Meet Caley Rose

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Caley Rose. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Caley, so great to have you with us and we want to jump right into a really important question. In recent years, it’s become so clear that we’re living through a time where so many folks are lacking self-confidence and self-esteem. So, we’d love to hear about your journey and how you developed your self-confidence and self-esteem.
Hi! My name is Caley Rose, and I’m a Billboard-charting singer and the creator of Music with a Message, a school assembly program and curriculum that brings confidence tools into schools to help build student’s self-esteem!

Self-confidence and self-esteem are skills I didn’t have growing up, plus I thought they were inherent. I began to realize that they were buildable and learnable and wanted to develop self-confidence myself. For a long time, I didn’t love myself, I didn’t even like myself, and it was a dark time for me that lasted for over a decade! It all began for me with a choice- I wanted to love myself. That’s truly the first step. I don’t know how many lives we have, but I know I’m here now and want to experience life as a person who likes myself, so I made the choice to begin that journey.

I believe that we build self-confidence through action. We take a step forward every day in the direction of our goals, whether that goal is self love or to reach a dream, and every time we do, we begin to develop more and more faith in ourselves. Through my Music with a Message program that I bring into schools and women’s shelters across the country, I send students home with “WOW” lists. Every time they do something that felt scary before they attempted it, that’s a big wow. It can be as small as attempting to tie their shoes and as big, for adults, as placing cold calls or going to a networking event. Those are all wins and wows that help us build our self-confidence! When we follow through on taking action, we start to believe more in ourselves and our ability.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?
Billboard charting artist and motivational speaker, Caley Rose, is an empowering pop singer and songwriter whose music has been featured on Top 40 radio, TV, commercials & film. After being severely bullied in middle school, Caley dedicated her life to finding her own self esteem and to empowering women and students to discover their own. She created her Music with a Message program to bring “confidence tools into schools,” by using the power of music. She also regularly partners with women’s and children’s charities across the country.

This former Off-Broadway singer has received an Inspiration grant for her work empowering women and students, and her songs have been featured on FOX4 and Adobe. Her songs have also appeared in commercials for Lipton, a documentary “Beauty Isn’t Pretty,” in the Teacher Wellness Summit, and on Telemundo. Her music has also received awards from the John Lennon Songwriting Contest, Mid-Atlantic Song Contest, the Empower Positive Music Awards, and more. She is currently on a cross-country tour in her self-renovated airstream trailer, “The Shiny Twinkie.”

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
1) My favorite self-confidence tool: saying “why not me?” If you see someone having an experience that you desire, realizing why not you? Will help you create that experience for yourself. Use jealousy as a tool!

2) Taking imperfect action. Perfectionism is really just fear trying to protect us. It’s never going to be perfect. Act!

3) Trust your gut. I used to think I didn’t have an intuition. We all have an intuition! Find yours and listen to it fiercely

What’s been one of your main areas of growth this year?
My school SEL assembly program, Music with a Message, has grown so much in the past 12 months. When I woke up one morning a year and a half ago thinking about how I was bullied and wanting to help kids get through that experience, I never imagined how quickly this program could build. When you’re on the right track in life, the universe or God or whatever you believe in definitely sends you signs and support. Now we’ve been on NPR, TV in Kansas and Colorado, and empowered 2000 students in 5 states! I love helping people build their confidence through empowering music!

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Image Credits
Wildwood Photography, Tarah Jansen Simply Wavy, Javon Charleston

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