We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Argus Dorian. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Argus below.
Hi Argus, really happy you were able to join us today and we’re looking forward to sharing your story and insights with our readers. Let’s start with the heart of it all – purpose. How did you find your purpose?
Humans have this unshakable inner need to find meaning in everything they hear, do, see and say. It is this ancient spiritual calling the very thing that drives us to evolution, after all. My story is no different.
From what I heard and experienced, treating women, kids and others they way we still do in 2023 is embarrassing and inhumane, to say the least.
From what I and the people around me have done to themselves and others regarding the intentional and controlling suppression and neglect of our real character to surface out of fear and insecurities in the name of being protective or caring, is unforgivable.
From what I have seen with my own eyes and from people’s lenses, the environment is much healthier in every aspect, without our ego-centered contribution and needless overconsumption. Pretending that it is the nature that needs us and not the other way around, is a madman’s dream.
From what I used to say and what I have been told, this world is now further away than ever from the core meaning of evolution.
Yet, we still are searching for our purpose and the meaning of life in all the wrong places, like the bottom of a bottle, in superficial and brief pleasures, in every chance we get to show how huge our ego really is.
This is how I found my purpose.. by purposely addressing the facts, first directly to my face and now to the world.
Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
My name is Argus Dorian and I am a man with a mission. Born in Poland, under the communist regime, was more than enough for me to understand from a young age just how damaged this world truly is. The only place I could find peace was the forest, nature, where the order of man could never take control over… or so I thought. Growing up in a family of artists gave me the proper fundamentals to learn how to express myself through art of any kind. Poetry, writing, drawing. I gave a promise to myself that one day, I would find a way to share with the world my biggest fears with no hesitation.
I studied in the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens Faculty of Graphic Arts and Design and graduated first in grades with a scholarship. It was clear to me that my life mission would be to protect and preserve the important things in life. Unfortunately, poetry didn’t get to touch a large audience, writing was working better for me and drawing… well drawing made the change. Since 2017, I have been working with many well-known photographers, professional models and metal bands from all around the world and after over 20 years of experience in Graphic design, Photoshop and Illustrator, I decided to create a post-apocalyptic story based on my vision.
The cornerstone of my story, along with some more things, is the fact that we are heading towards an endless pit of catastrophe simply by overloading our planet with garbage and toxic waste, by creating new viruses just to observe them till we finally release them to the world with no regret or remorse, by hating each other so deeply with no logical explanation. It is my mission to awake people by presenting them the raw reality that I’m no afraid it will happen soon if we didn’t change route. The Decaydead Nation is parted of people who are trying to make a change not by using nice and easy words but by using their personal creativity in order to disturb and make an impression. No great change has ever been achieved by speaking about love. Trust me. I tried that. Many of us did… and now we are sacrificing time, energy and our ‘good name’ on the altar of drastic change. I created original characters as heroes or villains that is up to you to decide who is who, using not AI in any way or form due to my strong belief that art comes from the depths of a soul and it can only be fully recognised, seen and absorbed by another soul. Today, my only hope is that your soul has been touched not by my words, my art, my story..but by the hidden meaning behind all the above. As the Decaydead nation always states, may we never lose hope.
There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
Can you not worry about what other people say? Do that. You can’t? Fake it till you make it. Only take advises from those who actually made it or even tried and failed but never from those who never even tried.
People, even your own family, will try to keep you in their comfort zone, keep you normal, be like the others. They do this in order to protect you from failing, from believing that you’re not good enough so under no circumstances the family members are there to keep you down. Like a mother not allowing her child to go out and play alone. Not because she doesn’t want it to have fun but because she is reflecting her own fears into the child. At this point, it would be wise to think for a second.. where do great achievements come from? normal people and easy going people or from those who escaped their chains? Some will definitely try to make you think that you’re not that unique, not that good or that powerful, or that your art is nonsense and you’re wasting your time. Others will not only help you succeed but they will also support you in every way they can. People’s negative opinions are not because of the lack of love they have for you, not all of them anyway. It is the system’s fault. The educational systems needs to make a worker out of you, it needs your hands not your more than capable brain. The system needs us to obey, not to make a difference. No free mind is a safe mind out there. They will try to make you feel like you’re the problem. The nutjob.
Search for those who escaped the magician’s hat. Read about them, talk directly to them, study their ways and then break the rules and do something unique. Give time and space to yourself in order to achieve your greatest dreams. Rome wasn’t build in a day. Feeling like a failure just because it didn’t work the first time won’t do you any good. Pessimism and optimism is a mindset thing, not a rule to live by. Look back and revalue your work, try to make it better, improve it and evolve it. Use your now experience on your past works and ideas.
Being able to make a thought means that you’re able to make it happen. Try to always remember that. People forget how different our lives used to be back in the day and how we made a difference. Nobody said it was easy, only that now is a bit easier. Use your devices as the tools that they really are, without trying to become part of the noise. In other words try to overcome yourself, not others. No need to copy, be original, that’s what this world really needs.
Improve yourself day by day and correct the things that just don’t work for you. Everyone has an opinion over how to succeed and what to do, everyone thinks they can give you the specific steps but those steps will not work on everyone. They are not for everyone. That’s what worked for some while others chose a pretty different path that lead them to the same outcome.
If you knew you only had a decade of life left, how would you spend that decade?
Besides my 9-5 day job as a graphic and web designer, I sacrificed my personal free time to get my thoughts in such order that people would be able to understand my point of view. They didn’t. Most, especially the ones closer to me, not only had no faith in my art, they also criticised me and my work as disturbed, unethical, edgy and even demonised.
At the same time, people from around the world, the ones I never got to meet in person, believed in me and my art so much that they even tattooed their skin with my logo. Can you believe that? People are walking down the streets somewhere, with the Decaydead Nation logo imprinted on them permanently. They taught me loyalty and support, determination and focus in the purest way possible. This is when I realised that sharing the same blood doesn’t mean family.
More and more people could see that my art was never meant to be truly disturbing… without a deeper purpose behind it. Some only see naked bodies where I see vulnerability without fear, independence and divinity. Some see the knives and blades coming out of human bodies when I see people from real life being weaponised and used because trauma does that quite a lot actually. It makes you think that people will only take you seriously if you show some teeth. Some people even think that I’m against pharmacy and all the goods it has brought to people over the years but that’s not even close to reality.
It is the ‘the end justifies the means’ that’s bothering me. It is when people play God that’s bothering me… as if a man was ever meant to hold such power. Others think that I I hate men and that I’m against my own nature when all I do is expressing my concerns on men’s behaviour towards women and children since the beginning of time. Correct me if I’m wrong but in 2023, humanity should have been released of fighting each other over rights that we all supposed to have equally.
People now days seem to be unable to take some time to truly reflect on art. They see pictures all the time on their phones, TV and computers that they think that’s all there is. Just pictures and videos. In reality, there is not a single screen out there without a hidden signal, a hidden message. How am I and every other dark artist the evil and disturbed ones when all we do is sharing how the picture feels and not what it captures.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.decaydead.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/argusdorian
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/decaydead
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/argusdorian
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@argusdorian_Dark_Artist