Meet Cherie Edwards

We were lucky to catch up with Cherie Edwards recently and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Cherie , so happy to have you on the platform and I think our readers are in for a treat because you’ve got such an interesting story and so much insight and wisdom. So, let’s start with a topic that is relevant to everyone, regardless of industry etc. What do you do for self-care and how has it impacted you?
If I talk about nothing with my clients, I talk BOUNDARIES and self care. Some of the things that are essential to my self care include quiet time (i.e. no phone, no screens, no people, just me and God.); exercise (I lift weights 3-4 times per week and get some form of cardio at least twice weekly.); prayer, meditation, time with family and friends, listening to music, reading, journaling, AND THERAPY!!!

The impact of self care for me is being able to be present for my clients. I take care of my own stress and manage my own emotions so that I can teach and help others to do the same. I absolutely practice what I preach.

Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?
I am the owner and CEO of Work in Progress Counseling Services. We have two locations (Birmingham, AL and Tuscaloosa, AL). I am also a licensed professional counselor specializing in trauma and PTSD.

Last year, I founded More Work More Progress, a nonprofit company whose sole mission is to expand mental health awareness and access to services throughout our local community, state, and across the globe. I recently released a guided journal to raise awareness and money to aid people who are uninsured to receive mental health services.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
Coachable– I have had a couple of business coaches and several mentors over my career. When I have been given feedback, I incorporated it. I allow my network to support me.

Open minded– Being open minded is cousins with being coachable. I am always willing to hear someone else’s perspective. This is how I keep learning and growing.

Driven— When my youngest child was 6 months old and still nursing, I went back to school to get my masters degree in counseling. About 6 months into the program, my ex filed for divorce and moved out. The program was supposed to take 2-3 years. I completed it 2 months shy of two years.

Before we go, any advice you can share with people who are feeling overwhelmed?
When I feel overwhelmed, I start with unplugging. I get away from my cell phone and social media. I then do the following… Depending on what has me overwhelmed determines the order…

I go for a run while listening to loud music.

I reach out to my support network. You have to know who can help with what. I have specific people who help me when I am professionally overwhelmed and those are not the same people who I reach out to when I am personally overwhelmed.

However, sometimes before I reach out to others, I need to spend time alone. Quiet time with my thoughts, journaling, prayer, meditation.

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