Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Greg and Wendy Watts. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Hi Greg and Wendy, thank you for being such a positive, uplifting person. We’ve noticed that so many of the successful folks we’ve had the good fortune of connecting with have high levels of optimism and so we’d love to hear about your optimism and where you think it comes from.
During these modern times and with all the distractions of everyday life, most people experience the same mixture of emotions and thoughts present in our society. With the constant attack of confusion, doubt, disconnect and trouble from everyday media bombardment, It can be a challenge to remain optimistic and hopeful for the future. It is like the popular analogy of life: “Is the glass half full or half empty’’? My wife and I have our own philosophy on this which I will get to in a moment.
My wife, Wendy, and I had discovered how to remain an upbeat and positive attitude a long time ago. While growing up and entering adulthood, we had learned to stay true to ourselves. With the trial and tribulations of education, business, marriage, raising children, active social life and eventually, taking care of our elders, there have been key factors in maintaining an optimistic attitude towards our outlook on life. Through our lives, we have witnessed how different ours other people’s attitudes and personas were from ours. Some people expel light in their dealings with others, others expel darkness, while most of us may do a little of both. We try our best to reflect goodness, kindness, thoughtfulness and over-all good cheer through our business as well as our personal life.
First of all, Wendy and I have a firm faith in God. This is the cornerstone to all that we do, experience and promote. It is in this realm that we find strength to see and feel the positives for our future, the goodness in others, the optimistic view of the world and the hopefulness for our children’s lives.
The main reason for our optimism is that we work as a team. Things can be accomplished easier with two people working side by side compared to only one. Since we had been best friends since high school, we naturally have a strong sense of respect and gratitude towards each other. This makes things easier for us to remain positive with our business, our family and friends and the dealings of everyday situations.
Wendy and I are with each other 24/7 building our business and taking care of our personal life. We depend on each other’s strengths, opinions, suggestions and skills to keep our company moving forward. It is this positive work environment which we created for ourselves that drive a constant motion towards success.
Our optimistic attributes are revealed throughout our business. Our customers have commented on our attitude and positive presentation to our food products. As we grow our business, the optimism grows with it. So both Wendy and I look at “The Glass Analogy” (mentioned prior) in this way… “If you wonder if the glass is either half empty or half full, just pour everything into a smaller glass and you will find it overflowing!”
Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?
My name is Greg Watts, owner and creator of the GW Watts Sauce. My company, GW Watts Inc., is a North Carolina Corporation based out of Asheville NC. Our main business is the creation of handcrafted specialty food products, all derived from a four generation Appalachian family recipe called the “Watts Sauce”. Along with my wife, Wendy, we manufacture, package, distribute and sell over 20 different handcrafted products, and through our published cookbook titled “Watts Cook’n?”, we produce a variety of Barbecue, Mustard, Cocktail and Hot Sauces, along with handcrafted seasonings and other food products. Our sales operation has mostly been direct to consumer but our wholesale channels have been growing this past year.
I am a Chef, not by trade, but by practice. I am a Cook…. A hardcore Foodie that loves grilling, gardening and creating fun and healthy cuisines. I have followed a long family tradition of southern cooking and grilling as well as prior Watts’s generations. While growing up, my parents eventually owned and operated a chain of restaurants, where I learned at an early age, the art of creative cuisine. Food was at the core of my life from a young age.
We are proud that GW Watts Sauce is a No Waste Company. 100% of our ingredients sourced to make our products are used, nothing thrown to the landfill. Our Habanero Pepper Blend Seasoning is dehydrated Chile Pepper pulp and is also a main ingredient in our handcrafted seasonings.
Many consumers are health conscious and desire locally handcrafted products that are created from either locally grown or locally sourced ingredients. We try to offer the best in products created from wholesome and natural ingredients whenever possible. Most of our products are gluten free, vegan and free of chemicals and added preservatives.
Our customers seem to enjoy our story, the delicious flavors of our products and our creative way. With the Watts Sauce, we have attempted to create a sub-culture for other foodies who enjoy creative cooking, handcrafted wholesome products made from locally sourced ingredients and a variety of delicious sauces, mustards and seasonings.
We try to form a bond with our local community and participate in reflecting the goodness, kindness and support of all the local WNC communities. We support many community organizations and events. Wendy and I spent 16 years running a PADS kitchen for feeding the homeless.
With future plans to expand our company with multiple volumes of cookbooks and videos, new delicious sauces, mustards, seasonings and other food products with wholesale and retail operations, we are committed to preserving our delightful handcrafted flavors expected by our customers. The GW Watts Sauce has a large loyal customer following in the Southeastern state and Midwestern state regions. Our plans are to continue expanding our business on a national level. Through the support from all of the Watts Sauce enthusiasts, we will remain the company that will continue to offer all foodies everywhere our downright Real Southern Hot-Spice-Tality! ™
Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
As discussed earlier during this interview, my wife and I are extremely optimistic in our approach to life, love and business. This is a strength which keeps us focused and working hard. Because we work well as a team, Wendy and I have accomplished much during our years establishing GW Watts Inc.
Along with optimism and teamwork, other qualities worth mentioning that Wendy and I possess are creativity, flexibility, resilience, humility and respect. Developed and expanded throughout our many years together, these traits are the key building blocks to our life’s journey.
It is our opinion that when beginning a small company or expanding on a new idea, the entrepreneur should follow similar steps we have endured. First, one should be creative in the ideas and approach for the development of their ideas. Be thorough in your developmental planning with the understanding that the process of development will most likely change (usually traumatically and often).
Second, be flexible during these periods of adjustments and change. Allow fresh approaches and ideas gravitate into your business plan while not taking yourself too seriously. Remain humble and energetic.
Thirdly, increase your perspective by listening to other ideas or knowledge form individuals you may meet. During your journey, a small business owner or artist will meet a variety of individuals. Many will have opinions or suggestion that may be of assistance to your development.
Stay true to yourself and not worry how the final stage of your idea or business may become. Stay on course, evaluate your progress and adjust your approach when mistakes are made. Don’t rush the development of your ideas but stay focus! Allow your business to develop at its own pace but have the next stage of expansion outlined for continuity. Have the resilience to see things through…never give up!
It is in our opinion that these are building blocks for anyone that is beginning their journey that needs to create a successful small business or develop a new idea or art. At least, they helped us develop our ideas and business.
If you knew you only had a decade of life left, how would you spend that decade?
Since beginning the GW Watts Sauce in 2013, we have grown our company from an initial investment of $1000 to the successful small specialty food company it is now. Since Covid, the last three years of sales have mostly been Direct – To – Consumer avenues. These sales and marketing avenues largely consist of Ecommerce sales, street markets, trade shows and local events. We have developed a solid wholesale business in the Midwest and are looking at expanding it in North Carolina. It is our plan to grow our retail outlet sales this year as well.
Our biggest challenge that we face is how to meet the growing demand for our products. Wendy and I produce all of our products in our certified kitchen based in Asheville, NC. We see the future challenge of incorporating a co-package company to eventually make all of our products. The problem with engaging a co-packing company is that we currently have over 20 food products that we manufacture and sell. Not only will the co-packaging company need to adopt our manufacturing processes, some which are trade secrets, but also we would incur a massive manufacturing costs for these products.
We began a small grass roots company ten years ago and it has developed at its own pace until now. We are sure the next steps will be very challenging but rewarding!
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