We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Zach Adams a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Zach, thank you so much for joining us and opening up about the very personal topic of divorce. So many in the community are going through or have gone through divorce and we think hearing about how others dealt with the aftermath and managed to build a vibrant, successful life and career despite the trauma of divorce can be helpful to many who might be feeling a degree of hopelessness. So, maybe you can talk to us about how you overcame divorce?
Not going to lie, my divorce was hard to go through. At the beginning of of I was devastated honestly. I couldn’t believe that it was happening. 13 years is a long time to be with someone then to have it just abruptly end was jarring to say the least. I’ll spare you the details by saying at the time, I wanted to work on our issues and whatever issues she thought we needed to work on as well. She did not. I think ultimately she just wanted to be single and do her own thing.
Time goes on and the further away I got from the situation the more clear things got for me. At the time we were still friends on social media so seeing her party and hang out with friends and going on with things like it was nothing really started me on my path of letting her go and finding out what I wanted for me in my mid 30’s now.
I focused on the positives more than the negatives and that really helped. I went out and shot any and everything. Sadly I had extra time now that I didn’t have a family to come home to every day. It allowed me to get consumed in photography like I’ve never been before and created a name for myself. It showed me that some of the people that I thought were my friends were indeed not. It showed me that they were her friends and not mine. It spoke volumes when I was very depressed and who reached out vs who didn’t. People that have been in my life for years just stopped all contact.
I began to make new friendships. Experience new things and find new love. Actual love. Being with the person I’m with now showed me a lot about my passed relationship as well. Being cared about, thought about, not judged, and actually being seen was life changing. If the divorce didn’t happen I can 100% say I would not have the career I have now or be the person I am now. Being with some one that is truly a kind person heals the soul. It showed me that I was missing out on real love and connection with someone. I am truly blessed to be in the relationship with the person I’m with now. I’ve never felt like this in my life.
She is everything.
Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
With my photography I want to always tell a story and uplift the people I work with. Like if it’s a family shoot I want to know how y’all met, when y’all got married when y’all decided to have kids. Best thing about marriage. If it’s a boudoir shoot what’s it for, your partner? Are you doing this for yourself? Are you wanting to feel good about yourself? Basically just listening to to my clients talk while we shoot and trying to then paint the best picture of them through our session with the pictures we create and the information I’ve learned.
As far as new projects I’m working with miss Illinois United States and I’m pretty pumped about that! I also will be part of an exhibit here in Springfield Illinois. The theme of the exhibit is portraits. My section will be called “The p(ART)s of us” it will be at the Pharmacy art gallery (623 E Adams St, Springfield, IL) November 3rd and 4th 6-9pm
If you have time come on out!
Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
Believing in yourself- Finding the confidence to do work that you like and not what you think other people would like. Do you always. The sooner you find your voice in whatever field you are in the sooner people will listen. Metaphorically speaking. When I did that I seen that people liked my vision of things the way I seen it or shot it. If you don’t love what you are doing you can’t expect everyone else to either.
Setting boundaries-
You have to be able to tell people no and stick to it. Respect yourself and your time. If the vibe is off say no. If they don’t respect your prices say no. If they are ignoring your boundaries say no. Anything you don’t want to do or anyone you don’t want to work with say no.
Be kind-
I truly believe being kind is the most important thing. Being a kind person has gotten me this far in life and I see the impact it has on my clients and when I’m out in public and people stop me and talk to me too. Being kind in general will take you far with people. Being kind to yourself will do the same thing. I had to learn that as much as I am hard on myself, being kind to myself also helps and allows me to really work on things within myself and grow and improve.
Okay, so before we go, is there anyone you’d like to shoutout for the role they’ve played in helping you develop the essential skills or overcome challenges along the way?
There has been a combination of people. First my girlfriend. She has not only been the support and motivator for me but also very knowledgeable on the business side of things. She also is photographer, poet, pianist, and ran a martial arts school. She loves jujitsu.
Also the community I’m in. For the most part everyone gets along and helps each other out. We all hire each other and support each other’s businesses. Weather it’s in advice about business or if it’s referring people to each other’s businesses.
Contact Info:
- Website: 1221photography.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/1221_photography/
- Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/z1221Photography/
Image Credits
Jordan minder