me that I have gotten through so many other, more difficult experiences in my life… so “This too shall pass”.

My advice would be to do something for yourself that has NOTHING to do with what is overwhelming you and instead – take yourself out of that space entirely and do something you enjoy.

Sometimes you just need to unplug to reset. I always find, I come back less stressed, refreshed, more balanced, and with a better disposition.

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