We were lucky to catch up with Tsitsi Hungwe recently and have shared our conversation below.
Tsitsi, thank you so much for joining us and offering your lessons and wisdom for our readers. One of the things we most admire about you is your generosity and so we’d love if you could talk to us about where you think your generosity comes from.
My generosity comes from my upbringing. Growing up my parents modeled generosity. Over the years my generosity has evolved with a focus on adding value to others and leaving a legacy of impact by sharing my gifts with those within my sphere of influence.
Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
I am the Founder of Higher Mountaintops, LLC and we exist to help overwhelmed early professional women prepare for their next career chapter with clarity and confidence so they feel more in control over their lives. My journey into entrepreneurship began at the height of my career as dental professional during the pandemic. I was feeling lost and seeking a new direction and sought other avenues of support including coaching, mentoring and networking support. I eventually met my amazing mentors Angela Hooper- Menifield, Cedrick LaFleur and Dr. Nicole Rankine through their Entrepreneurship Bootcamp program and they helped start my business. Today, I am an Early Professional Career Transition Coach, Trainer, Consultant and Speaker. I am excited to have Higher Mountaintops be my gift to the world and apart of my lasting legacy.
If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
Self awareness, resilience and authenticity matter. Of the three, the greatest lesson I learned from my mentor Angela Hooper-Menifield is to embrace your authentic self. In her words “once that space for authenticty is created, the sky is the limit!”
As we end our chat, is there a book you can leave people with that’s been meaningful to you and your development?
Million Dollar Beach House: My Journey to an EXTRAordinary Life by my mentor and friend Cedrick LaFleur was impactful. I learned from his story to live a life of intentionality, take action and to hold onto your dream.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.highermountaintops.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.thungwe22
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082955815889
- Linkedin: https://www.instagram.com/dr.thungwe22
- Youtube: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082955815889