Meet Victoria Woolard


Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Victoria Woolard. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Victoria, we are so deeply grateful to you for opening up about your journey with mental health in the hopes that it can help someone who might be going through something similar. Can you talk to us about your mental health journey and how you overcame or persisted despite any issues? For readers, please note this is not medical advice, we are not doctors, you should always consult professionals for advice and that this is merely one person sharing their story and experience.

My family has a long history of anxiety and depression. It’s something that I, too have dealt with since I was a teenager. I didn’t really understand and translate it to that at the time. I would avoid things that made me nervous or seemed to take me too outside of my comfort zone. I kept busy as a coping mechanism and tried being around others as much as I could. As I got older I carried the same way of finding comfort with me as time went on. It wasn’t until college that it really started to have an effect on me. Ultimately I came back home, started volunteering and enrolled in the community college. The volunteering was something that allowed me to be outside of myself more and do for others. I eventually graduated and became a Director of Recreation. I loved it, but when COVID hit I had a newborn and ultimately lost my job. My husband and I always found tranquility in being by the water and collecting sea glass. He ultimately encouraged me to craft with it. When I did, it was like something clicked. I taught myself all the techniques I now know and have many products I create by scratch because of it. In between starting a new business, I had two babies under two and fifteen months apart. I was diagnosed with post postpartum with both girls and some days were challenging to connect with them and even get up. My faith carried me through for sure. I also had a great support system too in my husband and extended family. I used positive self talk, scripture, and affirmations daily to keep going. My crafting and business gave me something for me despite the challenging things I was going through. Something that was fun and allowed me to express myself. Additionally, my husband and babies kept me going too, and my husband was very intentional about helping me through the day when I needed it. Eventually, I started teaching workshops and they expanded to other states! Now, my business has three contracted workshop leaders who are also moms who were looking for a lot of the same qualities in a job that I was! It’s beautiful that I have been able to give them the same opportunity and guidance I was looking for when I started this business!

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

I make unique jewelry, home items, and accessories using sea glass, shells, or pressed flowers. There truly is something for everyone. I’m never looking to get comfortable as a creator, I am always trying something new and different. Innovation truly is key. Later on in starting my business I realized my love for teaching! I loved showing people they had the power to make something special and wonderful. Growing up, my art teachers weren’t very supportive. I didn’t feel as though I was creative in any way. I want to show people they have creativity in them- they may need some encouragement along the way, but they can do it! Art gave me my confidence back and it helped me to learn how to effectively cope with my mental health issues too. Our workshops have traveled to most of New England and I’m looking to go beyond. We do at home parties as well and have over 20 workshop offerings for all ages and abilities.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

Community is huge! Put yourself out there. You don’t have to go to large and elaborate events with other small business. It can start small by going door to door and meeting other business. That way you can share who you are and that you are interested in collaborating! Additionally be confident in your dream and business when you speak about it.

If you can find a mentor, do it! I didn’t have one but I met other small business owners who were at least able to give me input and encouragement.

Don’t get comfortable! Always innovate, always collaborate, and always learn something new.

Okay, so before we go we always love to ask if you are looking for folks to partner or collaborate with?

I am always looking to collaborate and bring a workshop to a new brick and mortar; whether it’s a boutique, winery, brewery, home store or it’s an at home party (since we don’t have a brick and mortar). We are a mobile business so when we collaborate it’s a win for both businesses! It’s a fun night out and wonderful way for customers to make memories with family, friends, as well as other couples. They can take something special home in the end too! Please reach out to, @stillwatersusa or Still Waters USA LLC on Facebook.

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