Meet Courtney McCullagh

We recently connected with Courtney McCullagh and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Courtney, thanks for sharing your insights with our community today. Part of your success, no doubt, is due to your work ethic and so we’d love if you could open up about where you got your work ethic from?
Both of my parents have always been hard workers and simply love people and helping people. I definitely got my extraverted nature from them as well as my late grandmother who always gave me a reason to strive for higher goals. I am the first in my family to graduate college and start my own business and thankfully my family has always lifted me up to continue on to achieve my dreams. I’ve always felt it was an ultimate goal to do more for my family’s name/legacy to go on “The Road Less Traveled”.

I also feel it is my duty to work hard to do all that I can to help people eat vegan in order to save animals. So if I can use my skills and/or resources to cause less harm to both the animals and people, then I’m happy to work as hard as I can to do so.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
I am a proud entrepreneur with a focus on sustainability and veganism. I have owned and operated my own social media agency for the past 5 years and have helped vegan businesses gain social media recognition while creating unique content for them.

I also create fun content for my own personal page on Instagram @thecolorfulcourtney, which has gained a recent following with my vegan travels and food adventures.

In addition to my work in social media management and content creation, I am also a bus tour guide specifically hosting vegan bus tours around Dallas, Texas, and beyond! It has been such a fun venture that I’ve had the pleasure of doing the last 2 years, which has only risen in attendees!

I have some more exciting projects coming up such as branded physical items I’ll be releasing and more events I’ll be hosting to get the community more involved with local vegan restaurants in craftmakers!

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
Sales, Content Creation, People Skills.

Knowing how to talk to people and create lasting relationships with like-minded business owners and/or companies is vital.

Having a unique voice and knowing what makes you different is always key.

Showcasing your creativity, no matter how “out there” or “strange” others might say it is, is always a great asset to make an impact or stand out from the crowd.

How would you describe your ideal client?
My ideal client is someone who truly wants the greater good for both people and animals. Someone who is excited to grow their name in the vegan and/or sustainable community and wants to make a lasting impact with their product or service.

Contact Info:

Image Credits
They were all taken by me and/or my husband John Francis McCullagh.

Suggest a Story: BoldJourney is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.
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