We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Wendi Ramirez a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Wendi, really happy you were able to join us today and we’re looking forward to sharing your story and insights with our readers. Let’s start with the heart of it all – purpose. How did you find your purpose?
I don’t know if I found my entire purpose yet. I suppose that I am guided by the needs of those around me whom I care about. I’ve always had big dreams and a surreal image of myself that I fantasize to be. I’m entering the later years of my life, and I feel fortunate if I could’ve come close to any aspect of that which I built for myself. You’re always going to get off track by catering to others in your life, that can put you on hold. But in return, you get the fulfillment of knowing you help someone else in their achievements, or simply giving a little nourishment when somebody needs assistance to keep their head above water. I just knew that I never wanted to be main stream . I chose my line of work when tattooing was much more of a subculture. That kept a fire within me, knowing that I was going against the grain and benefiting from it. I don’t consider it much of a subculture anymore and now I’m simply thankful that I have existed in this industry since I was a kid feeling like I work by my own terms for the most part, while making people happy. I’ve been a part of special events in peoples lives, because a tattoo has been chosen by most people as a mark of transition through very important events in their life. That’s a great purpose to serve in multiple lives of so many people that I can barely scratch the surface of. It’s heavy to know who I am in their lives. Some of these clients have given me the gift of their friendship during our tattoo process. When it comes to my family, I feel that I’ve opened doors by way of showing them that you can make a life doing something you love, instead of submitting to a daily grind that you cannot be happy within. I’m thankful for lending a hand to other artists to get started in this art as well. It connects them more so to the world and the cultures within it. It’s ancient. I’m a little speck of keeping that alive which is a great purpose. With all the tattoo talk aside, if I had to answer this question in one brief statement, I’d have to say my main purpose was to be a mother. To bring into this existence , my only son. Nothing could stand above that.
Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
I’ve tattooed since I was 18 years old. I’m 51 today. I have experienced many different work spaces with many different artists before opening my own shop Dovetail Tattoo West ,in 2009. I opened my secondary shop,Dovetail Tattoo East, in 2017. I’m lucky to still have both up and running with multiple talents. I still tattoo full-time in both Austin, Texas, and Morristown, Tennessee. I live between both places on a monthly basis. I occasionally paint with acrylic or oil, as well as assembling life-size anthropomorphic figures because I love fantasy and folklore. I love creating spaces that are unique. I hope to continue having my shops exist in addition to possibly having some unique Airbnb’s and one day a live music venue with my husband, Brian , who is a musician. I should be retiring for the most part in the next few years, but I hope to continue tattooing leisurely as long as I’m physically possible. I want to travel to see magical places and get as spiritual as possible before I pass on to the next place.
Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
Remaining mystical while not caring how crazy you seem to a lot of people. Finding “your people“ that have done the same. Remaining humble enough to understand that you are very lucky to have the opportunities that you do, and to make the most of them. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t accomplish what you set out to accomplish in its entirety. If you can conquer any part of your quest or obtain a series of small goals within a large one, you’ve done a lot more than some people in this world. Never allow yourself to feel hopeless or less then. Try to stay in touch with whatever it is out there that’s in control or try to roll with the chaos.
All the wisdom you’ve shared today is sincerely appreciated. Before we go, can you tell us about the main challenge you are currently facing?
The recent death of my mother and having to say goodbye to my father soon. Becoming the elder in my family when I still feel like a child is challenging. I look to the new generations for strength and try to be a positive impact. I’m trying to leave a gift. I strive to have the same courage as those before me, and to simply be a fond memory to as many as possible.
Contact Info:
- Website: dovetailtattoo.com
- Instagram: @wendiramireztattoo
- Facebook: wendiramireztattoo
- Other: wendiramireztattoo@gmail.com