Meet Heather Bostick

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Heather Bostick. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Alright, so we’re so thrilled to have Heather with us today – welcome and maybe we can jump right into it with a question about one of your qualities that we most admire. How did you develop your work ethic? Where do you think you get it from?
My dedication to excellence is evident in my commitment to continuous learning and skill development, values instilled in me by both parents. My approach to work is with a mindset of constant improvement, always seeking new knowledge and techniques to enhance my craft. This commitment ensures that I deliver the best possible results but also sets me apart in the wedding floral design industry.

My willingness to practice diligently further reinforces my dedication to my craft. I understand mastery comes through repeated practice and refinement, and I embrace this process wholeheartedly. This commitment to practicing allows me to hone my skills and create exceptional floral designs that exceed expectations for weddings and events.

Overall, my work ethic is a testament to your passion for floral design and my desire to always strive for the highest standards of excellence. With dedication and commitment that contribute significantly to mysuccess in the industry, sets me apart as a truly exceptional wedding floral designer.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
At Fashionable Florist, we pride ourselves on crafting extraordinary floral designs that elevate weddings and events into unforgettable experiences. What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to innovation, sustainability, and exceeding expectations with every bespoke arrangement.

Established in 2022, Fashionable Florist was born from a deep-rooted passion for floral design and a vision to infuse the elegance and sophistication of couture fashion into the world of flowers. With a background in teaching and a lifelong dream of becoming a floral designer, I pursued my passion wholeheartedly, laying the foundation for a brand synonymous with bespoke creativity and unparalleled customer service.

Central to our ethos is our dedication to sustainability. We meticulously select blooms that are seasonal and local for our designs, ensuring that each creation not only dazzles but also minimizes environmental impact. Our use of chicken wire and biodegradable foam for installations underscores our commitment to eco-conscious practices, ensuring that our designs are not only beautiful but also sustainable.

Excitingly, we are expanding our offerings to include private flower bar parties and workshops. These new services allow us to share our passion for floral design with a broader audience, providing engaging and immersive experiences for individuals and groups alike.

As we continue to grow, our dedication to excellence and sustainability remains steadfast. We are committed to delivering the highest quality floral designs and unparalleled service, ensuring that every event we are involved in is truly exceptional and leaves a lasting impression.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
My passion for floral design and dedication to pursuing my dream despite challenges and setbacks have been instrumental in my journey. This passion has driven me to continuously improve my skills, seek out new learning opportunities, and stay committed to providing exceptional service to my clients. To develop or improve this quality, it’s essential to stay connected to my passion and remind myself of why I started this journey in the first place. I surround myself with inspiration, whether it’s through attending workshops, following other designers on social media, or immersing myself in nature’s beauty.

My ability to think creatively and innovate in my designs has set me apart in the industry. My clients appreciate my unique approach and willingness to explore new ideas and trends. To develop and improve this skill, it’s important to continuously challenge myself to think outside the box. I experiment with different floral combinations, explore new design techniques, and stay abreast of emerging trends in the industry. I am not afraid to take risks and push the boundaries of traditional floral design.

I have an understanding of the business side of floral design, including managing costs, dealing with limitations, and marketing my services, which has been crucial to my success thus far. This knowledge has helped me make informed decisions, attract clients, and grow my business. To develop or improve this area, it’s important to educate yourself on basic business principles, such as budgeting, pricing strategies, and marketing techniques. Consider taking courses or workshops specifically tailored to small business owners in the creative industry; networking with individuals within the same industry is also valuable.

For those early in their journey, my advice would be to:

Stay true to your passion and vision. Remember why you started and let that drive you forward.
Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. Don’t be discouraged by setbacks but instead use them as stepping stones to success.
Surround yourself with a supportive community of fellow designers, mentors, and industry professionals who can offer guidance, advice, and encouragement.
Continuously seek out new learning opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills. Attend workshops, conferences, and networking events to stay current with industry trends and techniques.
Stay flexible and adaptable. The floral industry is constantly evolving, so be willing to adapt to new trends, technologies, and customer preferences.
Never stop experimenting and pushing yourself creatively. Your unique perspective is what sets you apart in the industry, so don’t be afraid to showcase your creativity and innovation in your designs.

Tell us what your ideal client would be like?
My ideal client is someone who sees flowers as an essential element in their event, not just as decorations but as a way to create an unforgettable atmosphere. They value the artistry and craftsmanship behind my bespoke floral arrangements and are willing to invest in a personalized experience that reflects their vision and style. They are conscious of the environment where sustainability and eco-conscious practices are used, making my commitment to using environmentally friendly materials and methods a significant selling point for them. They are likely to be trend-conscious, looking for vendors who can offer them the latest styles and designs in the wedding industry, and they see my ability to bring a fashion-forward perspective as a key factor in choosing me for their event.

My potential clients are not just looking for a floral designer; they’re seeking a partner who can collaborate with them to bring their vision to life. They value my expertise and trust my judgment, allowing me to suggest innovative ideas and unique floral combinations that will truly set their wedding apart. They appreciate the personal touch I bring to my work, knowing that I am not just creating their wedding, but crafting experiences that will be remembered for years to come.

In addition to weddings, my ideal client may also be interested in hosting other special events where floral design plays a significant role, such as anniversary parties, milestone birthdays, or corporate events. They see flowers as a way to elevate these occasions and create a memorable atmosphere that will impress their guests.

Overall, my ideal client is someone who values creativity, uniqueness, and sustainability in floral design, and who is looking for a partner who can bring their vision to life in a way that is both stylish and environmentally conscious.

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Instagram: @fashionableflorist
  • Facebook: @fashionableflorist
  • Other: TikTok: @fashionableflorist

Image Credits

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