We recently connected with Venus Johnson and have shared our conversation below.
Venus, so good to have you with us today. We’ve always been impressed with folks who have a very clear sense of purpose and so maybe we can jump right in and talk about how you found your purpose?
I was on indeed applying for jobs and got the call back from a Mental Health Facility. I didn’t think much of it, I went to the interview and got the job offer. Initially the job I got hired for was a behind the desk kind of job, one day I went out on training with a coworker and we did street outreach. Street outreach teams support homeless individuals and align them with shelter and housing. It was within the moments of interacting with the individuals, I knew this was what I was wanted to do. I then went to my supervisor and asked if I could have the position they were looking to hire people for, he agreed and the rest was history. After doing street outreach for about two years, I realized my purpose was to give hope to those who had experienced homelessness, abuse, sexual assault and trauma, because I too had experienced those things throughout the course of my life.
Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
When I was five years old, I endured incest and sexual abuse. Trying to find my voice, I decided to tell my mother what happened, to my dismay I was smacked across the face and told, “Never to speak that way about my daughter.” This event left me confused because in my five year old mind this woman was, “My Mother.” I was also confused as to why I was smacked. I then began to listen closely to the adults around me only to realize that my biological mother was a drug addict who didn’t want me. From that moment onwards, I began to genuinely love myself. My motto is, “Healed People Heal People” and if we work together to create safe spaces for everyone, then we began to not only heal internally, but also we’ll heal others together. As an Executive CoC board member, I convey the importance of affordable housing, and give insight to what the needs of individuals who are homeless or at risk are. As a case manager, I provide my clients with a multitude of resources from socks, underwear and basic needs, to aligning them with funding sources and getting them housed. On the weekends I have a 48 shift where I provide home care to a patient who has dementia, I love to help others and make sure they feel loved. I’m also looking to create a Self-Sufficiency Transitional Youth Program that works to help youth gain employment, money management, time management and a host of other life-skills. Which leads me to my book “Summer’s Secret Keeper” with this book we can begin to show people that no matter how hard things may seem there is hope, and ultimately things do get better.
This book is available on Barnes&Nobles, BAM!, Walmart, Amazon and 40,000 retailers worldwide.
Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
My most important qualities are; problem solving, compassion and motivation. As a case manager I have somewhere between 59-65 clients who I have to help with every day crises, there are times where the crisis may something so far left that you have to be creative when trying to find a solution. When working with homeless individuals you have to have compassionate; I try to always be transparent with clients, and meet them where they are. When speaking with clients, I always make sure to genuinely listen to their needs and concerns, I also offer them hugs because I know what it feels like to lack human connection. Growing up in low income housing, I grew used to hand-me-downs and believing that I would just grow up to live in low income housing. I have worked diligently to be upper middle class from the impoverished community, which is something I never foresaw. I saw RuPaul on TV at about four and a half years old, I was mesmerized at this beautiful being that stood before on the television. Seeing RuPaul on television led me to believe that as a queer individual I could be anything I wanted, also I didn’t want to be a product of my environment. My advice to young individuals is to find your true talent, invest in yourself, go to school, take up trades, find your calling and surround yourself with positive people who have a passion.
All the wisdom you’ve shared today is sincerely appreciated. Before we go, can you tell us about the main challenge you are currently facing?
Affordable housing and the recidivism rates of homelessness. Affordable housing is a global crisis that needs to be addressed on a larger scale. As a board member, I am doing reconnaissance missions in other cities and states to see what module they’re using to fight the crisis and building templates that’ll ultimately help agencies fight affordability housing. Recidivism rates of homelessness continue to rise yearly as resources become limited. As an individual who was once chronically homeless, I’m working to build programs that address residual trauma, sustainability, and basic human needs.
Contact Info:
- Website: http://barnesandnoble.com/w/summers-secret-keeper-venus-johnson/1145444533?ean=9798989477890
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/baggs_noari?igsh=eDd2NWFlbWJ4N3Vh
Image Credits
Pen Legacy & Tamika Hall created the images for my feature photo
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