Meet Victoria Gutierrez

We were lucky to catch up with Victoria Gutierrez recently and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Victoria , appreciate you sitting with us today to share your wisdom with our readers. So, let’s start with resilience – where do you get your resilience from?
I got my resilience from my parents. My parents were teenage parents, when they had me and my little brother. My mom and dad never gave up when things got tough. I saw them grow and over come huge obstacles in their lives. I watched them go from losing everything, to living their best life. Giving up wasn’t an option growing up. Whenever I have those thoughts of quitting, I can just hear them yelling in the back of my head telling me get back up. My brother and I always played sports so that’s probably why I only hear them yelling haha. But It’s because of them, they are where I get my resilience from.

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
I’m a photographer based in Long Beach, California. My brand/art is about confidence and self love. I love making my clients feel good and confident about themselves. I built a photography studio in my home about a year ago, and this year i started a photo booth business. My photo booth business is what I’m really excited to grow.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
Have self respect, don’t let anyone take advantage of you and learn when to say no. The more you respect yourself, others will know how to approach you. Be kind but firm, be about your business. There’s always more opportunities if you continue to create them, listen to your intuition. Discipline, hold your self accountable with everything you do. Lastly, stay positive and true to yourself, not everyone is going to like you and that’s okay. Not everyone has good intentions.

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed? Any advice or strategies?
When I’m feeling overwhelmed I like to go for a drive with the music loud, journal, or workout. I like to box, punching and kicking the bag is fun and a great workout! Highly recommend. Also, LISTS! I make a to do list for everything. Helps me so much, rather that it being on my mind all day.

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Photo of me: Credit to Angela Xandra All other photos: Credit to me Victoria Gutierrez

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