Meet Gabrielle Valderas

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Gabrielle Valderas. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Gabrielle, so many exciting things to discuss, we can’t wait. Thanks for joining us and we appreciate you sharing your wisdom with our readers. So, maybe we can start by discussing optimism and where your optimism comes from?
Optimism is a skill that, I feel, is enhanced when you take time to reflect. There are many times in each of our careers where we feel we are facing insurmountable challenges, or we feel we’ve hit the end of our luck. What I’ve found, is that often when I look back in reflection on these times, they were truly a blessing in disguise. For example, when I was let go from my first post-grad job due to COVID I felt discouraged and lost in the moment. What I didn’t know at the time was that being let go would set me on a journey of entrepreneurship which would change the course of my career for the better. I feel that time passed is the best way to gain perspective and optimism: the challenges you’re facing today may be viewed differently when you reflect back on them in a few years.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
I am excited to be a part of a talented team of entrepreneurs developing a cutting edge all-in-one real estate marketing automation platform. Our software, Capsure, helps real estate agents save time and money by automatically creating AND posting social media content for them daily. I’m passionate about bringing this software to life because there is truly no other tool on the market that offers agents this much functionality at such a low price.

What makes Capsure unique is our set-it-and-forget-it approach to social media: real estate agents only need to spend about 15 minutes setting up their account, and Capsure’s patent-pending software does the heavy lifting to generate and post custom images on the agent’s behalf.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
One of the most important assets is the ability to learn (and unlearn) new skills. Being able to admit that you will always have room for growth, and being forward-thinking enough to seek out knowledge on your own. Along with this, it takes humility to admit when something you are doing is not working and unlearn that skill or behavior.

One of our goals is to help like-minded folks with similar goals connect and so before we go we want to ask if you are looking to partner or collab with others – and if so, what would make the ideal collaborator or partner?
Capsure is searching for real estate agents to test our patent-pending software. We are excited to share our hard work with the real estate community and feel confident that we have designed a tool that is truly unparalleled and will save agents time and money while helping them grow their business.

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