Meet Venise Bowen

We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Venise Bowen. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Venise below.

Hi Venise, thank you so much for opening up with us about some important, but sometimes personal topics. One that really matters to us is overcoming Imposter Syndrome because we’ve seen how so many people are held back in life because of this and so we’d really appreciate hearing about how you overcame Imposter Syndrome.

I think what sets me apart from other artists is the fact that I don’t think conventional at all. I’m always willing to try new mediums and media. I got to where I am today by keeping the course, even when it seemed like I was failing the course and wanted to give up. It was not easy at all. I’ve had a lot of sleepless nights, and early morning tears. But in the end, it’s all been worth it. I’ve learned along the way that life is just that life! You have to keep your head up, persevere, never let them see you sweat, buckle down, and give it your all to get to where you want to be. Even if I sell 100 products vs. 1 product, I’m going to always continue to create. It’s just in me. I promise to keep bringing the heat and trying to be an inspiration to others.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

Hi all,

My name is Venise Bowen A.K.A. Veno B.K.A Trippy. I am the Creative Director and Designer behind the clothing brand Trippy Alien. We are a clothing brand that was birthed in Memphis, TN in 2014. We took our talents to Atlanta, GA in 2018. The brand was created to bring awareness to SA ( Sexual Assault). Myself being a survivor. I want to created a brand that was my creative outlet to dealing with my pain. My brand is for those who have dealt with SA and our allies. We are not alone in this fight and I want those who are victims to know that we are here for them.

We have a non-profit in the making and we are also launching our new hat line soon.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

The most difficult decision that I ever had to make was to buckle down in my Faith and have the courage to walk away from a high paying job, to follow my dreams and passion. It was so difficult, because as a people we are told to grow up, go to college, and/or get a good paying job, to only exist and pay bills. I knew that there was so much more out there for me besides punching in on someone else’s clock.

If I had to give any advice. It would be don’t give up. Even when you feel like you can’t go on. Once you give up the enemy has won and you will never know if your passion would have been successful.

What’s been one of your main areas of growth this year?

My perseverance and tenacity has definitely grown over the past 12 months. Also allowing grace upon people and situations. Somethings I just can’t control.

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