Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Valencia Neptune. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Hi Valencia , so excited to talk about all sorts of important topics with you today. The first one we want to jump into is about being the only one in the room – for some that’s being the only person of color or the only non-native English speaker or the only non-MBA, etc Can you talk to us about how you have managed to be successful even when you were the only one in the room that looked like you?
Firstly, I’ve learned to be effective/successful even when I’m the only one in the room by allowing myself to express my thoughts and opinions without shrinking back. As an African American woman, being the only person in the room that looks like me will never be a pleasant experience, especially when stereotypes and microaggressions are present. Unfortunately, I used to be someone who would shrink and let everyone else talk because I didn’t feel worthy to speak. I thought to myself “I am privileged to just be in the room”, but I was wrong and that is a very toxic way of thinking. I had to remind myself that I deserve to be in the room, I worked hard to be there, I am intelligent, I have something to say and their opinions are not any better than mine. I had to remind myself that I am worthy and my perspective needs to be heard.
Secondly, I thrive in those settings by showing up as my most confident self. I make sure to feel my best and feel beautiful on the inside and out.
Thirdly, I always show up prepared to answer, my past experience has shown me that my knowledge or input will be questioned more than others. So coming over-prepared always helps.
Lastly, I allow myself to make mistakes. I remind myself that I don’t have to be perfect because nobody else in the room is. I give myself grace and mercy to just be me.
Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
I’ve always been creative. I started singing at the age of eight, earned my Masters Degree in Music and received many awards and scholarships for talent and excellence throughout the years. However, the journey has not been a walk in the park. Due to the fact that Alabama is not the most liberal or diverse state, many times I felt out of place, like I didn’t belong. I soon realized that more often than not I was the “token” of diversity in the group. It took determination, passion and courage to face the judgment, criticism, and biases that the music industry offered as well as the everyday struggle of being a Black woman in America.
As an avid participant in the music industry, it’s no secret to me that prejudice towards women, especially minority women is common practice. Also there are very few spaces in music that pertain solely to christian music and artists. I am particularly excited to share about a newly incorporated nonprofit I’ve established in Georgia called So Am I-Worthy, Inc. The mission of this organization is to advance the music careers of Christian women of color. I am so passionate about this work and we look forward to providing immense music opportunities to elevate women, especially Black Indigenous Women of Color (BIWOC) singer-songwriters. Our goal is to develop female artist development cohorts, find and offer paid music gig opportunities, provide mentorship & guidance through coaching, educational workshops, events, and grants for further music creation.
We will be having an end of the year holiday meet and greet party, so if you are in the Georgia area, make sure you come through. Please join our email list at to stay informed.
If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
Diligence has carried me a long way. Being hard-working and prioritizing my school work, projects, and performances really helped me to land some great opportunities. Diligence helps me be consistent and comes with an urge to get the work done and do it well.
Without my faith, I would be nowhere. I am so happy about the spiritual foundation my parents set for me by helping me learn who Jesus is. I am fearless, strong, loved and capable with God. Holding on to God especially in college and through life transitions really has kept me sane.
Drive gives me courage, motivation and the attitude of never giving up on myself. Without diligence, my faith and drive I would have never journeyed to Europe or New York alone, I would never have gotten on those stages, I would have never started a business. My advice to folks early on their journey is to take the time to discover what will keep them going consistently and passionately. Try new things and know it’s okay to fail and it’s okay to start over. You have a choice, take advantage of that.
Okay, so before we go we always love to ask if you are looking for folks to partner or collaborate with?
I am looking to collaborate with passionate Christian Women of Color who are looking to advance their music careers as singer-songwriters. If this applies to you please head to, join our email list and our facebook group to stay in the know about grants, music opportunities and artist development.
We are also definitely looking to partner with solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, corporate companies and individuals who support music, arts and culture. We are looking for recurring donors who support our mission and who would love to be a part of this great work. We are also seeking in-kind sponsors such as venues for events and music professionals who want to share wisdom and knowledge with the artists.
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