Meet Whitney Walter

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Whitney Walter. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Whitney, thank you so much for making time for us. We’ve always admired your ability to take risks and so maybe we can kick things off with a discussion around how you developed your ability to take and bear risk?
Successful entrepreneurs rely on many skillsets when it comes to building a businesses, marketing and strategy and developing new ideas. Hard work, creative ideas, access to capital or money saved, and luck all play a role. So, too, does risk-taking. Taking on a big endeavor invariably involves a degree of risk, so it pays to develop the self-confidence and strategic thinking needed to assume those risks.

Ive developed a system for assessing risk. What are the pros and the cons. Looking at this list side-by-side really allows visual perspective if the risk is worth taking.

Moving past the fear of failure. We have all been taught that failure is inevitable. Failure is just another word for experience, lessons learned and growth. Although sometimes easier said that done. In the moment, it stings, but afterwards, there is so much reward and opportunity for self-acceptance. We cant be perfect in everything, but if we are working toward something and learning along the way, WIN, WIN.

Incremental risk is also a great step. Start small, but START.

Lastly, really focus on the opportunity. Who you may meet. What may come of the risk. How it might open new doors. Create new ideas and build a like-minded community, every step of the way.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?
Busy Raisin Hell, started as a life moto.

I naturally take the first step to whatever I want. Yes, its full of fear and rejection but I do it anyway. At the age of 8, I played on an all boys football little league team. Shoulder pads, helmets and full on tackle. My mom always encouraged me to do what others weren’t doing. If you want it, go for it.

First Female VP in the history of my Corporate America Career, in a sector that is particularly male dominated, construction. Ive traveled the world, Ive experienced more than I deserve, Super Bowls, Private Jets, fancy dinners and more. Ive climbed mountains, submitted glaciers, even attempted the scale of Mt. Everest twice ( thats another story) but I have lived a FULL life always Raisin a little Hell.

At the root of what makes me most fulfilled would be time, experience an quality moments with those I love. The simple things. Hand written notes, surprise visits. Meaningful text and exchanges. Humanity is what drives me. Not money, not jets, not yachts, but people. Their story, their experiences.

Hence, the birth of my company based out of Nashville, TN, Busy Raisin Hell, LLC. We help all walks of life, celebrate the very small or very large moments in life. We work diligently to ensure every detail is captured and our clients get to the enjoy the big day, stress free. From 200+ Corporate Holiday Events, to Weddings, Kids Birthday’s to elegant dinners with full on luxury tables cape with private chefs to Bachelorettes.

Most Recently, we were hired by Southern Living Magazine to do the Christmas installation of their 2023 Idea House. This is a HUGE opportunity. Not something we typically do, but when we got the call, the answer was YES! Cant wait to share more about this with you when its released to the public in Dec 2023.

We’ve built a rolidex ( we keep the 80s alive) of highly qualified vendors, team members and partners. Relationships are everything. How you treat people is what they remember.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
Quality- ability to put yourself out there. Meet other folks who are interested in similar things, whether its climbing mountains or starting a business. Just get out there and start networking. Follow- up, see where you can help, and be memorable.

Skill- ability to do what you say you’re going to do. Being in Corporate America my entire career, a sense of urgency, excellence and thoroughness is ALIVE. I don’t see that as often in smaller businesses. So I think those skillsets alone, set our company apart.

Knowledge- do hard things. Do the things people say, is impossible. Do the things that are different. Reach. Stretch. How you do anything, is how you do everything. Let that sink in.

How can folks who want to work with you connect?
We are always working to build our community. A stretch goal would be for us to scale Busy Raisin Hell across the US in the coming years. We are always looking for partners who have creative ideas in partnership. How can my business and their business bring XX benefit to the end user. We THRIVE in partnerships because everyone rises in high tides. Many all of our extraordinary Events have been paired with incredible other small businesses.

Also, people who can help make us better all around, we enjoy constructive conversation and brainstorming.

Cities we are currently intersted in would be, New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Napa, and many more, so hit us up on socail media @busyraisinhell on IG, FB, TikTok. Or, shoot me an email at

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Images credit: Saltandstarsstudio (RV Trailer Shoot + Model with Tinsel Sandwhich) Mirari Photography ( PRIDE Photo) Caitelizabeth Photography ( Bride, Groom at dinner table on patio) VBG Photography (Race Car party with parents & daughter)

Suggest a Story: BoldJourney is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.
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