Meet Anelle Tarke

We were lucky to catch up with Anelle Tarke recently and have shared our conversation below.

Anelle, so many exciting things to discuss, we can’t wait. Thanks for joining us and we appreciate you sharing your wisdom with our readers. So, maybe we can start by discussing optimism and where your optimism comes from?
My optimism comes from this unwavering belief that one day I will achieve everything I want to in this life. That belief allows me to live in the present and be grateful for things as they are and as they come into my life. Because I know what my destiny is, what my purpose is and who I want to be, it’s only a matter of time until it happens. Sure there are things on a day to day level that get to me but at the end of the day I know the outcome of who I am/who I’m going to be will never change and because of that I look forward to the future!

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
I am a singer, actress, model and content creator. I like to say I’m an all around creative haha. I’ve been passionate about singing and acting for as long as I can remember. My mom wanted to put me in modeling and acting classes from a young age but we didn’t have the money. Regardless I knew I would pursue these things one day as they make me who I am. I believe I was born to be on stage. Nothing feels more right than when I’m performing. The stage feels like home. Content creation allowed me to pursue these avenues of myself while giving me the platform to showcase my talents to so many wonderful people. I believe content creation ties together everything I do and that’s what’s so special about it.

I would love to share that I dropped a song on January 26th titled “123”. It’s my first afrobeats song and I’m really excited for everyone to hear it. It will be available on all streaming platforms along with my other 5 songs under my name “Anelle Tarke”.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
I believe the 3 qualities that were most impactful for me and my journey were resilience, courage, and socializing. I believe talent speaks for itself so it’s not something I’d include in the top 3. And honestly you don’t necessarily need talent in order to be successful.

But if you are resilient and have this unwavering belief in yourself, that alone will take you far. Because it’s almost as if you have no choice but to make it. You know what I mean? So I would start by telling yourself you are resilient and you can do anything you set your mind too. I’m a big believer of affirming yourself.

If you have courage it will allow you to speak up in situations where people normally wouldn’t. It will allow you to show up and show out. To put yourself out there. Doing things outside of the “norm” can be scary but if you “move like no one’s watching” it will allow you to do things outside of your comfort zone and propel you forward! So start doing things you’d typically never do to push those boundaries. It can be big or small, as long as you start!

And lastly socializing. I believe this is a skill that is typically overlooked but is so important. Knowing how to talk to people, how to pitch yourself are things that will get you in the right doors and the right rooms. Before you’re able to showcase your talent to someone you got to give them a reason to want to watch, listen or interact. And being able to socialize can give them that reason. So start talking to strangers (who seem safe of course) and get used to talking about yourself!

I believe these are 3 skills I posses that have truly helped me not only in my career but with my own relationship with myself. It has given me an inner confidence and inner knowing in who I am and what I was made to do.

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed? Any advice or strategies?
Breathe. Regulating your breathing is SO important. Being intentional with every breath can help ease your mind of the things you are overwhelmed or worrying about. My favorite breathing exercise my therapist recommended is called straw breathing. It’s where you inhale through your nose, and breathe out through your mouth but imagine you’re breathing out of a straw. It really allows you to focus on your breath.

Some other things I do include: meditating, journaling, stretching, and talking things through with myself. Telling myself it’s going to be okay and trying to find solutions to my problems instead of dwelling in them.

I believe it’s okay to feel overwhelmed, anxious, scared, etc. because we are humans and we are made to feel emotions. I believe the best way to deal with them is to acknowledge what you are feeling, accepting how it feels in your body, and then releasing it in whichever way that looks like for you. Breathing is your bestie though!

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Image Credits
Feature image and photo 1 shot by: Robert Lapierre Images 3 and 5 shot by: Dominique Ross Image 4 shot by: Shara Wilson

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