Meet Elias Horat

We recently connected with Elias Horat and have shared our conversation below.

Elias, so excited to have you with us today. So much we can chat about, but one of the questions we are most interested in is how you have managed to keep your creativity alive.
These factors can be categorized as work and non-work aspects, which may initially appear trivial but hold utmost significance. Firstly, our professional endeavors play a crucial role in nurturing creativity by offering a diverse range of projects. Through engaging in various ventures, we acquire valuable insights from residential undertakings that can be applied to our commercial endeavors. Extensive research on materials for an apartment building, for instance, can inspire innovative additions to an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). The demands of our workload and our design thinking processes fuel inspiration, ensuring a continuous influx of creativity in our daily work routine.

Secondly, the hours dedicated to non-work activities are equally instrumental in fostering creativity, just as much as the time spent in front of a computer, crafting drawings, or engaging with clients. Every weekend, I consciously detach myself from work-related matters, refraining from checking emails or answering calls. This deliberate disconnection allows me to recharge and redirect my focus towards nurturing personal relationships, enriching my personal life, exploring the captivating facets of my city, and most importantly, immersing myself in nature. It has become evident that nature and travel act as indispensable catalysts for creativity, permeating throughout our entire organizational culture, influencing both our projects and products.

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
I am Elias, the founder and studio director of Creates Cool, a design studio based in San Francisco. Growing up in the vast expanse of Montana’s Big Sky, I ventured to San Francisco after completing my Masters of Architecture. With a resolute stride, I embrace new challenges, steep learning curves, and periods of growth. My previous experiences encompass a wide range, from meticulously detailing a compact cabin for Getaway to contributing to the development of expansive 300,000 sq ft tech campuses. The diversity of project types and architectural styles I have encountered has been immensely gratifying. I eagerly anticipate embarking on new ventures, collaborating with existing clients, and continuing to pursue my passion for design.

At Creates Cool, we pride ourselves on being a versatile design studio established in 2020 under the leadership of licensed architect and designer, Elias Horat. Our objective is to deliver exceptional projects to our clients by combining meticulous conceptual designs with a technology-driven process. Our philosophy revolves around the belief that we do not adhere to a single predetermined style or aesthetic. Rather, our projects emerge as a result of collaborative efforts with our clients, the unique qualities of the sites, and the specific goals of each undertaking.

Our mission is to create designs that cater to a diverse audience, employing a transparent process that not only prioritizes affordability but also promotes healthier and more fulfilling lives. We are dedicated to crafting remarkable designs that resonate with individuals from all walks of life.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
We have dedicated significant efforts to prioritize communication, creativity, and empathy within our practice. Our primary objective is to establish effective communication channels and ensure absolute clarity for our clients. We firmly believe in avoiding the role of gatekeepers of knowledge and strive to eliminate any sense of obscurity. By fostering an environment of openness and transparency, we aim to alleviate the frustrations that many clients have historically experienced when dealing with architects and designers.

Creativity, as previously mentioned, lies at the core of our identity. We actively encourage and nurture creativity in all facets of our work, extending beyond the realm of project design. We adopt innovative approaches to templates, standards, communication channels, and daily work practices. By infusing creativity into these areas, we continually explore new possibilities and generate novel solutions.

Furthermore, I have personally recognized the value of empathy and seek to cultivate it within our workplace. It is essential for our team members to understand the perspective of our clients, empathizing with their challenges such as the financial strain of rent payments during the often protracted permitting process. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of empathy within our team dynamics. This entails understanding each other’s workloads, responsibilities, and the various factors that impact us collectively. By fostering empathy, we strengthen both our client relationships and our internal cohesion as a team.

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed? Any advice or strategies?
I employ both an older and a more refined strategy for managing my workload, and while both methods are effective, the latter proves to be superior. Initially, I create a list—an approach that may seem cliché but yields fruitful results. The list is meticulously organized based on priority and due dates. I categorize tasks according to their urgency, distinguishing those that must be addressed today, specifying whether they are better suited for the early or late afternoon, tasks that can be tackled tomorrow, and those that can be scheduled for later in the week. Furthermore, I extend this organization to encompass broader company growth objectives, planning for the short term (weekly and monthly) as well as longer-term projections.

Once the list is crafted, offering a clear overview of what needs to be accomplished, I am often prepared to commence the process of gradually addressing each item. However, should I find myself experiencing heightened levels of stress or mental strain, I opt to take a brief 10-20-minute hiatus from my computer. In the past, my approach involved watching 5-10-minute YouTube compilations featuring beloved characters from my favorite television shows—a somewhat unconventional yet comforting break. Observing Leslie Knope’s finest moments or indulging in Michael Scott’s most chaotic clips provided a welcomed respite. While this method may appear lighthearted, it genuinely served as a soothing interlude.

In contrast, my more recent strategy adopts a more focused and serene approach. I dedicate 10-15 minutes to engage in yoga exercises, primarily emphasizing stretching and meditation. This updated approach significantly enhances my mental preparedness to tackle extensive to-do lists, fostering a more conducive headspace. Admittedly, on occasion, I still indulge in the enjoyment of amusing YouTube clips; however, their role has diminished in light of the benefits derived from my new mindfulness-oriented routine.

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