Meet Dr. Joy Pedersen

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Dr. Joy Pedersen. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Dr. Joy, we’re so excited for our community to get to know you and learn from your journey and the wisdom you’ve acquired over time. Let’s kick things off with a discussion on self-confidence and self-esteem. How did you develop yours?
I was timid and was raised to be concerned with what the neighbors thought, which was significantly inhibiting and limiting. As an adult, I was called to channel and publish a book by Archangel Michael. Taking the dictation was easy, but the challenge was not getting it published because I was embarrassed to tell people I could channel angels. So, the book sat there until I pushed myself to take myself on as a client and clear the causes of my fears. As an intuitive spiritual healer, I could see past lives. I could identify and then cleared eight lifetimes of persecution. My subconscious protected me from being tortured and murdered again, so it blocked me from speaking out. Once I cleared those lifetimes, I was able to publish the book. Once the book came out, however, I was hesitant to speak out about it, so I did another spiritual healing session and uncovered more past lives of persecution and other lives where I was publicly humiliated. Last night, I thought about how amazing it was to deliver a two-hour seminar to a new audience on a controversial subject without hesitation. I am so grateful to have the gift to release the blocks to feel confident because it makes me feel better about myself and helps me grow my business more easily.

Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?
I help people identify the hidden causes of their personal and business challenges negatively affecting money, relationships, health and well-being. I read past lives and see where the cause of people’s karma derives from and then can clear those issues. I love the work both because it is fascinating, and I’ve learned so much about history also doing this work, but it is heart-warming knowing I’m helping to improve so many lives.

One of the highlights I enjoy in my practice is when I can help release any blocks to people connecting to their high self and Source. When they can receive direct guidance, it is exciting to see them get needed clarity and how they save time and money.

God made me World Mother on January 8, 2020, and the global work I have been doing for years took on a new depth. I was also gifted the opportunity to work with a colleague who was made World Son, and sharing that work with someone made it more fun. Our intense focus for a couple of years took hours daily. It was such a privilege working for Source directly to help improve the world more dramatically. And getting to know God so personally has been a real treat and insight. Although this pro bono work has been time-consuming and exhausting, it has been highly fulfilling.

I look forward to sharing more of my stories with all of the above in new blog posts and books and with live audiences.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
Learning to trust my gut and staying within the integrity of my feelings has been significant. God will speak to us through our feelings. If something feels off, don’t let anyone talk you into what is uncomfortable. But discernment is also crucial as it may be a subconscious fear that needs to be released. It will be helpful to go within to see if it is a justified fear or something else.

The best skill or gift all have is to ask Source for advice on the highest and best choice before taking action. It saves time, money, and aggravation and helps avoid creating karma. In clearing the cause of issues, many were due to arrogance. If we think we know more than God, we are mistaken. We all have made mistakes throughout our lifetimes, but when trying to rectify those mistakes, asking Source for guidance to fix them is also extremely useful. Getting the insights for the highest and best and following that advice will provide more optimal results.

The last is to forgive yourself and others for any mistakes. Otherwise, we hold ourselves and all back. God can only completely heal what we can completely forgive.

If you knew you only had a decade of life left, how would you spend that decade?

Considering I’ve spent a large part of my adult life focused on clearing and rebalancing global issues for free, it would be nice to think that the next ten years could be more about me enjoying my life. But I’m guided to travel, heal, and teach where needed. I’d love to see people donate to assist in furthering this work because it is costly and taxing on me. If in those ten years more people awaken to what is really causing their challenges, and having those people contribute in either supporting the work done for them or learning to do the work themselves, that would help. The new Golden Age has been fully birthed, but it takes effort to build it. I don’t have the time, energy, or ability to do it all myself. It would be wonderful to have the contribution of time, money, and effort from others to help establish the new Golden Age in the next ten years.

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Image Credits
I have the rights. Finkbeiner Photography for the headshot with the magenta shirt is the only one that needs credit.

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