Meet Elizabeth McCartney

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Elizabeth McCartney. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Elizabeth, so good to have you with us today. We’ve always been impressed with folks who have a very clear sense of purpose and so maybe we can jump right in and talk about how you found your purpose?
As a being created to become a Channel to and of the Source of all light, life and being I began the alignment to my purpose as an energetic healer through not particular moment or epiphany, but rather throughout the entirety of the course of my life, with every trajectory and shift blending ceaselessly to create my calling throughout. Every experience, encounter, whether of trial or of joy led me to this place in my path.

As a child I was raised and fostered in a home of instability. My father suffered poverty, abuse and neglect throughout the course of his life. This unhealed led to consequences beyond his own recognition, including his addiction to prescribed drugs, alcohol and sexually addictive behaviors and was the root causation of that which led eventually to his sexual abuse of me as a child. My mother though raised in a stable home carried within her the genetic predisposition to alcoholism and addiction. This unhealed was carried into her adulthood which led to her inability to live in a mentally, emotionally or physically stable way.

During a precipice of movement within my life, Source called me forward to embrace fully the calling of my life’s purpose to my path. My guides and Source taught me not to fear that which was my union previously in life to these experiences, but to empower myself fully from them.

For though this was the corrupted template from which I born and was of facing to it in my younger years without true conscious or understanding, I now consciously understood that if I was not merely to be a consequence or a victim of my parents unhealed wounds and ways, I had to take the personal responsibility to undergo my own healing of this. If I had not chosen to do so I would then be perpetually fostering the generational lineage of abuse and addiction with dire consequences to myself and all in my path.

This was when I moved my experiences to not be unions of victimization to me, but rather strength and inspiration, and that is when I understood my purpose in this life was to not be only a healer of myself but to be a healer of all who have suffered the atrocities and consequence of another’s unhealed and unconscious nature. This is that from which I draw inspiration and empowerment from each day.

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
As a channel and an energetic healer, I channel directly to the Source of all light, life and being, then from Source, I shift into the individual soul’s moment of creation, enabling deep union into the being’s entire energetic lineage whether in light or life or simultaneously as many beings exist in the grace of human form.

From the point of connection, I access the lineage of the individual, unifying channels of their past, present and future lines within their energetic and physical existence. I then align energetically the connection between the energetic, physical, emotional and mental bodies. Through conscious offering and guidance, I bring expansion of the being’s consciousness by channeling the unconscious and subconscious mind’s energies to reveal the root causes of patterns exhibited within the being that require depth of examination, release and healing.

The most beautiful of awakenings is birthed from this energetic and conscious evolution and is akin to witnessing a well spring being unleashed from within the being to flow wildly and freely outward. It is this that I devote myself to, for to be of union to helping another awaken and evolve into a more radiant being is the sole purpose of my life’s offering and calling.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
When I look back within the guidance to me offered, it was ever to be of integrity, consciousness and alignment to my purpose and calling, with neither limitation or boundary. To not view this as a singular facet of my life alone, but to understand that I was to bring it within, as integral to me as breath, and allow it to integrate and become sustaining to all aspects of my life and being.

To any who endeavor to create from within themselves their passion into calling, their purpose into being, they must release themselves from all preconceived boundary and limitation and be of true integrity, consciousness and alignment to its birth from within them, and allow none to dissuade them from it.

What would you advise – going all in on your strengths or investing on areas where you aren’t as strong to be more well-rounded?
As a being devoted to the conscious and energetic healing of others, I feel it is ever of beauty to allow oneself to evolve into the strengths from that which was previously unrecognized and unborn from within them. This is the deepest of all processes, for too many to become is the delicate nature of releasing themselves from the constraints of insecurity and the bonds of fear that familial patterns and societal standards have sought to suppress them in.

One must ever be of the consciousness to break openly from the voices of oppression who seek to silence them and be not afraid to stand openly outward and declare themselves able by way of evolution to become, or one will sit in shadow, silence and stagnation and never allow themselves the grace of becoming that which they were divinely created to be.

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Image Credits
Portrait – self Istock images

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