Meet Yaz Reve


We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Yaz Reve. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Yaz below.

Yaz , so happy to have you with us today. You are such a creative person, but have you ever head any sort of creativity block along the way? If so, can you talk to us about how you overcame or beat it?

Even though creative blocks are truly the enemy of an artist, I believe that every creative goes through it at some point so it feels grounding to know I’m not alone when it comes to this experience and it makes me feel validated as well.

First it’s important to recognize where the block comes from, perhaps you’re going through a tough time emotionally, big changes are happening around you, you’ve fallen into life routines or simply you’re not searching for the inspiration. At times, inspiration doesn’t just come to you so you have to go look for it within your other hobbies, interests or your community. It’s the moments that we share with others and with yourself that truly build your craft. I constantly get inspired by conversations I have with my best friends, the movies I go watch by myself and the media that I consume. I enjoy learning through my work so I analyze another idea that I would like to expand with my art or look within myself to see how I can externalize my emotion and feelings into something else. I once heard the quote “The artist discovers herself by the work she produces.” And it left me thinking that maybe when I feel blocked it’s because I’m not doing enough to find more about myself.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

I really do believe I was put on this earth to create, learn and observe. I love cherishing and preserving moments and having something to put my many ideas into, feels freeing and part of my purpose, that’s why I’m a visual artist and photographer. I enjoy editorial photography and the fashion aspect of the production. Getting talented people together to create something is extremely rewarding and being able to better my communication skills is one of my favorite parts, whether is conveying the idea, gathering references and mood boards as a creative director or directing the model during the photoshoot, it feels like I’m always evolving and learning.

As for my recent ventures into an visual artist myself, I’ve found it deeply healing to show a side of my own vulnerability in front of the camera instead of being behind it, I’ve always considered myself a reserved person, too proud to show my emotions and too scared to feel them but with my work as an artist, I am able to show my audience who I am behind their screen and in front of a camera, I want them to feel like they are the ones capturing the moment of my true self.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

I think I’ll always say the biggest quality is to be open-minded about feedback, once you’re starting and to be completely honest always, people will try to have an input in your work, and while that is super crucial to grow, it is absolutely the biggest priority to trust your vision as an artist because that’s what makes you you. If someone tells you they didn’t like your art because they didn’t understand it, it doesn’t mean you are bad at making art, maybe it just means that you have pay a bit more attention to conceptualization or see what you can do to communicate better your work without sacrificing your authenticity. An artist should NEVER create for others opinions, the most important one is your own.

Another important part that is impactful in a creatives career is being able to grow listening skills. Like I previously mentioned, receiving feedback and accepting it is important, but if my art professors gave me amazing critiques every time I presented something I wouldn’t have wanted to go back to class because I went there to grow as an artist, not to stay comfortable. This applies to an extent group of people in a way, I’ve also learned that in this competitive field there are also people who will want to give their criticism to only stop your creative process a bit longer or not see you succeed, so beware of who you take criticism from. For example, if a random person that has no idea of the process to create art tells me that my work is incapable of succeeding without any reasoning or explanation I will simply try my best to accept the feedback and move on because they don’t know what it takes to be in my position but if someone has a vision I admire, has no idea about art but tries to respectfully explain their point of view, I will gladly also take their feedback and will work on my art with the opinions in mind. Always keep in mind that art is subjective and your art belongs only to you and those you choose to share it with.

How would you spend the next decade if you somehow knew that it was your last?

I will always say that my biggest challenge as an artist is myself and the limitations I put when I’m not trusting my art. I love what I do and I believe in what I create yet at times the planning process can be quite stressful but it just proves to me there’s more space for me to grow. It can be frustrating having an idea that hasn’t been done before with no previous references and having to convince an entire team to do it. The right people trust my vision and will want to create with me. I love encountering creatives that are not scared of challenging their work and that will want to live new experiences with the art we create. Always remember that the things you want to create also want to be created through you.

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Image Credits

Image Credits
Models: Yaz Reve,Elizabeth Dyball, Kyla Philipps, Shantal Ibarra, Giselle Ponce, Imani, Isabella Holguín, Devyne Diaz
Makeup: Claritza Castro
Stylists: Keyana Palomera, Isabella Holguín, Elizabeth Dyball
Hair: Jesus Alarcon
Set Design: Shmikoh
Photo Assistants: Apollo FM, Chad Abarca

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